Why the racemixing whites out of existence?

I know there were many threads about it, but the most common explanations just doesn't make much sense to me.

Most people say it's the jews. And given how all of the main stream media supports it + attacks whites, they are certainly in on this. But why would they? There never was a time period where they could milk the whites for more shekels. It's killing your golden egg laying goose before the time of peak productivity.

Think about it. They got the power, they got the money, why would they want to change it? It's literally a perfect system for them right now, introducing such drastic changes for shits and giggles is unseen levels of pure down syndrome. "We got a great thing going here, pretty much perfect. Why don't we throw a wrench into the cogwheels for shits and giggles and see what happens?" Most of EU countries are taxed into oblivion with ~50% income tax + additional taxes on every step, with people blindly trusting the media and being good goys. What for do they want to re-organize entire system? To what get ~70% income tax, even tho right now they pretty much have infinite funds? Bullshit, I don't buy this explanation.

The jewish explanation is that without this racemixing "Europe will not survive". It's obviously BS but lets entertain this idea for a moment.

So they say they want to racemix whites out of existence "to help them". Do we have any proof they want to "help us"? Given that for multiple years now all of mainstream media around the globe is spewing pure hatred towards whites, it's blasting anti-white propaganda cannons for 24/7, no - we don't have any evidence that they want to "help us", but evidence suggests the opposite.

Also, this "help" leads towards eradication of whites, so no, it's not any "help" at all.

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Other urls found in this thread:


>inb4 some shill/brainlet talks about "muh birthrates"
The birthrates argument is so purely retarded only an IQ = fucking potato (so about 110 and below imho) person would ever support it. If you want explanations on why it's IQ = potato, bad news for you bro. It's literally the equivalent of flat earth.

But even if you somehow believe they want to "help us", how does it "enable the survival of Europe"? It "saves us" (it doesn't) from what threat?

In summary, the elites obviously want to destroy the white race, but why? Why now? Did they just lack the influence/power to do it earlier? Is the reason for wiping out white race out of existence simply because they see it as a potential threat in the future? Is it this fucking retarded?

>Given that for multiple years now all of mainstream media around the globe is spewing pure hatred towards whites, it's blasting anti-white propaganda cannons for 24/7

Well hello there Shlomo

Mass immigration is encouraged for the sake of lowering the IQ and dividing the society.

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Between your two post you have 10+ question marks. Post a single well crafted question. Leave off the paragraphs of rambling mess.

Also, remove the memeflag if you really want to be taken seriously.

because whites are voluntarily deciding to racemix themselves out of existence
looking for someone to blame? try a mirror


1. Jewish women can’t stack up to Aryan women in the looks dept. Jealousy.
2. Jewish men desire Aryan women, but tribe loyalties lie elsewhere.

This goes all the way back to Israel and Edom. Edom hated Israel because he stole his birthright and Edom intermixed with Canaanites who also hated Israel because they holobunga'd them. After finally achieving global power this is Edom's chance to destroy Israel. This is the reason they hate the white race and Christianity which ordered them to kill the Canaanites and declares their degenerate activities worthy of death.

This is all in the Bible.

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This, but the jews are propagandizing the racemixing to humiliate the rest of us. In actuality, only the trashiest are selling off their genes, which is refining european genes as a whole because obviously non-whites aren't euro and we can instantly tell, so those who don't miscegenate will just be of a higher quality.

This is europe reaching adulthood. Actually they don't want to lose their taxpayers. They're just scared of us and trying to maintain their power, even if it means having to settle for ruling over a kingdom of mulattoes.

In all honesty, expect it to be gladio-style social engineering for them to paint themselves as the savior of europe for manufacturing and then "solving."

Yeah, many anti-Jewish conspiracies have holes, contradictions and inconsistensies in them. If any race is going to be racemixed out of existance, it's Jews. They're getting goyed at a record rate. Also destroying Western societies doesn't make sense if they already control it. Also importing Muslims into Europe is a terrible idea, for both European Jews *and* Israel (how's Israel going to deal with nuclear-armed Eurabia?). Etc. Etc.

Well, they'll be lording over that nuclear-armed Eurabia.

America was once white, so it can sure happen. I just sooner expect it to be a psyop to trick people into voting for police state style fascism

They won't be able to control Eurabia. Muzzies are going to genocide Jews as soon as they can. For them a lolocaust will be even higher priority than enslaving Christians

Really? Muslims are fucking retarded, jews probably invented islam. Crypto-jews sit on the throne of all the arab states. Don't tell me you actually believe T. E. Lawrence and other jew agents put real muslims in power after the ottoman empire was carved up...

Muzzies may be retarded, but even their primitive inbred brains are capable of feeling primal hatred. There aren't much of a Jewish minorities in Muslim countries

probably because the jews kicked them out to populate israel

jews were in Iraq for thousands of years until the Ottoman empire fell, for instance. Same is true in many areas. weird...

I get why they want to divide the society, simple divide and conquer.
But why do they want to rather quickly, drastically drop the IQ? They need workers that can comprehend maths, physics, chemistry, biology. Someone needs to do research for them. And they surely want to live longer, healthier, more comfy lives. Also higher tech = higher power potential.

Those IQ changes are pretty much permanent, so if they drop average IQ in Europe below 90, it literally means bye bye American/European research forever. They would get like 1/1000th of new researchers per year that they get now out of those "new mutts". Also such a drop of IQ might cause societies to actually collapse, it would require re-do of entire countries and systems.
In addition populous with IQ in range ~85-~92 is the crime sweet spot, crime rates would just skyrocket. They certainly don't want to get shived while exiting a restaurant.

A lot to loose, and what are they to gain? More power/influence? I don't buy it. With current tech developments bringing more mass control/surveillance and given how docile/good sheep people are at the moment, it doesn't add up. Something is missing here.

Why are whites being permanently racemixed out of existence?

I'm not looking for someone to blame, not interested in blame games, I'm looking to understand why.

>those who don't miscegenate will just be of a higher quality
I came to same conclusion initially. It's a mechanism to "get rid off" the bottom quality people, same as many other things it's like giving them rope for them to hang themselves ("hang" as in just a figure of speech)

My thoughts exactly. In my opinion the easy "Its the Jews!" explanation is a red herring. If they control it, why destroy it? It would make much more sense for someone with less control to try and do this, in an attempt to power-grab. Also spreading Islam across European countries with nuclear arsenal would be a "an hero" move.

Lawrence had nothing to do with bringing the House of Saud to power. He actually refused knighthood because he believed Britain betrayed the Arabs

> meme flag
I'm actually concerned by how many slide threads are being posted. Meme flags galore, not even trying to hide it. Sage

>OP is a memeflag
Nevertheless ive wondered about this too..
If youre a shill this is god tier subversion

(((jealousy))) ?

It's an attempt to unite the white people and use them to create an one world government

Honest answer?

They are really hot, but I do think we should keep a reserve of them.

Wtf, I love the nwo now.

Because low IQ mixed vermin is easier to control and milk even more. Mixed vermin has no concept of rights or justice, just consumerist pop culture

>Why the racemixing whites out of existence?

so that the jews have less intelligent competition.

Attached: Race_IQ_Sketch_OrderFlipped.png (928x571, 60K)

But low IQ vermin can't produce as much. Some professions require at least some amou t of IQ

Why does competition matter if they already won? Since they already control society?

Maybe I'm naive on this but wiping out a race/civilization off the face of this planet forever, only because they could be a potential threat down the road, is just so fucking beyond evil, an entirely new dimension of cruel and fucked up that probably even Satan would pass on it.
But then again Stalin, Mao... Power thirst of sociopaths seem to know absolutely no boundaries. Lives of millions of people seem to make to them same difference as if they are going to fart 4 or 5 times while taking a shit. (crude language, I know, but it really gets the point across)

Slide threads?

But if you look at the countries with lower IQs, it's not really a paradise. Unless I'm missing something here, they have no working model of a low IQ zone that is productive for them, it's very hard for them to get things done there and they need to import contractors from higher IQ countries.

Unless they want to switch Whites for Asians, who would be the higher IQ contractors getting things done?

Yeah I've been considering this option. Like "what else do you want us to do to wake you up?!"

>Why does competition matter if they already won? Since they already control society?

preventing the possibility of future insurrection by dumbing down the population to a point where it becomes close to impossible.

Also, deception works better on morons.

>But if you look at the countries with lower IQs, it's not really a paradise. Unless I'm missing something here, they have no working model of a low IQ zone that is productive for them, it's very hard for them to get things done there and they need to import contractors from higher IQ countries.

you're silly...

They aren't trying to dumb down the entire population, just the goyim.

with summer here it's hard to tell between the shills and idiots. it's merchant paradise right now

There will still be soooome mutts with high iq, even pure black have high IQ people. Although there are extremely rare

So you imply that I'm either a shill or an idiot?

>doesn't buy into the most common answer
>points out why
>asks further questions
He must be a shill and/or a fucking retard!

Posts like this further convince me I'm on to something.

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>Why are whites being permanently racemixed out of existence?
it's a step in forming multicultural societies without an identity that in the end will be easier to control
one world government, one race and the juice to rule them all

>The jewish explanation is that without this racemixing "Europe will not survive"

Specter didn't say racemixing per-se, she meant transformation as in adding massive amounts of new migrants into Europe.

they want to create a class of "New Europeans" which will help turn Europe into a sort of United States of Europe.

nah, I think you just need to lurk more if you are genuine. lose the meme flag and don't submit a loaded question post if you want to be taken seriously, like someone else already pointed out. also sage.

Its not racemixing that'll kill the white race.. its the chronically sub-replacement birth rates due to contraception, the LGBT-cult and the collapse of the large family. In a completed fertility rate study of the 1967 cohort study by the German govt. about 20% of all German women of that group never had children. And this was at the very peak of the post-war German economy (so don't give me the "we can't afford large families anymore" bullshit). Considering the German fertility rate is still ~1.44 after 40 years, its clear Germany and white people worldwide will just suicide themselves out of existence. Good thing is that the shitty Jews (the lefty American ones) will die with us since their children are also falling for the "non-traditional" childless lifestyle and LGBT propaganda.

But why start with Whites? Aren't Asians ranking higher on the IQ scale? For some reason it just doesn't seem to be the complete answer.

Do they target Whites first because they want revenge for WW2? But if they give 0 fucks about lives of millions of people, why would they care about that? This would be too inconsistent.

Also there are some white countries that do not accept immigrants (at least yet).

What chance does a random group of dudes on the internet have to figure out the motivations behind the world elites? Especially when having a very incomplete set of information. The information asymmetry is so annoying.

>But why start with Whites?

who says they did?

I've lurked 4chinz for 10 years and Jow Forums for 3 years. Still don't agree with Jow Forums on the JQ. I do believe that Jews have disproportionately advanced cancerous leftist beliefs, but I don't think it's a conspiracy, I think they just picked it up from the goys in order to try and fit in. All of this cancerous progressive shit is against Jewish interests as much as it is against white interests. Destroying western societies isn't good for them because they're living in them

Because they havent been assimilated by asians cultures yet. We are the host nations these days

Whites are closer... mind you, I think a lot of this bullshit is also pushed by white capitalists, not just Jews. If controlling a large share of the future worldwide economy means selling out your own people, then I'd bet more than half the white CEOs and politicians in the world would do it

it's not just ww2
they've been kicked out of every european country the last milenia
also we seem to be the closest geographically historically and culturally to them
also the most naive

CRISPR and test tube babies will keep any race from going extinct. The game is about mitigating competition. Blacks and arabs are less likely to compete against the Jews but intelligent white men have a chance.
Your right that they are in control, and of course they want to keep it that way. The color of skin a peasant has doesn't matter if he remains a peasant.

Again I agree with you here.

Someone is undermining the West.
Who would benefit from weaker West?
Arabs. Russians. Chinese.
It would make much more sense for Jews to be useful idiots in this than architects of the operation. What good is weak West for Jews when they get invaded by Russia + China? If USA goes to shit, who will defend Israel?

Whoever is conducting this, Arabs are 100% on it. People don't just randomly wake up and start walking in millions across XX countries, all going in one direction, without the elites of those countries being in on the gig.

Russia/China for sure do not sit idly and just observe what's happening without playing some part in it. Global super powers are not passive observers of events. Given that weak West suits their geopolitical interests, even if they didn't plan it, they most likely actively support it.

>The color of skin a peasant has doesn't matter if he remains a peasant.

and the dumber the better, amirite?

This is the only hint you'll ever get.

Noah - Shem - Abraham.

Who is in charge of education curriculum, who prescribed the Rx meds to the kids. Keeping them dumber is part of the game.


You're right, just realized the question is actually loaded. I guess I take the racemixing whites out of existence theory for granted.
But I never understood the problem with meme flags. Why not use them?

Yeah white capitalists surely do not oppose it. They're either in on this, or too potato to react in a meaningful way. Most likely they just don't care.

The goal was never to eliminate the white race, just reduce the white population. Quality over quantity.

My gut tells me there's no grand plan, just different people doing what they think is right/in their interest. The trouble is, it's very easy for individuals to tell themselves (and others) that their self-interest is real altruism towards the world at large - or Europe - in Barbara Specter's case.

They really do seem fucked-up in the head enough to believe what they are doing is for the good of the world. Moral-vanity is a hell of a drug.
You know how Left-Wing Swedes have an arrogant and vain sense of moral superiority because of their country's social policies? Well Jews have that x1000, but they believe it's their people "unique historic suffering" that gives them special moral insight, and makes them ideal "moral leaders" of the world.

>they want to create a class of "New Europeans" which will help turn Europe into a sort of United States of Europe.
Where does the "Without it Europe will not survive?" bit come in though. That's what I've never understood about Babs' reasoning. She's obviously trying to justify to herself that she's doing the right thing, but that "survive" bit makes absolutely no sense.

It's no wonder Psychology has such Jewish origins. They're an absolute mess of internal contradictions, neuroses, self-delusion, moral-vanity, self-loathing, egotism, messianic delusions, etc...

>The goal was never to eliminate the white race, just reduce the white population. Quality over quantity.

No, the GOAL was to reduce the average goy iq, globally.

Fuck me that post got mangled by my shitty keyboard.
TL:Dr: Never underestimate the ability of people to do stupid or wicked things while genuinely convincing themselves they are doing good.

Do you mean, generally speaking, Kabbalah?

I concluded the same thing OP. Jow Forums has a hard time understanding the idea that whites are the perfect goy.

Ashkenazi jews are euroified, bleached if you will. They blend in with whites if one does not point out some of their phenotypical distinctions (which often overlap with greeks, whom ashkenazi are biologically the closest to).
In a multi-cultural society emphasizing staunch ideas of race rather than ethnic differences such as in America, jews are indistinguishable to whites and are often treated as such if no one is ever made aware of the differences.
This is very beneficial for them, because they can more easily blend in with a host who is more focused in projecting racial tension on those who differ in a more physical sense, which is more within human nature to occur.

It is much easier for a master to control his servant if the servant feels some level of connection with his master and this is represented in the fact that among humanity, whites are the only group that protects, supports and even loves jews. When you think of people who care about the holocaust, do you think of black? Have you ever seen a black man at the holocaust museum that wasn't forced there by some means? Asians? They don't care, white people do.

It's hard to imagine Jews without a white middle man, their "House slaves" which is why it's hard to imagine that they want to eliminate us all. Maybe they want to Brazil situations in the west, but they most certainly would want a population of whites to do jobs that third world exports are unable to do and to perform other necessary tasks within their gated communities.

>it's hard to imagine that they want to eliminate us all

they just want to eliminate our brains, and turn us into computer controlled automatons.

well, a few of us, anyway... but the rest they want to kill.

Yeah well they could probably do that, but the point of whites is to have a slave smart enough maintain a society.
Jow Forums thinks that the "mongrels" of the future will have some sort of perfect IQ for that but I doubt that. African Americans are around 20-40% white on average, but the bulk of their population literally depends on tax payers dollars which basically just means the money is stolen from whites while blacks use it to be heedless consumerists which just puts it into jews.

They aren't making money and could not survive without a money making population, thus these uber debt slaves people believe the plan is trying to create could not perform the functions jews would want for their desired form of civilization, you need a middle man and whites are perfect, because Asians aren't going to bow down to Schlomo-san because he's a round eye piggu, where as whites they can just keep screaming about white guilt and feeding them Marxist tripe to keep them loyal.

Keeping goy IQ low isn't as important as keeping knowledge out of their heads.

>Keeping goy IQ low isn't as important as keeping knowledge out of their heads.

but the higher the IQ, the easier they attain knowledge, and can figure things out on their own.

They are trying to destroy our CAPACITY for logical thought.

So that we will believe literally any bullshit they try to give us.

ever heard of brainwashing? are you new look at some childrens books and series
t'is better explanated

>Where does the "Without it Europe will not survive?

People like Specter almost certainly think if Europe doesn't become multicultural like the US (and turn into a USE civic state) there's a chance it could turn very ugly for them.

Totally agree with you here.
There's a 'joke' about it.
>"-Between Jews and Blacks, I much prefer the Blacks.
>-But why tho?
>-Because you know a Black when you see one."

Unless it caused a huge benefit, creating a population where many Jews would clearly "stick out like a sore thumb" would not be a very good long term move. There's a reason why Jews change names/surnames to local standards when they move, why they often want to "blend in". Willingly, permanently removing such option... Doesn't seem right.

I agree. But I also think they convince themselves that they aren't just acting out of self-interest, they are acting in everyone's best interest.

There's a video I remember seeing on youtube of a Jewish guy talking about how Jews have some sort of unique insight into a why a "post-national world" would be better for everybody. I'll see if I can find it, because it captured what I'm talking about.

From their point of view, Europe was morally and intellectually wrong for hundreds of years (especially in the 20th century) while they were morally & intellectually right. They look down on Europeans as "needing their wise guidance".

Here's the video I was talking about:

It perfectly captures the kind of moral & intellectual arrogance and vanity I'm talking about.

Attached: Rushkoff.png (885x641, 494K)

Reading your post and saying Low IQ = to believing Earth is flat activates my almonds something fierce. So people deny NASA because they are riddled in occultists beliefs and insignias, and don't trust them because they don't believe theur Government on other things? So somehow they have Low IQ? Along came a Jew and he said the earth is round, and everyone believed him. We should question everything that is taught to us just like what most of Jow Forums already does. Jow Forums broke taboos, why can't it be applied to other subjects?

To your race mixing bit, they only flood Europe with shitskins that have low levels of intelligence and a complete lack of social skills or morals. But not Asia as a whole? I know it's because Asians (whether Korean, Japanese or Chinese) tend if not are shown to be far to close minded to race mixing with those they consider inferior to them. Is this whole Euroasian thing thats been proported as a counter to Mudslim/White Mongoloid Species? A White/Asian Species to counter it?

Oh God. 500 years down the line the world will be in a Tech War with White/Asian Master Society vs Mongoskin Warrior Society. Someone figure out generics and birthrates vs shitskins and whites to asians and whites now.

Fake quote, dickhead.

Exactly. I think Jews fall for stupid ideas, and don't believe they're inherently evil.

>My gut tells me there's no grand plan, just different people doing what they think is right/in their interest.

Same. It's probably multiple different groups pursuing their own interests, sometimes working with others, sometimes not, where attacking/weakening whites would further their agendas and strengthen their own positions.

In a weird way I wish there was some grand plan, some 'grand conspiracy to exterminate whites'. It beats "Lol we accidentally whites out of existence... Yikes...". That would be a very sad way to go.

>Moral-vanity is a hell of a drug.
Yes they seem to have a strong need to rationalize what they're doing and feel good about it. Which might be a good thing, because it means they're not complete sociopaths. This creates an opportunity for corrections, dialogue, changing the plan.
Self-justified moral arrogance/superiority sure beats sociopathic plans of eradication.

>We don't believe in gods that protect specific groups of people


Yes it's also create a race of people that have no real ties to the countries they live in. Much easier to take away rights then. And the Jews won't have to worry about another shoah with whites gone.

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Fuck I hate those soulless black Jew eyes.
Are brown eyed people even human?

Well you're right. There seem to be a lot of high IQ people who are into flat earth theory. I could've used a better example than flat earth, but to be honest couldn't come up with something better. Guess it shows my limitations.

>Which might be a good thing, because it means they're not complete sociopaths. This creates an opportunity for corrections, dialogue, changing the plan.
I'd like to think so too, but frankly I'm not optimistic. Looking at all the times throughout history that non-Jews have become fed up with them and kicked them out (or worse) and them having gone away convinced they did nothing to warrant it, it seems like a cycle that keeps repeating (and will in future).

Maybe the cycle can be broken, and I hope it can....but I wouldn't bet on it. Still, if you've got the patience to try, I wish you success.

>>We don't believe in gods that protect specific groups of people
The thing is they (Left-wing Jews like that speaker) would undoubtedly have a way of rationalizing even that statement to themselves while also "reluctantly" (as they would tell themselves) supporting Israel's right to exist.

Then there are the Left-Wing Jews (and some ultra-conservatives) who genuinely don't support Israel's existence. The Israeli-Right hates them.

Calm down, we’re actually race mixing blacks out of existence.

That didn’t work before

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>Who is in charge of education curriculum
>who prescribed the Rx meds to the kids

This is a bit off-topic, but why this still exists? Why people actively want to dumb down the masses, burn their brains with drugs, shut them up and prevent any thinking going on. Those people have literally unlimited power, but it's not enough. So they undermine millions of people to have "unlimited power +1".
All this infighting, sacrificing millions of people in personal quest for more power. Wasting human lives, human potential, resources, delaying tech progress "because someone else might dethrone us using this new tech".
How do we stop this retarded shit? How do we move past this stage?
>inb4 someone shills communism/socialism