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ivanka uses email

putin uses email

wow trump-russia confirmed

mueller please im pitch

In November 2015, Ivanka Trump told Cohen to speak with Klokov, according to the four sources. Cohen had at least one phone conversation with the weightlifter, they said. It is not known what the men discussed over the phone, but they exchanged a string of emails that are now being examined by congressional investigators and federal agents probing Russia’s election meddling.

In one of those emails, Klokov told Cohen that he could arrange a meeting between Donald Trump and Putin to help pave the way for the tower. Later, Cohen sent an email refusing that offer and saying that the Trump Organization already had an agreement in place. He said he was cutting off future communication with Klokov. Copying Ivanka Trump, the Russian responded in a final brusque message, in which he questioned Cohen’s authority to make decisions for the Trump Organization. Frustrated by the exchange, Ivanka Trump questioned Cohen’s refusal to continue communicating with Klokov, according to one of the sources.

>cry more faggot

Kill yourself my dude

Fuck off buzzfeed

>putin meet obama
>obama meet trump
>trump russia collusion confirmed

The Left literally wants to turn the USA into the fucking USSR, and yet here they are pretending that even contacting one of "those people" is a fucking crime.

Fuck the left.

>actually posting a source less trustworthy than CNN
Did not think it was possible..

It'll be on every outlet within an hour and you know it.
>trumpy's head will explode over "muh daughter'

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until then: fuck off

Linking kikefeed here, day of the rope when?

saged, post em.

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I've got proof of collusion before the inauguration right here

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it'll be forgotten after an hour and you know it

>impitchy's head will explode over "muh russia"


She communicated through a contact about putting a hotel in Moscow.

Wow. You sure do have him now. This is the new's we've all been waiting for. I can't believe it's finally happened. Wow.

Yep. And then it will all result in nothing just as it has every other time.


>no russsian deals
>don't even know any russians
>trump and russia!
can't wait to watch mueller fry disphit ivanka

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>IG Report leaks

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So nothing?
Cohen told her and this bodybuilder to fuck off.

cohen said "we already have a deal"
>even better

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Which obviously proves they colluded to hack DNC emails and the election

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