Save Melanie!

Divorce, when?

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Melania is doing just fine, faggot.

Attached: MelaniaThriving.jpg (589x301, 49K)

Nice try dogfucker.

Exactly. Drumlf is going out of his way to insist it’s all ok. That’s the kind of lie he always goes with when shit hit the fan. They haven’t been seen together for weeks. He can’t even spell her name right.

A woman who would divorce a president or ex president is a woman that will never be happy.

how do people not see that the whole Melania thing is just a ploy to "humanize" Trump?

typical eastern european bitch.. Dont trust them guys.. Its just a fucking meme... They are all miserable.
I recently started dating exlcusively within my own ethnicity and life has NEVER been better... Fuck northern degenerate whores and fuck eastern soul crushingly depressing whores!

>I recently started dating exlcusively within my own ethnicity
not Northern, not what is your "ethnicity"?

Must be bad for her to walk in on her husband sucking a jew cock every day or listening to him have phone sex with bibi.

>Divorce, when?
As soon as they can unbind her hands long enough to sign the paperwork without her trying to jam the pen into her cranium via the eye sockets. She really wants to be a hero, but no one will let her. Poor miserable Mel. A man's gotta do what a man's gotta do!

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