Did you know June in pride month?

Did you know June in pride month?

Do you have any plans to honor LGBPQ+ people?

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I'm fag and require no one honoring me for anything. I honor myself by being a good person. All the LGBTQRSTUV crap is just bullshit to warp the minds of the weak.

should it just be LGB?

I plan on celebrating by getting some blowjobs at pride events

Gay guy here, what seems to be the problem?

Maybe I'll give those Fran Blanche videos a change, she is obviously a very talented electronics engineer and not easily offended.

LOL literally any guy who has to say this is insecure about their sexuality

we could burn some crosses in their yard to show our solidarity

It should just be G, gays, which would encompass L and B.

Watching Rocky Horror and singing Gay or European but replacing “gay" with “a faggot".

God bless Edith Massey.
She was a diva ahead of her time.
Her picture disc takes pride of place in my collection.

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Very secure in my sexuality. Perhaps is the reason why I'm able to see right thru the propaganda.

Gay doesn't 'encompass' bisexual. Just like you would be offended if i called you gay, i know a lot of bisexual people that would be angry at being labelled gay and not bi. come on dude

Do gays replicate like a zombie plague or is it just through Hollywood?

I'll buy you a beer and let you play with my cock, and I'm not even gay but that's how impressed I am with you!

>Just like you would be offended if i called you gay
the correct term here is "huge faggot"

I replicated by marrying a female and making her preggo. You know. Replication via the old fashioned way. Put the P in the V and you get babby 10 months later.

I plan to go to the Pride Parade like I do every year, to take pics of all the hot lesbian titties on display.

Pink Flamingos is a crazy film.

I always thought it should be D/S for dominant and submissive
as for bathrooms, D/W for dick and womb

I don't drink beer and only sex alpha males so...

Not every gay person supports that left wing alphabet poofter bullshit. Some of us have gone back into the closet to get away from the cunts.

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Nice LARP, any Straight guy would tell you that Straight larvae only incubate for 9 months.

Why are they so offended? I would be just fine if someone called me a huge faggot or anything else, regardless of my sexual orientation.

I know, other fags scared me into the closet too. HH

test looks poorly conducted

I call myself a poofter on jewbook and am regularly banned for doing it.
The fact is, I AM a poofter. Fucking hypocrites.

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These were fucking funny at the time.
Problem is people nowaday take it seriously.


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well that's you, but you'd be lying if you said at least 80% of straight guys don't get offended if someone calls them gay. the very proof of this is that gay is nowadays thrown around as an insult

Yes, I shall honor their ancestors by killing off as many as possible.

fuck no

I will honor their deaths by encouraging them to die more.

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looks like Madonna, that fag-hag

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That's why the left fags are so fucked. They have turned it around 100% on itself and it just makes them look fucking stupid.

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Well I can't afford a helicopter, so no.

Fags dont derserve a month.
What have they ever done or been through?
Just suck your cocks in private this is why people hate gays.

I plan to say within earshot of them in coffee stores, 'you know, it's odd but it kind of seems to me if you have to announce have pride to each other, you're probably ashamed. Real pride has no need to announce itself. What do YOU think.' Then smile and take my coffee out the store without looking at them.

Just kind of allow that wasp to start spinning around in their head.

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Edith and Divine could be Miss Americas now!

Now that the swimsuit section is gone.

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How long will it last?

Good point. I'm totally going to spam this in all the white pride threads here now.

They are the most affluent demographic in the United States, buy and own the most houses, collect the most priceless art, and populate your entertainment and media making millions. Then they spend those millions creating foundations to slap each other on the back on how tough it is being gay and brainwashing roasties they can't even stand and call "fish" behind their backs to donate chad's earnings to the various spurious aids causes, and on unending hiv cocktails to stay alive, and then log onto grindr and rent boy to find YET MORE anonymous rectum to chase bugs and cheat death with. Then they refuse to shake hands with you because "you" might "have germs". And plot to change the constitution because you might not serve Cake.

How I know all this: am female, millenial, no longer brainwashed :)

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You know how I know your a dirty shill kike?
A true nat-soc would never desecrate the swastika with rainbows

now that obamas extortion regime cant funnel money to these groups anymore i doubt theyll be able to buy much publicity

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No, they replicate by carefully and quietly nurturing a "in public we'll pretend to hate you in private we support and protect you" relationship with male pedophiles, who in turn select, groom and rape boys so the boys' first sexual experience will be homo instead of hetero, thus implanting a faggotry time bomb inside the child's psyche and pretty much guaranteeing he will glide back into that gay experience to test more of it and become eventually gay like their protectors.

Gay men and gay pedophiles have a lips and teeth relationship like China and North Korea and attend the same DC and Hollywood parties to share intel on how to make you and your sons queer. That is how gays reproduce.
The end.

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I don't let other fags scare me at all, I laugh at them. Seattle born and raised, I've seen everything. You realize if they give you shit for not buying into their LGBTQGGFJFKC propoganda program it's because they're intimidated by you?

>"in public we'll pretend to hate you in private we support and protect you" relationship with male pedophiles,
This is 100% correct. Not all gays support this, but it's a leftard faggot trend that is starting to sicken us.

Gay is quite a meaningless word nowadays. All straight males get called gay some time in their life and yet no one is bitching about it. If I get called gay my usual response is somewhere along the lines "I wish I was. I truely wish."

i honor them every morning when i take a dump.....the flush signifies the purity of their life style in toilets all over the world, especially truck stops..

If you'd actually get laid you would know I am correct.


I thought you were joking but it turned out there is a clear link between childhood abuse and homosexuality. What the fuck.

June. The month of my birth, my father's birth, and his father's birth. The month the allies stormed Normandy.
And now the month of the pozzed. Well done.

so white pride is OK in June?

Literally the only based womyn I’ll ever meet.

>so white pride is OK in June?
Jow Forums really needs to declare a month for white folks and then promote the shit out of it.

Yes I do OP!

My fellow Muslim community is having parties all month to honor the LGBTQHIV+ community by hosting social gatherings at our local mosque. I expect it to be a 'smashing' success!

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wheres straight pride month? how fucking exorbitantly outlandish to you have to be to understand that being and obnoxious retard shouting "IM HELPING" doesn't benefit you at all and just makes you more hated.

>Kills fags
>kills niggers

Is AIDS the whitest disease?

>good person

I respect the flaming queer homo folks. I do. I can see them boys comin from a mile away. Out and proud, excellent. Wear a fucking rainbow flag, tiara, high heels, I don’t care. Swish all you want. What I hate are those down low pedo queers that become preachers, coaches, teachers, shit like that. They put on a facade to get close to kids, and unless you’ve got good gaydar, they’re hard to spot. My wife can scent one out like a truffle pig. Never been wrong. So go ahead and fag it up because as far as I can tell, the ones that flame aren’t the problem, it’s the closet cases that are.

>Pride month
okay serious fucking question: which month ISN'T being pushed as "Pride month"?
god damn I fucking hate kikes

Any excuse to get drunk

Having a cookout

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LGBT are people with a massive identity crisis and a self-harming level of egotism. Their constant need for attention is baffling.

I thought LGBTQHIV+ month was in Decemeber? Where did I get that idea? (((CNN)))


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I can't honor the LGBTQWERTY people properly because they always have police protection in public.