You guys aren't gonna give up on Patrick Little, right? The battle has only just now begun...

You guys aren't gonna give up on Patrick Little, right? The battle has only just now begun. Please stick by him as he challenges the results of this faux, rigged election. Please don't give up on him.

Attached: patrick little.jpg (200x300, 40K)

Other urls found in this thread:

I really hope he doesn't start claiming the election was rigged. He's already spergy enough.

Yeah it is rigged, he is taking appropriate action. Check his YT channel, he posted a statement. Inb4 shills flood the thread with their divide and conquer / demoralization shit

And I mean that with tremendous respect for going out there and putting his life on the line, but also with practical honesty.

Nope I’m waiting for him to get those ballots.

TRS lost big with Little.

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dont worry user hes at my full support

We didn't lose. He won the vast majority of the Muslim votes, as he spoke to numerous Islamic centers and it is well known that they vote in groups. (((They))) just coincidentally managed to lose the ballots and Patrick Little will get to the bottom of it through the court system. Please don't give up hope.

>muh based muslims
the absolute state of TRS.

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I doubt it was provably rigged so there is no point in pursuing that. Jow Forums should work towards subverting the republican party from the ground up but shouldn't really attack these guys.
Nor should they look to moarpeus for advice

>oy vey dont listen to that moarpheus guy he's a real problem for (((us)))!
lol user. wait until you see what's in store for all of you.

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Kike supremacism MUST end if our people are to survive. No one who actually supported Patrick will give up on him because we know why his cause matters so much. We are going to investigate jewish vote fraud and refurbish all our Pat memes towards the next step in his historic march to the Senate and/or the White House.

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It was rigged. Look on his, there's proof.

Attached: download (7).png (862x572, 104K)

And do what? Whats his game plan?

> Count ballots and make sure that every photo of a vote for him is accounted for as well as erin cruz votes
> Run for president in 2020 on a "I'll concede and endorse Trump if he calls it the lying jewish press just once" platform

TRS and Daily Stormer are fags that don’t understand the difference between meta politics and real politics. They would rather hide out in their pseudononymous shout-caves making podcasts than actually do anything.

What you say and shitpost on Jow Forums only follows in your own head.
I would be more worried about the company that didn't put out robocalls. Pat also should have went into this will more funding.

Patrick Little is just a symptom, the truth is out there and it is contagious.
Don't worry, people ARE waking up, and at an ever increasing rate. And it will only lead to more and more public manifestations like Patrick Little.
I have absolutely zero doubts about that.

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a little advise for the MOSSAD:

get rid of Enoch, Weev, and Anglin.
First, they know too much, and more importantly, Jow Forums has rendered them entirely useless. They're exposed. TRS methodology is exposed and and documented. They're a net loss. The goal is to destroy the Zionist agenda but I don't want to challenge defeated foes -- it's beneath me. So give them a sleeping pill and start over...or stay 100% demoralized.

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I’m not sure what people expected when he tried running in a state like Commiefornia.

he won

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adolf didn't get in his first shot either
but stick around and let's see what his results are like next election

I agree completely
Anybody that commits a psyop against Americans should be hung regardless of politics or political affiliation.

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>zionist kike from /ptg/ spotted
im going to call you out whenever I see you

>should be hung
A painting is hung, a man is hanged.


You know it’s going to take someone shilling Patrick Little threads around the clock. The Jews do it with (((ptg))). If we want to beat (((them))) not only must we copy their methods but we must beat them with our numbers.
>(((they))) organize off line or on specific Jewish websites
We need to get serious about pushing /our/ candidates.
>find people who share your views and Most important, people you trust and introduce them to this site.
And other sites such as YouTube comments section etc.
>plan your shilling campaign and work in teams.
>The objective is to promote all ethno states but pro immigration for Israel only
Shut down all racist and divicive shit here when you see it.
>Do not reply to posters who agree with you, even if they are legit, there is no way of knowing for sure as the (((opposition))) will always agree with you in order to subvert and derail the thread later on.
>when you spot obvious shilling, you work with your team do belittle and neutralize the shill.
(((They))) do it with us all the time. That’s why (((they))) can control a board with only a few shills.

Also..ONLY Respond to the members of your team..and shit on shills as a group.

It doesn't make sense for him to be polling at 18 percent with a certain platform and then to suddenly drop to zero with the same platform a couple weeks later. They definitely screwed him. Good luck proving that in any election. You're not getting a chance to even try to prove it in commiefornia.

look how dead your threads are m8.
you did this. you ruined your own PSYOP.
how long before MOSSAD takes you guys out as complete failures?

How long before you kikes tire of accusing others of your sick deeds? Oh that's right, never. Which is why we will never stop fighting you until you're safely buried in a landfill.



welcome to 1929 faggots. get ready for the long haul.

When your wife cheats on you, do you blame (((them)))?

>Meanwhile in an alternate universe where Patrick Little won the Primary

Jow Forumsacks: Oh my god, I fucking love American democracy so much! Greatest invention by the White race! Let's not fail our forefathers, we have taken back our country.

>Now in this Universe

Jow Forumsacks: IT'Z RIGGED BY DA JOOZ!!!1!

Get fucked Little! Little Voted, BIG LOSS!


kike detected

They immediately go to reductio ad absurdum

>Well Hitler didn't win the first time, so Little will just win in da next election. I made stickie in my diaper dur...

The difference between Little and Hitler is that Germany in the 1920s was in such a bad state that the people of Germany were desprate for a strong leader to return the country to their former glory. Hitler called his party the "National Socialist" party because he knew that would attract people who wanted change in the country. Meanwhile it's 80 years later and we know what a fucking huge mistake Hitler was so the American people are never going to vote in a blatant Neo-Nazi into office by their will.

But whatever, keep saying that to yourself. Better to live in a fantasy then face the harsh reality.

>he American people are never going to vote in a blatant Neo-Nazi

Patrick is not a nazi, much less a neo-nazi.

>> The battle has only just now begun

But war is about to end, we lost.

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He's running for president in 2020 unless Trump names they jewish media instead of calling it lying media


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Preserving votes for 22 months, and looking for evidence of voter fraud. He's bound to find something fishy, and although he didn't win he got 50k votes on his name the jew platform. He's talked about having someone run for positions in all 50 states. Can you imagine that? Every single state having name the jew people running. Can you imagine the kvetching? They either ignore everyone running, cry to make "anti-semitism" illegal, threaten the people running, and tons of other shady shit. Normalizing the JQ would be fantastic, we need people running in the next few years. Problem is, how many anons are willing to potentially have their lives ruined?

That's alot of Nazis

Who do you think we are to "give up" LOL
He is onto the investigation of rigged election and while they are questionable He can still CAMPAIGN for the november real election !

I have 1000+$ I am happy to spend on Robocalls (the phone spam) and terrorize LA

Him running is just an excuse
It's important to run the message !!

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Him going after Trump is a big no no
I like him for going after the kikes but blocking Trump is just not cool


OMG.. You haven't even started yet ready to concede
Come on nigga
you supposed to be Pol's ethnostate or somethin
dont be a feggit

The pic on that thread is just disgusting.
I'm not going there

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Dont you pepe me nigga

I support him, but I think someone had gotten into his ear spreading disinfo which is causing a lot of problems. He isn't answering emails, so I don't know is going on with him.

It's hard enough dealing with all the shills, jidf... then having to deal with our own people acting like shit-tier crabs in a bucket meth heads shooting you in the back isn't an enjoyable experience.

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>On one hand we jews rigged this election
> on the other we can't have our false flag cause he lost
Can you choose one please?

He's controlled opposition and he was supposed to make it to the next round. Probably planend some sort of White Nationalist march with Mike enoch today or some shit and now they cant do it.

Are you the ahole who was shovelling the bullshit that Patrick was polling at 27%? I put $100 of hard earned money and about 50 hours of work plastering posters all over the place because of your bullshit. And he gets 1%, barely beating out a nig republican from Africa. What a waste of time and money.

All I'm saying is take care of your people, Patrick. I personally worked over 100+ hours on your campaign the last two weeks. I mean, toss me a bone here man. Jesus...

Attached: Senator-Patrick-Little-US-Marines-June-5th-Ca-Senate-Censored-Stars-and-Stripes8.jpg (669x893, 387K)

The guy is going against the real establishment which have all the power and none of the scruples
He might be scared for his life but there is only one road- the one forward
If he becomes quiet they will kill him
He should continue with his Campaign regardless of the result of the primary
And if we manage to make people write his name on the ballot (if he isnt on it) and those ballots make more votes than one of the two old ladies it will be the real proof the primary was rigged
resulting in riots and street violence against ((them))

If anything it showed us that there are 50,000 actual Nazis in libshit CA.

Imagine the numbers among suburban and retarded people

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Cenk from TYT gave that number and it was real
The 2nd place witch had zero support but due to the voting machines they wrote her enough to get in
Birds fly
Fish swim
Kikes rig elections

They didnt dare with Trump because that would result in a civil war against them
but on smaller scale they dont seem to care

Unironically he had support from blacks and muslims and almost none of actual conservatives
"israel's our greatest ally" and shit

Voting is over with.

California is retarded. It's the joke of the nation. It's not the 1950s anymore where "hurr hurr southern people are dumb" is the mainstream. Now the mainstream culture thinks California is dumb as fuck... because they are.

Attached: Vote4Pat-.jpg (195x197, 15K)

No it isnt
and it's not about winning the voting
it's about using it as an excuse to red pill on jews
He can run the campaign just as a statement
and besides it's 2 democrats and no republicans
The republican people can just write him on the ballot as they got nothing to lose
The kikes screwd themselves on this one

Jow Forums drove 50k votes for a neonazi in California. Not great but not that bad either. It's a start. This fight will be a long fight.

Dude, you're trying to tell me about my own country. Voting is over with.

If he had started a couple months before he did he may have gotten much bigger support
Red pills take time

No true American is going to vote for that literal Nazi.

It's not about your country
it's about the cancer on the planet israel
the HQ of all corruption

I need a break from Jow Forums for my own health.


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>doesn't understand how random chance votes work

Lol, leaf.

I don't really care about Jews to sperg out for Little. He has to talk about things that are actually important to get my attention.

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And what do you think is important ?
Do you like communism?

>post pro trump image
>thinks I like commieshit

I hate it when retards reply to me

Nobody thinks you like communism idiot
Jews are the ones pushing it
Feinstein to be exact


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Moarpheus was right

top kek

He just posted a new statement, get in here. It's not ogre

I thought Little was credible, until I heard him speak a single time...

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