you guys are the niggers of the right
put mein kampf down and actually help fellow whites out and get your shit together
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1.2%? That's twice what I figured this faggot would get.
we had like 40 larps
>hes 17% this based nigger voting for him that 28% this
shut the fuck up and hold Trump accountable for the wall
shut the fuck up meme flag kike
No one believed he had a chance it's fucking CA you retard.
America is a plague on humanity desu. There was never any hope of uncucking it.
Nobody anywhere in the world will ever win an election running on a jew killing platform, you dumb stormfags.
>his platform was new killing
Keep crying like kikeboy and it won't take long for that to be an actual platform.
I'm not a jew, and you're welcome to prove me wrong nigger. But you won't because I'm right.
trump was the last vote, if you feel the need to engage politically do it in the streets where it matters and confront white traitors. it is not the white way to sit around and wait for a faggot in a suit to fix their fucking problems.
Patrick Little Representing the 0% LMFAO!!!
Cenk's mistress polled like shit too.
55,000 for a state of 39 million
x11 = ~600,000
not bad
good job nazi niggers you can add that failure on a long list of failures since the 60s. you worthless subhumans are truly the white race worst enemy
Fuck you civ nat cuck. We're never gonna vote Zionist, I don't care if democrats win every election from here on out.
The white race's worst enemy is the cia and the bankers who fund them. Csis too.
Considering our enemy always tells us that white nationalist are confined to a handful of reprobates that's better than expected
so whats next on the ebin agenda, claiming voter fraud?
Hope the idiots that voted for him enjoy being on the "bad goy" list. Going to be funny when Feinstein arrests all of you.
You're right, the platform should simply be building up infrastructure and numbers and imposing our beliefs on normies by assassinating those of you which pander for jewry and your families.
Shill harder, democrat.
Isn't it cool that those 1.2 %basement dwelling autist faggot surviving on parents moneysucceeded in subverting millions of people to vote DT and brexit.
Iranian do win on that platform so fuck off jidf
I unironically think the far right should join antifa in their effort to punch nazis. punch the nazis, kick the nazis and if nobody is around, stab the nazi
Keep poking the bear.
>when Feinstein arrests all of you
If she tried, I'd break that cunt's hip myself.
I'm open to the idea that Patrick Little didn't do near as well as hoped, but something is sketchy about that Feinstein figure, especially when compared to the Governor's race.
>Myehh, try it goyim.
wow you must be really tough
ill keep doing that loser. the bear is long dead
DA JOOO MADE ME LOSE twitter.com
No, letting leftists fill the western world with muslims so jews die.
who thought people would elect a straight up nazi?
half that retarded board and if you had a problem with it, youre a shill
Cucks like you are why democrats keep winning, you vote for the weak republican over a guy like Little every time and still loser.
Hey, eastern Europe and italy are far right now, we just need to sit tight.
Hey, don't look at me, I voted for the constitution party in the elections.
Still got over 50k votes honestly still impressive for a holocaust denying Nazi in Cali with no major media coverage.
I don't like that he is alleging voter fraud caused him to lose. Cmon dude. They would certainly do that if he was going to win but he's making it seem as though that's the only reason
I hope every rube who voted for this plant gets v&
Yeah, I was excited by the prospect of a Little vs Feinstein clown show, but in the last 24 hours the dude has clearly proven himself to not only be a maniac, but genuinely detached from reality. He's talking about running for President in 2020 now, ffs.
>I hope every rube who voted for this plant gets v&
Seriously. They should have voted for Feinstein! If you vote for your enemy, you win!
>the bear is long dead
Yet you insist the bear is around to punch, kick and stab. I realize this is prolly b8 but dear kek you are fucking retarded.
I think he is a good guy and not a plant but I assumed he knew he wasn't going to win.
you're totally right. lets keep the maga train going and never tell the truth. yippee. fucking stormfag larpers am i right?
>Build that wa... wait never mind
>Deport illegal imm... actually come right in
>Muslim ba... scratch that
>No more middle east war... wait assad did what now? lets die for israel
see, that's all it takes larpers. stop making us look bad.
I just hope america takes the jew down with them.
its not a bad start for a holocaust denier in the one of the most pozzed states in fucking america,
in fact its downright amazing
If I recall right, it was 2% for the first election.
Little never read Mein Kampf or any actual NS book for that matter.
>Murica is Iran
What if I told you they didn't and I finally realized that Jow Forums is an irrelevant echo chamber. And so is almost the entire nu right.
The only thing you will keep punching is yourself, fucking leaf. :^)
I'm not mad he lost. I'm pretty inspired by the 50k votes he got
Finished 10th out 31 candidates on a 5k budget. Get fucked kikes.
>falling for the Patrick Little (born (((Levi Kleinberg)))) meme
Where are all the Little cucks that we’re so smug before? Looks like it’s my turn to be smug :^)
>jill stein got 1.2%
>75% lower
fucking wage gap
50k people supported the idea of dismantling the ZOG. Actually he wasnt shy about just saying JEWS either. And he got that many votes. He got that much attention from the Jews themselves too. Times might be changing for the better finaly.
Go fund me would have been nice. I didn't even know the candidates were all fund raising. I thought they all got public funds. This is the sort of result that doesn't instantly invigorate you, but it does light a spark of hope, right?
He openly admits he used to be a huge supporter of Israel
Was that really his name?
Hell I have jewish blood and I’m a white nationalist
Would be nice to see how much money each of them spend on it and who gained most from this spending. Also who's newcomer and who's already tried before and what place they had then and how much percents.
1.2% in Cali is like 10's of thousands of people.
Again i like the guy and think he did well but he lets himself become delusional associating with the gabtards. He's claiming now that he lost because of election rigging. Reign him in on that please.
The name of fascism is tainted forever. If it ever returns it won't be under the banners of national socialism
>he lets himself become delusional associating with the gabtards
True, also on that note do you know if he is gonna sue twitter over 1st amendment issues (public square etc., recent court ruling)? Being on twitter is much better. I never check Gab.
I would like to talk to him. I dont believe the story that he was some sort of plant that others are pushing. He seemed very genuine and well informed, like a man with passion. It was just a little too soon. 50k votes. I'm fucking inspired.
Pretty much everyone polled in single digit. Jesus Christ. Feinstein is a fucking dinosaur.
The silver lining of this is what other anons are saying. 50k people voted for a candidate who had zero budget, Jow Forums memes and just talked about ending jewish control of us government. Turn that to 100k next time.
He's genuine.( I don't know about the Twitter thing.) But he's not a good judge of character in others. He inspired me as well.
Yeah he is genuine.
Suing twitter would be a good thing to do next. Various non profits like ACLU could be forced to defend him.
Over 50k prowhite antisemitic people willing to get off their ass and vote for this madman is fucking breathtaking. The rule of a third in correlation to those who supported him but didnt vote it puts the figure at about 150k people in california. A very pozzed state, there are 52 states, given differences in population density and actual population lets say 150k people in each state willing to actively vote for a wild card candidate saying things that are seen as insane by the msm. We dont need millions brothers, just thousands.
Neonazis are just white niggers. Stop this shit, this is not the way to embrace the European race.
You think this failure for us? Just fact he is able to run in such shithole like CALI is miracle. This shilling is pathetic. He did not had chance, At least not in first run and not in CALI. But fact it is even possible is victory. Or did you expect him get 30%? This is not loss.
>I'm not mad he lost. I'm pretty inspired by the 50k votes he got
He came in 9th out of 11 republican candidates, none with any name recognition. Republicans didn't know any of their senate candidates, so they were just voting for anyone whose name sounded reasonable. Any random republican candidate would have gotten at least 30K votes if they were on the ballot.
The thing is there are people on gab showing pat graphs of various social media impressions and saying that means it was rigged and now pat is going to pursue it. I don't doubt that it occurs but they aren't making good arguments for this case. When they do this it illegitimizes the rest of the good work he's done. I agree the energy should be spent on anti censorship stuff like you mentioned.
Americans are pathetic
>total failure isn't failure
holy shit you cunts are deluded hahahaha
>put mein kampf down and actually help fellow whites out and get your shit together
yeah guys, go to /ptg/ and spam AWOOOO
People in other threads have already done the math, Little was by far the most effective candidate per dollar spent--which was very little, I might add, only $5,000.
>it’s daaaa jooooooos
Fucking every 12 year olds first “””redpilled”””
Little is the real deal. I hope he drops this "going to court" shit, but runs again next election cycle. Feinstein's gonna die soon anyway
I don’t think you have any room to talk there leafbro.
Did Democrats win 1st & 2nd in the primaries? If they did, how many votes short was the next closest Republican and how many votes did little get?
we won slovenia
>marxists and kikes are disingenious liars
Who would have thought
>it's a Jow Forums falls for a larping fed episode again
He finished way ahead of others.
Guess they can't call republicans nazis anymore. Shame
Less than Nathan "actual pedophile" Larson got in Virginia in 08.