Leave African Culture Alone

Africans are starving because the western world forces their culture of industrialised farming on them.

Africans are at one with nature. African culture does not consist of farming industrially to feed an unrealistic amount of people.

Stop brainwashing Africans into eating western food packed with industrial hormones.


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they're not starving.
they're just greedy cockroaches that breed non stop.
double the rice rations and you'll see double the niggers.

>double the rice rations and you'll see double the niggers.

Africans* are perfectly capable of feeding themselves.

It's disrespectful to their culture of not mass-producing to provide them with food.


Transferring technology to the locusts and The Green Revolution was the greatest single mistake the West ever made. Norman Borlaug gave the Third World all the hard won technologies of western agriculture on a silver platter.

The current population boom began after the technologies of the German chemists Fritz Haber and Carl Bosch were given over to the Third World in what was then known as the Green Revolution.

The primary objective of the program was geopolitical: to provide food for the populace in undeveloped countries and so bring social stability and weaken the fomenting of communist insurgency.

There is significant evidence that the Green Revolution weakened socialist movements in many nations. In countries such as India, Mexico, and the Philippines, technological solutions were sought as an alternative to expanding agrarian reform initiatives, the latter of which were often linked to socialist politics

technological diffusion (free trade) is the worst enemy of the west

we are repeating the same mistakes of ancient times resulted in the genocide of whites in Asia

the west leveled the playing field. even india is getting into the space race thanks to western tech diffusion. now the west is experiencing replacement by the former 3rd world.

The 3rd world population growth is booming out of control because of western tech science us pumping futuristic medicines/technologies to primitive societies.

>tfw the whole time asia/africas population was being artificially inflated to be used as an invasion migration force against europe

technological diffusion is responsible for all the overpopulation, misery, and wars in the world.

>the apes wouldnt be stomping around the world without anglo transportation and technology
you can thank industrial merchants giving away science and technology to every known monkey on this planet.
if the whites kept their tech to themselves, the world would remain peasant serfs and underpopulated

asia/africa would have been drastically depopulated of natives and repopulated by europeans, if the western powers had foresight and wisdom to keep their industries instead of spreading and sharing with locusts

the whites wanted to civilize the savages. they were wrong then and they are wrong now

we really need to talk about this

the technologies we have developed have allowed non white populations to grow massively, due to their benefit from them

which they then use to colonize and replace us. theres an obvious environmental impact but holy FUCK they are just festering pandemic diseases and it is only a matter of fucking time before we all die just because of these fucking shitskins who are often literally wallowing in their own shit (as we see here)

asia and africa are the main problem, but it is a serious problem, these people are fucking morons, they believe these diseases are fucking MYTHS, they take no precautions against them and encourage each other to continue living shitty brainless lives which are conducive to generating pandemic outbreaks, they discourage against proper medical precautions and having basic sanitary conditions, saying its all "the white man keeping them down" or that some sacred magic cow shit will protect them

this shit isnt a fucking joke anymore

our species is being extremely reckless allowing this all to go on for an indefinite amount of time, this will fucking fuck us all if we dont do something

Fuck Africa
Fuck Africans
Fuck you.

pic related

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I don't think you know the meaning of the word culture.
Africa doesn't have any.
Unless you think primitive dancing and percussions to be culture.

The only reason they are replacing us is cuz we are allowing them to. One policy decision to allocate military funding to stop mass immigration and we are good and they will eventually die out or get colonized by the Chinese.

This is exactly what OP talks about!

Instead of respecting africans, you placed trap meals everywhere, they can't resist, and starving children happen!


typical culture of critique

you commies can only naysay



we developed the world at our expense. now there are 7billion 3rd world monkeys replacing US.

I don't know why Europeans and white people in general aren't taking the yellow threat seriously, in the previous centuries there were heaps of people from Oswald Spengler to Lothrop Stoddart who warned against it.

In the book Man and Technics, Spengler warns against rabid technological progress and diffusion of technological innovations because the shitskins will inevitably adopt European technology and wipe white people the fuck out with it. And it's happening right now with China/India/Asia.

Spengler especially pointed to the tendency of Caucasoid technology to spread to hostile "Colored races" which would then use the weapons against the West.[2] In Spengler's view, western culture will be destroyed from within by materialism, and destroyed by others through economic competition and warfare.

Man and Technics - Oswald Spengler

The Decline of the West - Oswald Spengler

The Revolt Against Civilisation by Lothrop Stoddart

lmao "disrespectful"

their "culture" consists of living in mud huts and killing eachother

But starving is African culture, user.

No. Lawlessness is sin. They lack infrastructure ever since colonies stopped maintaining it. The population keeps rising expotential. arabs used to castrated them as slaves amd now that islam has taken seed you can see how it destroys themselves. Like native americans they would want our guns but reject our culture that has emancipated them from their mental slavery. Yet this want enough as they bite the hand that feed and plot to rape your farmers daughters into thots and cheap whores like the urban culture produces. If we refuse to trade with them, the consequence is enslavement to their so called brothers and the tyranny of the strong tribes over watering holes. Rains over africa. Haarp interferes for profit. Whites science indeed has gone too far but thats better than blaspheming the stars into djinns and demons of a southern hemisphere religion. The tangible miracles of medice they benefit from is far better than an average death for men at age 21. Starvin marvins. Brace for the martians.they attack back. Spirit cooking in fact. Ooga booga tricks on western words and bricks.

Africans should stop having 20 kids if they want enough food. Basic maths of land needed to feed people vs land available herp derp. Oh and in that calculation you need to factor in IF they will work the land efficiently etc etc

Hunger is part of nature's way of regulation

There is nothing wrong with it

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As OP said, they do not work their land. This is not who they are.

Maybe stop this failed intervention. Causing problems and then blaming the victim.

>stop giving handouts to the pre-neolithic hunter-gatherers

heard that

no they are starving because they have 60 IQ which is mentally deficient and can't maintain a fucking farms to harvest food, aka the most basic thing we mastered thousand of years ago.

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let them eat bark then ya dumb hippy.

Unironically this. There is a breaking point at which Africa will experience a genocide, a very quick one at that. Liberal cucks will have wished never to have started providing (((international aid))) to creatures less competent at surviving than flies

>Leave Africa alone
But, user, who are we supposed to exploit then?

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>be asiatic locust
>wrecklessly clone your worthless selves to the billions
>billions of hungry and envious subpar human-imposters need to steal resources and achievements from successful whites
>jews invent open-borders to replace whites and invite locusts
>whites get systematically expelled from their jobs, become homeless, and die from heroin trafficked by locusts
>b-but why are whites not welcoming of the locust horde?

the white is not responsible for locust overpopulation-- for locust existence.

asia should have been quarantined and left to rot in its own filth and shit.
tell your bow-legged bitches to stop shitting out useless and cheap human-imitations


True, we should stop pushing civilization on them and just let them run wild like they were meant to. We should dissolve all governments (except for a few white principalities) and let the Africans go back to the old ways.

Here is a view that is not heard often:

If the freedoms and possibilities for civilians that exist in developed nations exist in third world countries, this will lead to a new level of prosperity and freedom in developed nations.

It is worth investing in. Especially with all that about jobs, employment. That is the pressure here, right now. After being successful one has to do far less for a better existence. So everywhere. Eventually everyone would have to do about the same for a similar existence.

dubz of truth

we tried that and it FAILED

west is currently being flooded by asiatics and spics even after we developed their nations

fuck off you historically illiterate fucktard

This is interesting in a sense of
>If the freedoms and possibilities for civilians that exist in developed nations exist in third world countries

Basically this would have to lead to a similar result. As the framework of the view says. But something seems to be missing in that case.

>African warlord takes it all for his merry band of raping nigger boys
Giving any sort of aid to africa is the same as taking money and food and throwing it into a pyre.

>illiterate fucktard
Why scolding?

I don't understand why scolding please explain.

What I mean here is a principle that works universally. And say you are looking for a job or want to do anything else. Some things can never be called failed, end.

africans are starving because there is way too many of those idiots. They can't sustain that population so let the natural selection process take forth

>their "culture" consists of living in mud huts and killing eachother

What is wrong with this? Embrace African culture.

Or some in developed nations would really also prefer by nature instead of latest technology.

Living by civilization and its rules is totally imposed on anyone that lives here.
I mean look at Jow Forums.

if you dont understand history, then dont open your moouth with some retarded opinion when this serious issue needs urgent resolution

also, read the fuckin thread before posting something that has already been debunked

whites have been developing the entire planet in several iterations, with the hopes of uplifting these locusts-- it has been a complete catastrophe everytime

700 million whites
900 million shitskin 3rd world peasants

700 million whites
7 billion shitskins and assorted insectoids

this isnt the 1500s anymore. Whites have transferred everything to the shitskins. Africa, Asia, Latin America have no excuses, they are all already developed and have everything they need to prosper-- they fail because they are monkeys.

The keep flooding the west and destroying our countries to be copies of their failures.

Time to exterminate the locusts.

It sounds like the only solution is to quarantine white people away from africans. We must establish a non intervention zone and cease all travel to and from the dark continent immediately. Subsequently all of africa's sons and daughters should be returned to their homeland so that they can re-establish their empire of kings and queens without our imperialistic meddling.

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ITT: Absolute mongoloid retards fail to understand OP. Go back to /b/, retards.

>quarantine the locusts
include asia, khazaria, and spics into that plan and we are golden

They are fine.

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Underrated posts I'll save for later but a little too intellectual to actually solve the Africa question

>if you dont understand history, then dont open your moouth with some retarded opinion when this serious issue needs urgent resolution
>also, read the fuckin thread before posting something that has already been debunked

>Time to exterminate the locusts.

If you say this, this is the exact thing you call monkey behavior. It is the same thing they say all the time over there.

>It is the same thing they say all the time over there.

Or even: this is no longer needed. After a few times they could start shooting immediately.

Lol, are you really defending the primitives of Africa?

3 options:

1) continue to develop these already developed countries of Asia, Africa, Latin America and let them continue to flood our countries with millions of their spawn

2) launch epidemics to cull Asia/Africa/Mexico

3) Quarantine Asia/Africa/Mexico and let them naturally reduce themselves

Actually this is right
Pull out the aid and let them fend for themselves.

unironically ban all international trade of chemical fertilizer, precursor chemicals and manufacturing equipment

>>Time to exterminate the locusts.
>If you say this, this is the exact thing you call monkey behavior. It is the same thing they say all the time over there.

It's not the exact same thing at all.

If your house is infested with mice then you stop leaving food on the floor and lock up the pantry.

>Quarantine Asia/Africa/Mexico and let them naturally reduce themselves

How do you say they will allow this?

>700 million whites
>900 million shitskin 3rd world peasants
>700 million whites
>7 billion shitskins and assorted insectoids

If these numbers are accurate then things are much more terrifying than I ever expected.

I always just figured Japs were helping to balance the numbers against savages but they're really a drop in the water.

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Botswana has a GDP 3 times higher than Ukraine (BTFO). Some parts are decent.

>they will allow this?

If the west stops feeding and medicating them then what are they going to do? Feed themselves?

>Botswana has a GDP 3 times higher than Ukraine

Entirely supported by international mining efforts

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What a stupid frog.
Did not realise OP was trolling fat.
I bet you're Arab or something.

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- cease all trade and travel to and from asia/africa/mexico
- close the border (Iron Curtain style, muh nigga)
- deport the locusts (reducing the population)
- confiscate houses owned by money laundering poos/chinks (recipients of western wealth transfer funds)
- deport the globalist traitors to china

In 1800 Mexican population was 5 million, today it is 160+ million (120m in Mexico, 40m in US)
In 1890 Pakistani population was 18 million, today it is 200+ million
In 1900 Nigerian population was 15 million, today it is 200+ million
In 1890 Ethiopian population was 7 million, today it is 90+ million
In 1900 Phillipine's population was 7 million, today is 100+ million
In 1900 Vietnam's population was 13 million, today is 100+ million
In 1900 South African population was 5 million (1 million whites), today it is ~55 million (4 million whites)


In 1800 Turkey population was 5 million, today it is ~80 million
In 1800 Iran population was 3 million, today it is ~90 million
In 1900 Saudi population was 1 million, today it is ~40 million
In 1900 Korean population was 5 million, today it is ~81 million
In 1840 Ghanan population was 10k, today it is ~30 million
In 1890 Kenyan population was 900k, today it is ~45+ million
In 1890 Congan population was 3 million, today it is ~80+ million

In 1700 German population was 17 million, today it is ~80 million
In 1600 Spainish population was 6-9 million, today it is ~40 million
In 1600 UK population was ~3 million, today it is ~60 million

In 1850 Estonian population was ~200k, today it is ~1 million
In 1850 Greek population was ~700k, today it is ~10 million
In 1800 Romania population was ~1 million, today it is ~23 million

In 1800 Poland population was ~3 million, today it is ~43 million
In 1700 Italy population was ~13 million, today it is ~56 million

>everybody respond to the thread
>pick ME up in particular
why Igor?
I know op was trolling. still it's always fun to poke shades on niggers.
and fuck off i'm not a arab shitskin.

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>Leave African Culture Alone
I wish people would and then maybe they'd die off from starvation, ebola and AIDs like nature intended them too.

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I now also answer with a question, so question upon question upon question.

>they will allow this?

>If the west stops feeding and medicating them then what are they going to do? Feed themselves?

Asia Africa Mexico combined. It is simply unlikely that they can be overcome to shut up and let themselves be isolated and starve.

If the sensitivity of it is left out: look at the war in Asia by the U.S. from somewhere '50 to '70.

This is not a type of likely and something will probably come up that solves it. At best something will come up that you yourself will survive as a nation, continent or race. Trying to starve Asia Africa and Mexico.

How would you respond to this? How do you see this?

I think we should have a prime directive with sub-Saharan Africans. I do however think they were dying out before the Arabs moved into Africa and started the slave trade.

What fucking toothpaste have you been eating? Your wording is all bizarre and autistic and shit. You're not Aquafresh, tonight you're Aquadumb.

>This is not a type of likely and something will probably come up that solves it. At best something will come up that you yourself will survive as a nation, continent or race. Trying to starve Asia Africa and Mexico.

I don't pretend to know the exact outcome of leaving these countries to fend entirely for themselves and it's not an effort to make them starve; It's simply a non-interference policy.

If they starve to death then so be it. It's not something to feel guilty about, in fact, it's the ethical thing to do.

>If the sensitivity of it is left out: look at the war in Asia by the U.S. from somewhere '50 to '70.

Or Germany after WO I. Basically they built a power big enough to end their position imposed by other nations after WO I. True, justified because it was the kaiser that thought of it and motivated it. But it went further. They stretched themselves so wide that they were too weak in the end.

Attached: Country population growth.png (921x366, 43K)

Didn't see this. Posts weren't updated.

>What fucking toothpaste have you been eating? Your wording is all bizarre and autistic and shit. You're not Aquafresh, tonight you're Aquadumb.

This means you are full of shit.

Anyway, destroying them in whatever way. How is this going to bring more compared to not destroying them, but letting them do the right thing themselves?

Also: how would all powers agree under whatever plan to destroy them? How would you say it is realistic that they will all agree?

Whereas: if this is done all powers that work against will ''easily'' be overpowered. Not necessarily by their deaths.

>will ''easily'' be overpowered
Because it is about eating drinking, free sex, plenty of money everywhere and this works realisticly, peaceful sleeping and so on.
And it has nothing to do with anyone's destruction in the first place.

Missed a few

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Even if it fails time after time you yourself never run out of peace and prosperity. These ties that case a risk are never there. And never being in other people's business any further as they let it in.

>Anyway, destroying them in whatever way. How is this going to bring more compared to not destroying them, but letting them do the right thing themselves?

Honestly, I'm not sure what to do with this sentence.

>How is this going to bring more compared to not destroying them

You say this like the goal is to increase the population of countries which exist almost solely due to international intervention. There is no goal to grow the population of countries.

There is no goal to destroy countries either.

Everyone /knows/ that by simply stopping unwarranted aid to [non-specific list of shitholes] that nature will take its course where death and destruction will ensue. It's not an act of malice, it's not an act at all. It's literally an act of inaction.

Third time lucky.

I think this is easier to read.

Attached: population growth by country.png (1067x504, 70K)

Population of Nigeria is 200 million?


Attached: population growth by country for the fourth fking time.png (1057x506, 71K)

>Africans* are perfectly capable of feeding themselves.
Remind me again what's the only group of human who didn't manage to hunt its megafauna to extinction ?

it was sarcasm you fucking negroids

noice, its scary how whites are so naive and gullible into sharing their technology with homo erectus of asia and africa.

now we are genociding ourselves to have these monkeys replace us

>meme flag
>stop trying to assist them by giving them food & attempting to teach them industrial farming techniques that they need to keep their ridiculously huge populace alive
I support this idea 100%

>Honestly, I'm not sure what to do with this sentence.

Ok, so now let anyone else say something about this? This is a bloody lie.

>You say this like the goal is to increase the population of countries which exist almost solely due to international intervention. There is no goal to grow the population of countries.

I don't understand this because I wasn't thinking of increasing populations in any way. Do you mean this fear that the earth's resources will run out?

>There is no goal to destroy countries either.
>Everyone /knows/ that by simply stopping unwarranted aid to [non-specific list of shitholes] that nature will take its course where death and destruction will ensue. It's not an act of malice, it's not an act at all. It's literally an act of inaction.

I say this in a sense of: what is your opinion on this. Or what is the undoubtable truth of this?

This is things like claims of the past. If there is the right to say that our existence had an influence on their existence. OR their existence could be a threat to our existence: this means doing what friendly neighbors do. It also works the other way around.

Or this: we are as dependent on them because of things they do and are not visible. Maybe you know from your personal life. Or this: a neighbor can just shoot you if he would want to.

>Africans are at one with nature
aHaHAHAHHHaHaHaHaHaHaha. they paved over everything faster than any one. hippies are retarded and think any who who isnt white is without sin. native americans allegedly never knew war before the white man and africans would dare pollute mother earth. im 90% sure the left suffer from a sort of white supremacy subculture in white the revel in tales of what their ancestors did to other groups when they had a significant technological advantage but will never admit it. in that they think other groups are to weak to do what whitey has done. their belief in equality is just a thin veneer wrapping arrogance

we dont need them and never did!

is genocide of the western civilization worth a few bananas, coconuts, blood diamonds, coffee, and gold?

can white people live without bananas, chocolate, coffee and quarantine the locusts?

but ceos will no longer be billionaires and therefore genocide of whites is more profitable to (((them)))

Africa were 'at one with nature' when they could only have enough children that their food supply sustain could allow it
it was some kind of balance. now foreign aid lets them breed like rats, creating "new famine" every year while doubling their population every 10 years

There is actually truth into this.
Because western intervention they had an exponential increase in their population. Since they cannot organize themselves to function as a society, becasue they are not smart enough to properly allocate resources, maintain infrastructure and because of corruption, many of them end up in misery.
The westphalian system does not fit them. They are better living in small tribes and sticking to their traditional reproductive and survival strategies.
The west shound never have interfered with that.

>we are as dependent on them because of things they do and are not visible.


>their existence could be a threat to our existence


>doing what friendly neighbors do

Being the sole-provider of sustenance to a pest is not being a friendly neighbor. At best you're feeding a thing which annoys you, at worst you're growing a tool for your suicide.

Is it wise to artificially saturate the quantity of food required for bears in forests? Is it acceptable to artificially inflate the population of one violent species by 50,000% while other species are only organically growing at a rate of 3000%?

>50,000% while other species are only organically growing at a rate of 3000%?

Adding a picture because these numbers are roughly from actual data

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>but ceos will no longer be billionaires and therefore genocide of whites is more profitable to (((them)))

I don't think the issue is bananas, coconuts, blood diamonds, coffee, and gold. Or ceos. But connections that lead to this being true .

Or my information is wrong (?)

> (You)
>>their existence could be a threat to our existence
> (You)
>>doing what friendly neighbors do
>Being the sole-provider of sustenance to a pest is not being a friendly neighbor. At best you're feeding a thing which annoys you, at worst you're growing a tool for your suicide.
>Is it wise to artificially saturate the quantity of food required for bears in forests? Is it acceptable to artificially inflate the population of one violent species by 50,000% while other species are only organically growing at a rate of 3000%?

So if they are a threat they would have to be exterminated or no longer be a threat.

> (You)
>>we are as dependent on them because of things they do and are not visible.

So the answer here is yes.

So until it is sure they would have to be destroyed or some other plan: a closed ended question: are you:
A] sure they are devising a plan to destroy developed nations...
B] not sure about this...
C] certain they are not...

Under the circumstance that developed nations are relatively no more or less then friendly neighbors. This is how it is now/ yes or no: developed nations do no more or less as friendly neighbors would do, while keeping their distance. Also a closed ended question.

You are the single worst poster in the world presenting that absolute cluster-fuck of a post. Are you high or are you a nigger or what?

>So if they are a threat they would have to be exterminated

Captain Obvious.

Please refer to the following posts for your options regarding any "exterminations"

>So until it is sure they would have to be destroyed or some other plan: a closed ended question: are you:

THIS IS NOT A "closed ended question"





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I too would like a good famine

>Implying our culture is better
Are you some king of bigot


Maybe if someone else says something about this. This is just what you are doing.

You said this:
>Being the sole-provider of sustenance to a pest is not being a friendly neighbor. At best you're feeding a thing which annoys you, at worst you're growing a tool for your suicide.
>Is it wise to artificially saturate the quantity of food required for bears in forests? Is it acceptable to artificially inflate the population of one violent species by 50,000% while other species are only organically growing at a rate of 3000%?

This is not true, or correct me if this is wrong information.
I will take the weakest looking: Africa. This link goes to Wikipedia, skipping to the economy subject there:
For short: as you can see a lot has and is being taken out of Africa.

Asia: typically self sufficient and hard working.
Mexico. don't know it enough.

>Please refer to the following posts for your options regarding any "exterminations"
Objectively speaking the balance is at least zero. Meaning they did nothing more or less then minding their own business.

OR say if you still think the balance goes into minus too much.

But Mexico: speaking of locusts. Europeans ripped off the local population. The area that is now New York was bought from them for maybe $ 20, that type of amount in today money. While it was known it was going to be real estate under development. This type of real estate that can sort of run over the rest of the area as well, just by being there.

>stop brainwashing africans into eating
got it

I thought you commies were supposed to tolerant of other cultures. All cultures are beautiful, especially African culture which is why we shouldn’t interfere with it’s majestic wonder and leave it at peace. #leaveafricaalone