Normal work day here is 7.30 - 15.30. This american work day is made up so you can't be anything else but a passive work drone, without any down time in the afternoon for yourself. And especially if you drive 30min - 1h to and from work every day.
What's good about it? I can't do anything other than work and sleep. You only get to live a little on weekends and that's it until the next.
Brandon Nguyen
I do 13 hour days, and work for myself Saturdays. Yes it is miserable, but I have managed to keep a girlfriend, buy a house, new car, and preparing for my child due in September. Once things settle down a bit I will find a /comfy/ job, but until then I would rather work more hours than be like many I know that work 30 hour weeks and live in an apartment with a shit car and party all the time.
Michael Cook
> I can't do anything other than work and sleep Nigga what do you spend your time on? There's 24 hours in a day. 9 working leaves 15. Say a half hour commute each way is 14. You've got a couple hours in the morning and evening for chores and cooking food that's about a dozen left. You spend less then half that sleeping so the fuck do you do with the 6+ extra hours in each day?
Jacob Torres
10 hours for work related shit. 8 hours for sleep. 30-1h prepping for work (showering shaving ect) if you cook 30-1h thats just if you do the bare minimum thats still 19-20 hours taken up each work day. Its hard to get fully invested into something with only 4 hours to work on it, even then these 4 hours probably arnt on the same side of your work/sleep meaning you have maybe 2 hours to do something, then sleep then 2 hours to do something then go to work.
Juan Watson
Why would you have to split your 4 hours?
Gabriel Butler
Lmao faggot i work 12 to 14 hour nights
Adam Jackson
You sleep for too long bro. Only teenagers need 8 hours. Adults need just 4-6 depending on the person. That alone should solve your time issues. Also they make TV shows an hour and movies 2 for a reason. That's how long most people have for a single activity. Nobody plans to spend 4+ hours on a single thing in a single sitting during a weekday.
Alexander White
Do you wake up right before going to work/ right after getting home?
Matthew Cooper
>Only teenagers need 8 hours. Adults need just 4-6 depending on the person.
Only if you're a fat slob. If you're going to the gym you're gonna need 8 hours.
John Brown
>Everyone has the same schedule >I'm so glad to be born in some eastern shithole where I can't ever hope to earn more than 100€ a month
Also yes, most people do. If work starts at 9:00, and you want to be there 15 early, and it takes 30 to drive there you need to leave by 8:15. Say it takes you about 25 min to get up, shower, shave and eat and get out the door that means you need to start at 7:50. So you set your alarm for 7:45. Which means you should aim to go to sleep around 2:30.
Dominic Thompson
Stop being a lazy fucking retard. I wake up at 6:30, clock in at 7:00, clock out 15:30, home by 16:00, showered/groomed by 16:30, insert whatever i want from 16:30-00:00. If you cant do anything within that time frame then you're probably retarded.
Parker Cooper
Arnold swarzenegger slept for 6 hours on average and im sure he wasnt aome skinny fat wannabe bitching at the world.
Colton Campbell
I've worked every shift. The primary issue you'll run into is schedule conflicts with friends and family. Other than that working the different hours really don't feel different aside from maybe overnights for some people.
Juan Brooks
And he has god tier genetics, which 99.9% of the population does not have. So why are you trying to point to the exception as the rule?
John Smith
I wake up at 520 and have to be at work for 6, still show up early most days.
It means if he doesnt need fucking 8 hours than neither do you, retard. Was it that hard to figure out the implication? You people who think you need 8 hours of sleep per night are delusional and lack ambition. Go ahead and sleep your life away and pretend as if you're entitled to a more fulfilling life when you're literally wasting 14 hours of your life every week doing absolutely nothing but taking up space.