Canada is coming you, Drumpfy

Canada is coming you, Drumpfy.

Attached: Canada.jpg (575x575, 91K)

Other urls found in this thread:

don't hurt us, we give up.

Attached: 1511912647364.jpg (1536x1042, 599K)

>they all read the Art of the Deal

Attached: 9781524734398.jpg (388x450, 38K)

it´s over, impeach him

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>only one diverse person there
I'm hoping someone will sue for discrimination. Black people know how to negotiate.

Sarah Porkins , Julia Cutsherself and the basedboy trio are a force to reckon lads

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Our lady penis

Why is Canada so memeable

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>Goy division


Söy Division
The Traveling Pillsbury

Well played

Miss Perkin's Civics class won the "Renegotiate NAFTA" essay contest and field trip.

The only person taking this serious is the pajeet

Ohhh, those 17 year olds are going to fuck him up for sure.


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It's exactly the group Hollywood would cast for a movie on this subject.

She's a high-powered Canadian who has given up on men. He's a billionaire playboy President who has all the women. What's gonna happen when these two explosive personalities have to negotiate a NAFTA deal?

The new hit comedy taking the world by storm!

The Leaves are Falling!

Coming soon to a summit near you!

2 joos, a fag, a poo & a slit...they couldnt catch a feral cat between the 5 of them. They are probably there to lick ass clean.

Attached: leaf-coward-concierge.jpg (575x575, 241K)

Trump will simply pull out of NAFTA and destroy the Canadian economy in the process.

Attached: 1522629127284.webm (1158x490, 2.94M)

>Scrunchypuss McPurpledressedjew
>a literal poo
>two basedboys
>a tranny

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I was wondering how long that would take kek.
Also like what Trump is scared of some kiddy Trudeauites.

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If i was a leaf i would probably kill myself out of shame.

Trump's chad walk is impeccable, especially considering his age.

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Audible kek

It's a joke

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The two on the left look like they just finished a five day coke binge.

I hope I will be so fucking alpha when I reach 70

>Canada is coming you, Drumpfy.
Coming? Canada will be dancing. Watch Turdeau here

Attached: trudeau dancing bhangra.jpg (480x360, 19K)


Attached: 1983904820.jpg (480x360, 20K)

Note that Trump wants to cancel NAFTA, has for nearly 30 years. What exactly is this team going to use as leverage during negotiations?

Trump wore the silk pajamas better.

From Ape, to Grape.

So the one on the left is a fag lol I thought it must be girl, lol how wrong I was

I know it right eve thou we poo are paid far less we still take things seriously even if its an losing battle


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I hate Chrystia Freeland. And obviously her wardrobe person does too.