Was he controlled opposition ?
Patrick Little
No just a waste of time and energy. Stop making threads about him. Time to move on.
Of course he was. Now we have to sit through the exact same people posting threads everyday "HAHAHAHAHA he lost"
this right here
he was a false flag to further discredit the alt right and Jow Forums.
Discredit them from what you dumb fuck?
>redpilling normies is a waste of time and energy
Get a load of this good goy
He was suppose to bring the JQ to light not win the election ya heebs
And to be honest they did the same thing with Trump, they wanted Hillary to go up against a candidate they thought would be the easiest to beat. This place was flooded with YEAH Trump but their little plan backfired. In my state we have closed republican primaries to keep the democrats from picking our candidates for us.
No. Patrick should work towards building up grass roots.
You can do that without supporting a candidate who loses big.
If for 5000 dollars you can get 54.000 votes then you are absolutely supposed to win the fucking election.