>be strong female police officer >get called for the 10th time to stop an out of control water fight in the 'hood >traffic being blocked by people, 58 calls to police throughout the day by people who have been harrased >tell people to stay off the road >1 minute later they are back on the road >tells them once again to get off the road and let traffic pass >get's sprayed down by dozens of water guns >everyone whoops and hollers >chases one of the water sprayers >slips and falls down >laughed at by everyone >can't call for backup because radio damaged by water
Do females have any place in the police force? Additionally why are there so many expensive cars in a black neighborhood?
It's hard for me to feel bad for the cops, when they're the ones who are protecting our Jewish overlords.
Josiah Watson
This is so true
Isaac Russell
Xavier Taylor
>Do females have any place in the police force? No. >Additionally why are there so many expensive cars in a black neighborhood? A combination of drug money and welfare.
Women shouldn't be cops. Their reaction times are too slow and if it were a male cop, he'd have been able to reach his sidearm and put two into the chest of that idiot with the Super Soaker.
Juan Bailey
This is a serious question: when can we nuke France?