Make babys, or be replaced

It is our job, our privilige, and our duty to make sure the white race survives.

Have gf: Have the talk with your girlfriend today
No gf: Start looking, grow balls, find gf
No job: Get job, lazy faggot
No money: Niggers still manage, why not u?
Have baby: Make more
Have many babys: Thank you for your good job user. You make ous all proud.

Attached: Pure Baby.jpg (1500x1001, 127K)

Finish all this: get shot on the street along with your gf by some random shitskin or arab

Also, niggers manage because they get handouts from the government for being niggers

Attached: 1395125203297.png (362x492, 97K)

What if I just rape a nice girl and get her pregnant?

No. That is degeneracy.

rape's for niggers and people with poor genes in general.
Nice try, dundee.

This happening in portugal? i was there on vacation once, when i was a kid

No, not in Portugal, but most of the big countries in Europe.
Portugal's heaven right now but I'm afraid Spain will bring chaos upon us

>sacrifice half of your finite life for a meme
yeah, no

I wont be replaced in my lifetime and I dont give a fuck what becomes of this world afterwards.
Also I am not going to have a kid, dedicate all my time and money to it and then it will turn out as a gay faggot or some shit. No thanks.

Then dont be a scared user. be a brave user. You are lucky to not live in germany or sweden

Attached: jf babies.jpg (412x523, 68K)

I'm pretty sure having a gf and a baby is a normal part of life and not a meme
Is that why you're so lonely

How is norway fairing in terms of "diversity" is it as bad as Sweden and France.
I keep hearing different opinions online.

If you raise the child right and warn it of the western brainwashing, your child will grow up fine.

Dont be a selfish coward user. You will never find true meaning and happiness in your life before you have both girlfriend and children. It is the on advice all old people give. Listen to old people

Niggers everywhere i look. had 1 nigger chimpout at my school this year. Oslo is violent. Rest of norway feels calm. but as i said. they are everywhere. Luckily not attending 95% of all events. just very spotable in the streets. Feels like they get payd to show themselves

I'm not lonely, I had a vasectomy, like all sane men do.
Why would it be normal, though? Maybe if you're an animal with no concept of the future.
You only have one life and I personally want to use mine seeing everything there is to see in this world.

>Listen to old people

Thanks for the kek of the day. I do have a gf and I am never going to have kids to fight your crusade. I am selfish but definitely not a coward.

>Why would it be normal, though?
Implying humanity exists

>Have gf: Have the talk with your girlfriend today
>No gf: Start looking, grow balls, find gf
Artificial wombs will make women obsolete for reproduction purposes.

Attached: futureofwomen.jpg (1957x1296, 1.16M)

Fuck you globalist.
Make a baby if you want, the problem remain, clean your country by the shitskins first and you don't get replaced.
Fewer people, higher wages, more space, cheap houses.

you first faggot

>basically ending your bloodline on your part
congratulations, you might see everything but you'll never feel fatherly love or see your kid grow up.

Trubbled child. If you dont reproduce, niggers will replace you and shit in your beautifull street. Dont be such a waste upon your parents

Attached: liberec-czech-republic-shutterstock_308908910.jpg (1500x1001, 284K)

Old people killed the world in their youth. It is not my job or my interest to save it. Humanity does not deserve salvation.

why would i do any of these
fuck your imaginary race

Damn thats bad, it's like in Adelaide and Melbourne you would think your in India or China or something.
Is Nationalism or right wing rising to your knowledge?
I have always wanted to visit Oslo and Stockholm but my mind has been change in recent years.

We live today user. Also, to you relly beleve normal people are ever going to be able to have suck great power at home?

My gf is pregnant, 9 weeks now. She is lithuanian slav, i am pure nord

You dont deserve to live in the world that old people created for you.

i dont want to live in that world
diaspora russians lol are you srsly fallen that fucking low

Yes, nationalism is on the rise, but heavily watched by the government. people are starting to wake up about race, and especialy muslims. Alot of afgans will leave norway in oktober. If you visit. visit North norway.

Who gives a fuck about the bloodline? It will end someday anyway. Everything is finite, someday we will all cease to exist and it will be as if we never existed. Life is just a finite ride, so spending it on little brats is pure idiocy.

a bunch of degenerate liberals who like larping with flags lel

Personal attacks is not good arguments. Gf is a hard worker, smart, and very pretty. Here family is also very hard working people, not afraid to bend their backs. Their genetics are good.

Not flags, skinheads or whatever your strawmen do. Political partys are beeing formed. like ''Alliansen'' for example. it is beeing done the pro way

have fun i guess
i guess im just raised conservative and dont approve of extramarital relationships

>Personal attacks
im just having trouble imagining someone who goes for poor foreigners as a deceng normal guy
diaspora russians are poor and lowlife even for east euro standards, they are well known for being white trash


they are all people who approve of stuff like extramarital relations, contraception, sex education, secularism, liberalism, etc.
all liberals to me

There are so many ways this will go wrong

When i met here she had ben in norway for 4 years. Done good in school, but changed here mind. Very skilled drawer so now she is making pretty good money at the local tattoo shop. Mother is an arcitect and father is a builder. They have proved to not be white trash.

i already made 4 hitler youth and i want to fuck all the girls now regardless of race and im fine with aborting their babies...i want to fuck sarah silverman ass to mouth for everytime she has ever bad mouthed christ...

>at the tatoo shop
>russian diaspora
>left school
not white trash indeed

The most important thing is to get rid of muslims and other degens in our country. and maby we can consentrate on details later

No, she finished medical school, but didnt need it for her job as a tattoo artist. Tattoo artists in norway make alot of money, and getting a job as one is very hard.

>The most important thing is to get rid of muslims and other degens in our country
no tis not

yea right

liberal degenerates that like waving flags and thinking playing the establishments set up political game means anything

i guess good luck and wish you all the best, but dont expect people to respect you or take your politics seriously

If you have to rape her you're not worthy of reproduction.