Imagine if he won

Imagine if he won
>No 9/11
>No wars in the middle-east
>No refugees
>Progress towards a greener planet

But no, dumb burgers had to fuck it up.

Attached: Al_Gore,_Vice_President_of_the_United_States,_official_portrait_1994.jpg (1024x1280, 148K)

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Are you serious? Gore was a globalist insider almost as much as Bush. 9/11 would've still happened. Iraq War would've still happened. We just would now have carbon taxes and maybe a few more shitty hybrid vehicles that don't actually slow down climate change.

>globalist insider
This doesn't mean anything, the sooner you realize that, the better you will be off in life.

not really. gore is a zionist cuckold too, and his running mate, lieberman, is very vocal of his jewish heritage and zionist agenda. thus, 911 would have still happened. we still would be fighting israels wars in the middle east, still would have refugees, but FAR more taxation of the citizenry and business industries in order to fight 'the inconvenient truth'
there is no hope in any candidate, any party, so long as they are infiltrated by jews and zionists, and/or funded by the Jewish lobby and terrorist state of israel.

This. Lieberman and McCain are BFFs. Lieberman was a Democrat but then switched to being an Independent after the Dems pretended to be anti-war during the Bush Era. Lieberman was the second biggest War Hawk in the Senate for a long time. (((The Plan))) was happening whether it was Gore or Bush.

This chump wastes more energy to heat his pool than I use to heat my house a year.

Why is this fraud an environmentalist hero? He does the exact opposite of everything he preaches, openly, and blatantly.

national debt paid off

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trump is a globalist insider

OP is a fucking Narwhal

sage ignore repeat

Gore was strongly anti-war

Based Bill Clinton and Awesome Al Gore!

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Only rural retards voted for bush, sorry but they make up a lot of us. ITs almost a jewish psy op im pretty sure. They keep half the population dumb and slow and then turn them into Zogbots to vote against their own interests.

Another 9/11 is coming under the trump administration followed by another war. Rural republicans cant figure out they are being played and used. Liberals know to vote for the lesser of two evil. Repubplicans think "hurr durr maybe this one will be a good guy!"

You're a zionist cuck and a globalist insider. Dumb cuck.

im surprised the Trump neocons haven't done a false flag already

they must be planning something really big

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watch your mouth

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Imagine if this kike had won, there would still be a right wing in this country.

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fpbp as usual. Gore was no different whatsoever

lmao he got btfo

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it's totally unclear what role bush had in 9/11. He may have just been held hostage by the CIA/DoD and forced to go through with it.

fucking this

Trump is no on, he's no bush

that's why i voted for him :)

>Itt: people pretend both parties aren't kike puppets
How much do they pay you guys?

kennedy getting shot was still on people's minds, and johnson played that to his advantage of "continuing kennedy's legacy", hence why he won by a landslide

by the nigger loving establishment sure

It means everything Bush was.

clinton followed by al gore would've been amazing. far left and alt-right would never have existed because the economy wouldn't have collapsed and left people struggling and full of hate.

yeah they sure loved those 90% top tax rates that Republicans repeatedly cut

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>Meme alex jones word

this so much

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each of your "arguments" are shit and you are politically retarded
breivik should've killed you, too


Shitposting vs shitposting, mate.
Rude cunt.

he is controlled by jews just as bush was, iraq still would have happened

>>No 9/11
Sure thing retard

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breivik killed a bunch of young white children

that's how retarded you right wing isis terrorists are

His running mate in that election, Joseph Lieberman, is barely any different from Cheney when it comes to foreign policy. He was a huge supporter of the Iraq War.

fuck that cuck

I see all you GOP shills have the same talking point. Al Gore opposed the Iraq War.

Hahaha, fucking Obama leaf. I thought you killed yourself out of shame.

Wasnt his VP pick a zionist jew who on foreign policy was basically like McCain?

Trump voter here -- OP is completely right.

Bush fucked this country up hard senpai. Iraq War, No Child Left Behind, Medicare "Reform"/Expansion, No Enforcement of the Border

Al Gore would have at the very least not invaded Iraq like some fucking retard. It would have saved us millions, ISIS would never have happened, and nor would the Syrian/Iraqi refugee crisis.

Gore > Bush in fucking day of the week

Dumbass liberal you think the DIA wouldn’t threaten his family’s life to go into Iraq. You ingnorant as fuck.

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i see u retards still shill for the wealthy elites

>It would have saved us millions
meant to write trillions, sorry

that was a Republican war. own it

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This nigger could not even win his own state. Had he won his own state that Florida non sense would had been muted

Why do you hate investment?

u fucking shills are the biggest cucks on the planet

the only reason shillcucks like u exist is to get on your knees and suck that billionaire globalist Koch all day long

that's all u do

that's all you're good for

that's all you will ever be in your entire life

The ultrawealthy have 10% of global GDP stashed in tax havens — and it’s making inequality worse than it appears

u exist to serve Soros

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Go get em, Robin Hood.

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Imagine being the scared faggot who thought he could put off what was already set in motion by voting for Gore.

Stupid neoliberal cuck shilling for the transnationals not realizing they also directly compete and collude politically to crash small and medium businesses, which represent 90% of private jobs. If those were depleted by some oligopoly guess sho would the masses vote massively in 2020, bernie "no refunds "communist party" Sanders. Isn't a preocupation for you that Trump is the true meaning of protectionism and still the head if GOP?

Le 20 trillion debt
Le 0% I+D
Neoliberals must be sent to die

keep cutting their taxes u fucking shill bitch

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>unironically believing this

>Al Gore opposed the iraq war

Yeah and W was opposed to nation building

I cant wait for the day the US becomes just like some Latino country where the brown masses work and consume all of their lives so the rich jews in power could get richer. Lefties will have all power but which is morw influential - money or ideals? The US will become like Brazil.

Then all of those remaining european-americans might turn to national socialism.

You realize that United States had won the fucking cold war, and then inbred animal Bush son comes over and destroys the economy with his complete uselesness. US lost the cold war to itself thanks to the worst animal that happened to the USA since Harding died of not using a scarf. Not even Obongo the communistic wonder talking chimpanzee was so bad as Bush-Cheney-Greenspan.

Death to neocucks, and specially supporters of Bush, which need to be processed by the glue factory.

Low quality bait.


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>Republicans lie


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Gore was lying too, he isn't remotely opposed to globalism and would have happily invaded Iraq when the order came down.

All of these would've happened but we probably would've also gotten Carbon Tax. jews gotta grab all the shekels.

This is quite true. Taxes on innovation are a death sentence while taxes on speculation are cure for inestability problems.
I do think though that monopolies sjould be permanently under attack until they disintegrate.

Thats what happens when you have a two party system. Zionist owned abominations like Dubya happen.
Tho the whole US polit class is fucked up. Maybe only Pat Buchanan is the only good one but he was born too early. Politics weren't polarized enough like today back when he had a chance.

Why didn’t he won then?

9/11 was planned long ahead of the election and Clinton had no problem with tomahawking Saddam and establishing a no-fly zone over the Iraq in the 1990's

Didnt Clinton also bomb Belgrade so the alboshits in Kosovo can have their own country?


>But no, dumb burgers had to fuck it up

This was a big deal, faggot. Civil War II could have started over this election considering fucking Florida was run by the GOP and W's brother. Al did everyone a solid just by giving it up at the end.

Afghanistan ia unsolvable.
US can't retreat because Al Qaeda will take over and crash more airplanes of peace on select landmark buildings.

US can't win because it would need a inhumane investment of resources over the back of its brittle economy.

US can only leave some soldiers hoping Taliban don't retake their One-Day Demolition© trademarked initiatives of peace.

You can blame Bush as being the most inbred animal, and even worse than another Vietnam War to the US economy.

Al Gore was against the Iraq War. That was a Republican war. Own it shill

Bumping bc of this stupid fucking leaf and his stupid fucking meme
Fuck bush
And fuck gore
Nothing would have been different

>would have happily invaded Iraq when the order came down.
that order came down from Bush/Cheney you fucking retard. Gore would have never made that call. Unlike Bush, he had no family or economic incentive to invade Iraq on neoimperial grounds

Exactly, that's what cracks me up. I genuinely enjoy Hannity shitting on other news channels and pointing their lies, but then I remember this guy was also a main pet dog shill for the useless invasion of Iraq. It's almost as if this guy was just a opportunist, like Fox news.

Fox news starting shitting on Trump and their ratings went to shit. Murdoch the quantum cuck hates Trump. But now Fox and Trump are BFFs. Now Fox is in function a more imparcial alternative to the faggot communist HIV propaganda outlets that are the rest. If you told 10 years ago someone with IQ over 50 Fox could be more honest than CNN they would probably accused you of having half a brain or being a Fox employee.

Neocucks actively try to gargle neocon mayonnaise, while simultaneously not publicly offending liberals, and also gurgling their mayonnaise. Eg, Canadian conservatives.

>Norwegian intellectual

Team Blue Jew vs Team Red Jew

imagine if bibi' retoric of hate hadnt murdered rabin....


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It was a really close election and Roger just happened to be in Florida right at the key moment.

He dindu nuffin

Refugees resulted from a Russian tactic designed to keep turkey occupied while they prosecuted their war in Ukraine, al gore would not have affected that in any way.

Gore acted like Clinton and wouldn't shut the fuck up and constantly said he'd do the opposite of Bush and because he's an attention whore. The real leaders of the world wanted the war and regardless who was in power it was going to happen.

Bibi is an inspiration for how politics should be conducted in all countries.
He turned Israel from a unstable country at war with all sandniggas to a hub of technological innovation and achievement.

>9/11 still would of happened
That is where you are wrong kiddo, 9/11 was completely preventable.

Thinthread would of stayed inplaced but the election of Republicans forced big private business connections into the NSA and began Trailblazer.

Thinthread would of easily prevented 9/11.
Bush admin ignored 9/11 Intel from the NSA and CIA. Bush Sr. talked about a new Perl harbor incident. Son gets elected, 9/11 happens, and more freedoms are lost. Old business friends are rewarded multi-billion dollar military contracts.

Molten metal is seen pouring out the side of the towers on 9/11 (no offical mention or acknowledgement except calling it all a fake conspiracy with no evidence), the Pentagon attack (the most monitored building on earth) was only captured on 1 cam with no plane visible or seen (yet the feds confiscated all local business footage).

It was criminal and planned. Make no mistake, do not trust this government.

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bibi will deposit 1 khazari shekel in yewr offshore account. gud zoygoy

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>No 9/11
>No wars in the middle-east
>No refugees
>Progress towards a greener planet
Pulling all these assumptions straight out of your ass, these plans were in the works for decades, it didn't depend on who would've won.

or gud mosad/jidf larper-fago

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That revenue was primarily used to fund muh democracy worldwide wars and gibs for niggers voting Democratic.

Same shit different asshole