This Is Drumpf's America

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Wow..... #Powerful

They should. There is no point to having private property other than freedom of association.

Agreed. Discrimination should be legal and the free market will capitalize. I would give my patronage to white only businesses and a market will become available for businesses serving coloreds.

Randlet has said this plenty of times on video, too

all the normies here are freaking out because they somehow don't realize our small state government doesn't subscribe to their privelege-based pseudoreligion

Sounds like a good thing to me. Blacks keep complaining that other blacks won't support black-owned businesses. This would help out with that, right?

And why shouldn't they?

They should

Hate speech should be gone as well.

i hate you now fuckin die

Abandon the entire flawed premise behind "hate speech" and "hate crime"?


There isn't "hate speech" in the US.
The problem is that the companies enforce it, not the gov.

The left is ready to codify hate speech immediately. There are many that believe misgendering some mentally faggot, or fatshaming, or telling niggers to keep it down should be criminal offenses.

Well duh. Implying dindus can afford to pay loans on time. It's only a reasonable business practice.

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>hire a bunch of nuggets because of MUH diversity
>they are a collective net loss
>can’t fire them for being niggers
>or performance
>because that’s raycis
>eventually shut down
You’re almost guaranteed shitty performance per nigger

Government should regulate "companies" instead then, enforcing free speech, today, it's the opposite.

>tfw Italian and I know I wouldn't be let in

>government should decide things for you
Fuck off commie

Freedom of association. Literally right there in the constitution.

This. My business, my choice.

It fucking should, you fucking retard, what is it's use then? It clearly does favor the monopolies who effectively bypass the constitution.

So, remove the government then, so free market can function and people can decide to abandon those fascist monopolies.

You can't have both.

You meant hate speech laws?

Oh, I get it, your country lacks identity and your sold out leaders can't care less about their own people, completely detached, so, "please don't regulate anything 'cause you'll do it in favor of highest bidder".


Mother fucking this. I can't vote on this can I?

That's why you should be grateful your founding fathers beat the current avarage IQ by at least 10 points.

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It's also Washington's and Jefferson's America. Look up what Freedom of Association is.

It's a ridiculous premise that what the left wants, or even what he have now, is the only alternative to anarchy. This is Jewish thinking.

Either way, government keeps growing and growing, encroaching on every segment of society, fining every wrong move, every mistake, every tiny detail of individual goes through stacks of bureaucratic paper, finding new ways to "tax" (rob) people of their hard earned money (free market, hell yeah!), impacting middle and poor class more and more, while giant monopolies are allowed to leave the country for tax heavens. No wonder the term "new world order" cause actual power literally comes form big businesses and banking cartels who "regulate" governments around the world, including US of A and own the media and fund the politicians. So much for fucking unbridled capitalism. Fascism in it's pure form.

>Trumps America
Fuck yeah it is, it was NEVER yours at all, youre just a tv addicted boomer fatass.
FREEDOM OF ASSOCIATION Trumps your feelz fagboi.
>Right to refuse service to ANYBODY

If you dont cheat or arent allowed to cheat, you CANT win.

It alrwady is like that.
If I see a paki or boon employed, I walk right out and go elsewhere.
I dont support my sworn enemies.

How is this a bad thing shill?

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Fuck you, hate speech is free speech.
Fucking faggot

It's your own business, if you like, you can give your service to whoever you like.


This will be an unpopular opinion here but no. You shouldn’t be able to just tell nogs you won’t serve them.
I’m perfectly ok with denying fags service who are outwardly faggoty though. Just like I wouldn’t serve a gangbanger who looks like a degenerate.

Oh wait, I should've type it in idiot friendly manner, sorry.

I know what you mean. However, which grocery store or bank or fish market or anything else has all white employees and customers without being demonized and sued out of business? That is what this lawmaker is really addressing.

>the color of feces or deathly pale yellow

when will this meme end?

>Starbucks employs only niggers
>Starbucks allows niggers to mooch WiFi and deal drugs
>Starbucks shuts down
>CEO jumps ship after making company affirmative and woke
What could possibly go wrong!

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no you dip shit, we've always felt this way, and its our fucking right to feel and think however we want, you want to live in some happy time touchy feely bullshit world, go live in the EU where you're forced to be diverse and believe the shit, i dont fucking have to, kys

Brb moving to south dakota

Why not? If I market my self as a white business where whites can go without having to interact with nonwhites, what's wrong with that? It's not like I'm ever going to get butthurt over Tyrone's chicken shack not wanting to serve me. Where does anyone get off telling me how to run my business, other than obvious shit like not dumping toxic waste in the reservoir? If I could open a bar where people can smoke inside, I'd make a killing in my hometown.

A business should be able to turn away anyone that they want. The fucking Civil Rights Act is just unconstitutional on its face and no one will ever overturn it for cultural and political (((reasons))).

>Why not?

It's wrong.

Even back when segregation was practiced in this country many stores allowed blacks to still buy but they either had to go in the back or come at after hours.

All men are created equal but not all should get equal service.

Are there actually any niggers in South Dakota?

hes right

It's a huge relief. We both see the writing on the wall, though. They obviously want this and are pushing for it. We have to push back the other way and SD man over here is one of the only public figures to ever say this.

What's wrong with freedom of association? I wouldn't care of black owned businesses denied sales to whites.

Why can’t we just split the planet in two.
Those who want to live with thugs and criminals on one side and the other side where we have some decency and background checks.
Then all SJW can live with their minorities and they’ll never see any hate speech nor racism.
And we wouldn’t have to hear their bickering and moaning that everything is politically wrong.
We’d both win.

>All men are created equal

Forcing whites to accommodate black customers was one of the many things that led to the fall of the black community. Instead of building their own businesses, blacks just used the established white ones. Combine that with the welfare state and you have a community that further fell into poverty.

Absolutely not.
Government has no right to police what people say. Or who they associate/do business with.
Government should only protect people's rights as INDIVIDUALS, not promoting one group over another.

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Based. Nobody wants to be around blacks

No one said a store can't serve everyone if they want to do so. No one in this thread. It should be up to the owner. That's it. If you think you can compete with my white only movie theater by letting in anyone, go ahead. Good luck.

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Yep. Equality, not favoritism.
John Hanson, a partial black man (Moorish), was technically the 1st president of the US.

I mean you'll miss out on profits, but eh. Whatever.

It should be legal to execute leftists for openly supporting ongoing mass treason against the people of the United States.

I agree with this.

Are you people dense??

learn to speak english gooder

Are you sure about this? I think lots of people and especially families avoid businesses and activities that will expose their children and grandchildren to bullshit. I haven't been to a movie theater at night in years. You want nogs with flasks of Hennessy or my gf and I buying popcorn?

I love my state, this is great, then there is the chick who posted the "all lives splatter" meme.

Fuck no. I think that business owners should selectively choose who they want in their businesses. It would be illogical for anyone to say that "all X are Y" and ban all groups of X from entering a store. I'd be fine with blacks coming into my business but i can't let hoodrat nigs in.

Great news.

I wonder how it would went if Hillary was elected instead. If her "effect" would somehow influence the supreme court decision.

Niggers out.

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How many times do we have to admit we are racists? If blacks want to start being advertly racist. So will we.


Sorry, thought just throw remark after first one, since I've agreed to freedom of people to discriminate.

If nigs chimp out, we kick em out.

>You want nogs with flasks of Hennessy

Do I want nogs? fuck no
Blacks? I wouldn't have any problem with the decent blacks

Constitutionally it's pretty clear that this is the case. It's astounding that it's been illegal for well over 50 years to turn away niggers. Where are the constitutional conservatives on this?

And you'll be deciphering this based on what? Their clothes. Or will you be rectifying it after the chimpout? People will come to my place because the problem has been bypassed entirely.

Southern Jim Crow laws fucked it all up. The states telling businesses that they couldn't serve niggers or had to serve them in an annexed part of the establishment ruined it from a social aspect. That's a big reason the south voted for Goldwater, it should have been up to the business to serve or not serve the niggers all along.

>And you'll be deciphering this based on what? Their clothes.

It's not really hard to tell the difference between nogs and blacks within a few moments if you know what to look for (and yes there is a difference)

Ideally you should be able to exclude whoever you want even by race ... but that would be morally wrong.

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I agree. Jim Crow laws were very much in violation of the 14th amendment, but it's quite absurd how the Supreme Court and the government have applied the Commerce Clause to essentially justify absolute powers in regards to regulating businesses. Just CLAIM that whatever the business is doing is "interstate commerce" and they're allowed to regulate it in any way possible.

If you're familiar with Heart of Atlanta Motel (a motel in Atlanta that refused to serve niggers), the Supreme Court actually ruled that because the motel bought some of its candy from manufacturers from out-of-state, and because some customers were not from Atlanta, the federal government was able to FORCE THEM to serve niggers under the Commerce Clause.

It's obviously just a charade, but it's disappointing that so called constitutional conservatives and even deep red justices never bring it up... Scalia, Alito, Gorsuch... none of them tried to restore the constitution on this matter.

agreed. anti-discrimination is an affront to the human right to private property and free association

A private business owner should be able to turn away anyone they want for any reason they want regardless of skin color.

It's a huge problem. Most were marginalized out of the conversation as "angry old racist sexist white guys." That's why the fire has to rise from young people who can see through the semitic semantics.

SD isn’t wrong. Freedom of association exists.

It's called living in a free country. If businesses want to turn away whites I would have no problem. The market will always sort this out. Sorry to rain on your "but muh Marxism".

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>If you're familiar with Heart of Atlanta Motel......

No, I wasn't but thanks for the information, gives me something to look into this evening.

>none of them tried to restore the constitution on this matter.

I don't know much about Alito but the other two are/were supposed to be originalists and you're right, they never justify or explicitly explain why they leave this aspect of freedom of association out of their rulings. Negative rights is what the bill of rights is built upon but they leave it up to us to infer that this includes racist outcomes, which it absolutely does. Ron Paul talked about it on these terms and it probably didn't do him any good, but those justices are there for life, they can and should delve into the topic.


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Ron Paul got blasted from every angle when he said he would have opposed the Civil Rights act. Everyone screamed at yelled. None could tell you WHY he would have opposed. Just muh racism.

We basically want the same thing. I just want to market differently. In your business, people have to trust you and your employees to discern the way they would. In mine, they already know it's a moot point.

why do we even allow "people" of color in this country at all?

Yes they should. A business owner should have the right to refuse service to whomever they choose, and that potential customer can go to another business. That's how capitalism works.

Because we abandoned our principles for feelings. Demographic snapshot immigration was a good idea and it worked

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you mean cuckoldry.

Well they should. The civil rights act is very unconstitutional. Nobody wants to stand against it though.

I like this veddy much.

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The 1924 Immigration Act was probably the least cucked version. It virtually excluded all non-Europeans and restricted it to 2% of each nationality as of the 1890 census. It was a good way to add bodies without fucking up demographics. If we kept it, it would be a much healthier nation.

the deep states stinks of desperation with these threads.