Russia hacked the California primaries

Dianne Feinstein won Every Single County in the state, despite the fact that half the state's counties have been solidly republican for the past century, with almost half voting for Trump himself.

>2012 primary results,_2012
>goes from winning liberal counties to winning every single county
>counties that voted against Feinstein 4 times, now vote for her on her 5th run?
>James Bradley comes in 2nd, but doesn't win a single county
>Nobody in the media talking about this obvious voter fraud.
>Nobody on Jow Forums talking about this

This pretty much debunks democrats supposedly caring about russian hacking/election interference, because so long as the outcome favors them, they don't give a shit.

We seriously need to go back to paper ballots.

Attached: De_dSVDU8AAnnHS[1].jpg (426x403, 15K)

Other urls found in this thread:,_2012#Results,_2016#Results,_2018#Results

There were over 30 candidates on the ballot, therefore Feinstein won several counties with as little as 15% of the vote. This is what a Jungle Primary does.

God I love Russia!

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There was no serious challenger. Why would anyone bother? She's basically running unopposed.

Californians picked a boomer female kike to lead them.

literally that is what satan incarnate would look like.

>here were over 30 candidates on the ballot
This has been the case since 2012 when they switched to the jungle primary. Except in both prior senate elections, no one candidate won Every single county.,_2012#Results,_2016#Results

Contrast to:,_2018#Results

Also consider that the same counties that went for John Cox for governor supposedly voted for Feinstein for senate, again, despite voting Against feinstein 4 previous elections.
Lastly, she didn't just win these counties due to split vote between other republicans, she outright got more of the vote in all of those counties than the other republicans combined.

They were also calling fraud in LA. We need voter id


You referring to this?

At this point I think they're just doubling down on corruption and trying to prove Trump won't get the criminals and traitors of the Deep State. I mean, shit, even the commiefornians hate Feinstein, but they can't dislodge crooked ole jews like her and pelosi either.

California is a shit house

Democracy is racist, every Commiefornian knows that.

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For the Senate race the GOP vote was far more divided this time around, while the Democrat vote was mainly only split between two candidates. While for the Governor, there was more or less a single candidate that the GOP put support behind.

Remember when Trump promised to clean up the election system?

How did /ourguy/ Pat Little?

The blue tsunami is fucking real you mouthbreathing retards. Enjoy your last few months of accomplishing nothing before Democrat domination in both houses.

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The jew fix is in after trump got elected (((they))) have been working round the clock to ensure that every single election from then on would go in (((their))) favor. Electronic ballots are rigged and paper ballots are (((lost)))

>The blue tsunami is fucking real
You mean Russians hacking the vote is real.
Again, The goal of the russians wasn't to give 1 party absolute power, it was to sow chaos and discord and undermine our voting/democracy.
A Texas senator winning Every single county, including blotches that have been blue for a few decades now would be equally suspect.

Yeah. He turned it over to the jews. The blue wave is not a threat it's a promise

>A Texas senator winning Every single county, including blotches that have been blue for a few decades now would be equally suspect.
I said in (((their))) favor. I said nothing about parties as (((they))) have infiltrated all the parties. (((They))) don't care who wins and what color his tie is as long as he is /their guy even if he's not jewish. Enjoy your slavery

We need /ourguys/ running in all 50 states in the coming years elections. Make the JQ normalized. "If Jewish people weren't complaining, then we wouldn't be doing our job." (Change jew to white men, a quote from some jew guy. We have to jew the jew.)

Daily reminder, it's not russian hackers, it's (((russian hackers)))

>Make the JQ normalized.
This very much. We have to do a better job educating the public. If we get this right, they will be begging for people like Patrick Little to please run.we can't sound like a bunch of Nazis whatever that is. We have to change our rhetoric to something that is fit for normie consumption. We have to grow up and take this shit more seriously and become a respectable movement.

>Enjoy your slavery
kike detected.

Nice try, FBI

Check out this glowing, faggot.

You're comparing apples to oranges. The map you posted is from the DEMOCRATIC PARTY PRIMARIES.

This is why whether you like it or not, Trump must be Caesar. He must be Augustus. The concept of free and fair American elections is DEAD

from 2012 primary wiki page

>The primary election on June 5 took place under California's new blanket primary law, where all candidates appear on the same ballot, regardless of party. In the primary, voters voted for any candidate listed, or write-in any other candidate. The top two finishers — regardless of party — advanced to the general election in November, even if a candidate managed to receive a majority of the votes cast in the June primary.

2012, 2016, and 2018 are all blanket/"jungle" primaries.

In 2012 and 2016, no single candidate won EVERY county, and in 2016 specifically, the turnout was 7mil (yesterday's turnout was 3mil).

Well I'm an idiot. But holy shit that is a stupid way to do things

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no worries, it's understandable because the maps look so wtf, but the shady as fuck part is that even in 2016 when turnout was sky high, you still had loretta sanchez/2nd place win Some counties. Now fast forward 2 years and neither Bradley nor De Leon win a Single county? 100.00% of the counties go to Feinstein? What are even the odds of that? Historically any primaries where a guy with even 1 challenger won 100.00% of the counties?

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Wasn't the Russians, the Dems here are more than capable of doing it all on their own, and I suspect they brought some heavy hitters from DC in to help. The far left want Feinstein OUT, but she's embedded enough now to know who to go to, to fend them off, and who to go to, to get the cash to pay for it all. She's reaching Pelosi levels of power and corruption. She's dug in like a tick, she's not giving her seat up for nobody. She was playing cute about a year ago hinting about retiring - and when she announced her intent to run, she pissed off a lot of younger Dems, because they can't get a shot at the seat since she's been in it so fucking long.
We finally got rid of Boxer, I just wait for the day this old bag and that harpy Pelosi are finally sent to the retirement home.

It's fucking California. A state full of shitskins, kikes, liberal cucks with no balls, and raging bulldyke feminists (every woman). Of course the literal kike whore incumbent was going to win in their extra stacked primary system. Anything that hurts white males or burns down the natural hierarchy to erect a cucked one where men have no power, that's what liberals want.

yeah, but EVERY county? I would think that if it was just normal dem corruption, they'd just increase vote count from L.A./S.F., this seems more blatant, like something the Russians would do just to flaunt in our faces "yeah, that's right, we gave feinstein 100% of counties and there's nothing you can do about it."
>if only you knew how bad things are

>36% white state
>giving a shit
pick one

>The blue tsunami is fucking real

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Based Obama said we can't be hacked though!

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nice try, mossad

Any update on the 118,000 people left off the ballot system? Man your voting machines are fucked.

Why would you think the Russians did that? That's the democrats jackass

You will still be a faggot that will only get my gun bullets first...fag.

>The Russians were intent on creating chaos and undermining our democracy
>elect trump
>elect dems in midterms
>elect dem in 2020
>elect reps to senate/house in 2020
in other words, The Russians have the motive to do it.

Are you contributing to mankinds DOWNFALL or resurection???
>are you a lurker, a shill, or a bringer of truth and pills

Now is the time to join the fight , the enemy has
>paid shills
>comped mods
>corrupted embedded government
>satanic slave sex cults
There is an industrialized, organized evil afoot

An ancient order of evil video

We have a psychotic, artistic aristocracy called hollywood involved in SEX CULTS, CHILD SEX SLAVERY AND PURE EVIL
>allison mack rundown

What you have is the shadow cult is trying everything they can to stop Trump and stop the Neo-Renaissance

>mods cannot stop it
>shareblue cannot
>Rabbi Chaim Kibutzberg cannot stop it


Join the ARMY OF RIGHTEOUSNESS and let's expose these DEVILS

A Digital Prohpecy from the futureScape



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>Trump won't get the criminals and traitors of the Deep State.
it would be legitimately impossible.

>gun bullets

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(((Democrats))) fixed it for ya

(((Russians))) fixed it for ya

2nd this!!!

primaries are built to favor the party's chosen ones.

Look at how triggered all the Schlomos are at what i posted. You know you're saying the right thing when they get triggered this much. Did i touch a nerve Schlomos? Oye vey goyim! Don't do this or we'll call you glow in the dark! LOL tough shit!

You're still here, CIA Nigger?
>don't name the jew, guise, just increase defense spending to israel.
>keeps using ((())) excessively
>heh guise, I'm not an alphabet nigger!! look at all those *insert meme slur* thinking I'm not part of 4chanpol!

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This pretty much, they must all be (((approved))) by the tribe to ensure (((their guy))) always gets in. But California is a bit different i presume otherwise Patrick Little would have never been on the ballot. So in Cali they just fix it at the ballots..

Holy shit she has her hooks into some deep corruption.

Suck my dick you fucking kike worshipping traitor

Nice try kike fucker. ((())) is very effective always has been. It's been around longer than you have been on Jow Forums. Don't you have to go suck your mommy's dick or something?

Don’t get mad Goldstein. You’re just not that good at what you do. Keep your chin up though, maybe go practice your shilling on reddit or cripplechan for a while, then come back here and try again. I’m sure you’ll knock it out of the park next time!

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I would but you had that gender correction surgery or whatever you retards call it. I still have my foreskin tho. Don't believe me? Just ask your mom

Sheeeit, that was meant for That’s what I get for phoneposting

Califag here. Can confirm.

He's right tho. You shekelbergers are way too obvious. Come back when you're smarter. Oh wait, doesn't work that way.

>(((Nice))) (((try))) (((kike))) (((fucker))). (((((()))))) (((is))) (((very))) (((effective))) (((always))) (((has))) (((been))). (((It's))) (((been))) (((around))) (((longer))) (((than))) (((you))) (((have))) (((been))) (((on))) (((Jow Forums))). (((Don't))) (((you))) (((have))) (((to))) (((go))) (((suck))) (((your))) (((mommy's))) (((dick))) (((or))) (((something)))?
Everyone in this thread sees through your nigger bullshit.

Attached: James-Comey-FBI-Shrug[1].jpg (640x360, 93K)

It was two democrats running against each other and the other candidate was centrist which compared to feinstein basically made her a republican. Not surprising at all. There was no republican choice.

>That’s what I get for phoneposting
That's what you get for being a cock addict

You can try to make the echos uncool to use as much as you like schlomo. Your subversive jew tricks don't work on jwoke people nice try tho... Better luck next time faggot

wow you're really working overtime to slide this thread you absolute glowing piece of shit

not sure if CIA Nigger or Jow ForumsThe_Donald "Israel is our greatest ally" troll butthurt that we're exposing the voter fraud that took place yesterday and afraid that we'll be ridding california of a israeli dual citizen.

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Retarded low IQ jew tries to make a point about someone he doesn't know on /pol being a jew by posting some SJW shit movie starring a bunch of jews on a jewish jewtube channel! Holy KEK you are such a fucking retard i can't even....

>wow you're really working overtime to slide this thread
Posting in thread
Sliding thread
Pick one faggot!
Do you even know what sliding a thread even means you absolute newfag? You just outed yourself and your pals as JIDF with that blunder.. Keep trying schlomo or wait for your IQ to increase.

>Its all rigged
>We need to keep voting
Fucking slaves
Stop voting and start killing Jews and pedophiles

Get the cock out of your mouth and prove it.

Feinstein winning is a double entendre. She is gonna croak in mid office and John Cox will be running the big show.

>a second CIA Nigger appears
hey make sure to demote this other idiot , he's hurting your operation

>prove it
If I could prove it with certainty, I can assure you Dianne Feinstein would spend her remaining 40 years behind bars. The point is to point out the obvious and get the conversation going, because there were literally no other threads even suggesting overall widespread fraud (winning ALL counties). Meanwhile there's now 2 CIA Niggers at least monitoring this thread instead of just letting it die.

Hey JIDF you can stop trying now as one of your JIDF buddies just outed you all by posting something only a newfag would post. How exactly do you plan on outting Feinstein by shitposting on /pol? Do you have an actual plan besides being a retard online?

Redditors want confirmations that they too are being hurt from "hackers" so they can have karma

Fuck off you retarded kike. Only a kike would call someone a CIA nigger for promoting the genocide of Jews and pedophiles.

well, they can't really stop people from getting into the primaries. it's a registration fee and a petition with however many signatures for most elected positions.

the republicans have that one actual neo-nazi running unopposed in a primary in illinois because no one else bothered to even try to run.

thats how bernie even got into the democrat primaries when he isn't even a registered party member.

You both sound like kikes trying to seed doubt.

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>get the conversation going, because there were literally no other threads even suggesting overall widespread fraud (winning ALL counties). Meanwhile there's now 2 CIA Niggers at least monitoring this thread instead of just letting it die.
So let me get this straight.. You want to get the conversation going about (((voter fraud))) which is so obvious. But yet you want this thread to just die. Not call me crazy but don't those two statements contradict one another?

Wow! They really smashed it on that one
>Come up with a cohesive normie friendly way to disseminate the JQ? Shill! Get out of here with your Reddit tier shit!

So obviously we can't go to hard, because then they'll shut us down cause anti-Semitism. I think a good place to start is dual-citizenship politicians and split loyalties. Also Israel human rights violations, racism, and money pit. The left already hates them, so we're just missing a dmz that we can meet at with leftist to unite against the real enemy

it's so cute when (((you))) come in here and parrot the same few phrases. goddamn it sure is summer in here.

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>kikes trying to seed doubt
This very much

It's a primary you dumb fuck. Only Democrats are in the Democratic primary

>something i didnt like happened so im going to blame it on russia
every teim

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Wtf am I seeding doubt about?

wasted digits.

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You're embarrassing yourself.

>she’s a duel citizen of Israel.

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>they can't really stop people from getting into the primaries
Technically no they can't at least not on the surface. But they can do all sorts of other things like make the fees prohibitivey expensive or make the required number of signatures so high that you would need tons of money to collect signatures. When Ron Paul ran in 2012 he was not on the ballot in Florida because they changed the required number of delegates he needed to 15 when initially he had enough delegates to be on the ballot officially. The RNC did nothing illegal BTW but it just goes to show you how many tricks (((they))) have up their sleeve

Sweetie this is what happens when the red states that pay almost no money to the treasury raise taxes on California in a tax cut bill

Why would anyone vote for a republican after that??

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shitty little moochers have some balls

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New fag detected

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Exactly! Im all for naming the jew and I show mu power level IRL so i know first hand normies don't respond well to that unfortunately. I love dropping redpills but maybe we need a more normie friendly approach. As you already pointed out. The kikes have done half the job for us by turning this nation into a bunch of softie cucks. So lets use it against them by driving the point home about israel killing pregnant Palestinian women. Lets poit out how Israel won't take any refugees. Basically what we have been doing all along but just in a more focused and normie friendly way. We have 2 years til 2020. We can do this

>So let me get this straight.. You want to get the conversation going about (((voter fraud))) which is so obvious.
Then discuss the fraud and how we can spread the word instead of calling everyone in the thread a kike and shitposting.

Do you not realize that Trump has made many republicans vote against GOP interests now? If you can't understand that and see it, then you really are far gone from society.

It's almost like a lot of states in the south that are red have a lot of minorities that take in large amounts of federal welfare.