
I see a lot of people talking about this new governement
Some like it sime dont
But, i have seen white nationalists that simply dislike it because this guy is dark
Do you consider this guy white or european, or not?

Attached: GettyImages-482616532-714x476.jpg (714x476, 66K)

Eh...doesn't matter. Salvini is so chad he'll be a dictator before long.

Attached: matteo salvini.jpg (284x177, 5K)

Not even relevant. It's just mister nobody.
Salveeni is /ourguy/

Not answered my question
Do you consider him white/european or not?

Sargon, nobody cares about entertaining your "What is White?" gameshow.

He's Italian, but also from Napoli, a special place.
What do you mean with "white"?

Suppose for a minute he is a shitskin

He wants to stop illegal immigration.

Mass illegal immigration. By the shipload. From Africa. With no vetting.

I wouldn't care if he's purple as long as he actually get the task of stopping the inflow done

fucking jew shill, die

Some Europeans on the border regions look more exotic, it's just natural, I wouldn't consider him not European, but the guy never claimed to be a white nationalist or any other american term like that, he is not even from the Lega party but the M5S (basically a "leftie" leaning green party who just happens to oppose the mass immigration madness model). Associating border control with white nationalism is retarded, this guy would probably be a Bernie bro in the US.

He looks like he is the brother of that guy from Turkey who assassinated the Russian Ambassador