TOP KEK! We are #1! We’ve never won a war, we follow a constitution written by our conquerors to this day and we don’t even have a currency or border! Slay Merkel yaaaaas
Do Swedes really think they can out cuck us?
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england is number 3
i love how everyone just doesnt give a shit about belguim
>it's the british cuck again
Lmao nigger, you're literally an orwellian police-state just without the safety.
I’m German :^)
It’s so good re-electing Merkel and having Anglo soldiers here. It makes me feel warm inside!
Wtf. England is number 1.
Let's be honest, it's a fucking race to the bottom.
Ahhh I get it, the UK did not had a loicense to compete, pretty clever joke right there.
You are either a shill or a non-white if you like to make fun other your neighbor getting cucked.
They try to push us a part on all side and levels. The pro EU, pro migration people start hating on other countries and they try it here with us.
>i'm ...
>Not having license for memeflag
>Shot by police while there's a pedo orgy next door
Operation Sea Lion should have happened
>I’m German :^)
You say that every time and it always turns out wrong.
Anglos really are pathetic.
Fuck off i think the UK is way more cucked than us.
>In the EU
Even the UK itself doesn't know if it's in the EU anymore.
You have far more niggers and muslims even now. You just stopped recording ethnic data years ago.
girl getting raped and creampied by nigger and boyfriend is watching
I think there is no doubt about the first place going to
let me doubt that faggot, you have niggers from everywhere, plus disgusting pakis child rapist.
at least we don't have those.
plus i can say fuck islam without going to jail for Wrongthink.
Of course you think that. France has an inferiority complex over Britain because they had a bigger empire than you and saved you from us in both world wars.
nice try mutt