I still love and support this man. He put his neck out on the line and gave it a shot. Fuck people who shit on him for trying!
>Muh 1.4% Fuck you. Fuck you. Fuck you. Fuck you. Fuck you. Fuck you. You know this shit was rigged. He polled at 27% and got 1% and you're unironically, literally a shill if you say otherwise.
>le if we lose, we win Fuck you too. First, he never said this was about winning. This was a great step towards normalization... IN COMMIEFORNIA.
So fuck you and FUCK your demoralizing. I STAND WITH PATRICK.
Fuck that dumb nigger spouting autistic bullshit like a stormweenie on bath salts.
William Jones
California vote rigging isn't new. You could just say >California
Oliver Murphy
so by this logic it is more than feasible that bernie sanders, a literal communist jew, is your next president. correct? >american intellectuals
Jaxon Morgan
same, i hope he doesnt give up and continue the good fight
Adrian Murphy
>Muh 50 million people can't be wrong
Colton Edwards
It really is impressive. The overton window shifts every week.
Owen Lee
Fuck that retard patrick little and fuck anyone that wants to give israeli money to niggers. Fuck off you progressive faggot the crusade and end times arent cancelled and cant be.
Dont worry most of us still stand with you guys. We understand youre an independent nation and you need us funding to exist. The rest just want someone to point the finger at. Honestly its not your fault but it would be wise of israel to attemlt to distance themselves from the reformed and conservative (jews). Theres a reason God let the persians beat you up and its those guys. Likewise i know this is new testament but the bible says to cut off the hand that causes you to sin. Maybe the conservatives and reformed are valuable and rich but they are your hands that cause you to sin. It would be better to live without hands than to sin
Henry Brooks
I'm pretty sure 99% of the people saying that are shills but there might some legit clueless people posting here, you never know. I just wonder how much you get paid to shill for Israel in this board, it's crazy.
Leo Green
Did bernie the kike spit a single atom of truth out of his various sphincters to have any popularity? People love truth, not kikes. maybe some immigrant/leftist will vote for Bernie for temporary profit, but they will never see him as a fucking legend worth to die for. leaders and kings are mere servants of the people, most jews are idiotic insects
> muh iq
i swear there is more intelligence in a illeterate paysan than the whole community of kikes, just because of the fact that he uses common sense!
if we keep standing with pro-white candidates, more people in a position to try will try. keep chipping away at the cathedral hegemony, senpai. paul and pat both did good things for us. cucks can't see the memetics.
Isaiah Kelly
>paysan lmao are you mexican
Isaiah Lopez
What surprised me the most was that he almost beat Alison Hartson, who had a $500 000 budget and was endorsed by every liberal including TYT and Cenk Uygur.
If we look at a real state that's not 20% white, Patrick might actually be competitive.
In 2020 we'll have 1000 Patrick Littles running for every elected office.
be very afraid Jews.
Elijah Cooper
Its better to try and fail than to sit at home wanking to trap porn.
Matthew Barnes
Right-wingers in Europe tend to be huge jewish cock suckers like Trump.