Wow, it took 13 of you to kill me

Wow, it took 13 of you to kill me.

Attached: normandy.jpg (329x451, 39K)

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your forgot the meme flag

>That K/D tho

But a victory nontheless

Obvious bait or just a complete retard

Attached: This.jpg (353x403, 22K)

Uhhhh did you forget that the US had to fight on two fronts because Shitler didn't take the autistic attack on Perl Harbor as an opportunity to cut ties with "honorary Aryan" insect people so he declared war on at the time 90% white USA? Also: >Italians>White

Russia pretty much raped its way trough the german subhumans on the other side tho.

>man goes around punching babies
>after punching the twelfth baby, another adult comes to kick the shit out of them
>”omg lel, it took 13 of you faggots to make me stay punching babies”

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>Germany outnumbered 1 to 6
>Kills more

Attached: 1111.png (336x669, 31K)

Only took Poland and Russia to completely destroy you too.

Soviet troops looked like Orcs

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What is a Luxembourgish?

>what are tens of thousands of lend lease vehicles
>what is tons of barrels in lend lease oil
The reason Russia even stayed in it at the beginning was because of American lend-lease.

>11k tanks vs 3k german ones
>The soviet had 14 million reserves

Attached: 111.png (313x578, 26K)

Belgian commies

Kek, is that Vitaly?

It took all the free states of Greece to put down the Persian menace too.

Forgot casualties

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I would say my greatest aspiration is to see a muslim mayor of london, but I strive for much greater. I hope to never see a muslim sex criminal punished in the kingdom ever again!

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What is "attacking a fortified position while debarking" ?

it's people from luxemburg

and that included British and American engineering, raw materials and crucial logistical assets, where Germany literally started off with horse power to defend German blood and soil and fend off the red threat

>The allies had naval superiority
>Partisans from both france and the north
>Air supremacy

Yeah, but when you debark butt naked in front of machines guns, you gonna have casualties.
Look, I am not saying that Nazi Germany didn't have good generals
Just that maybe, using a 'first time in history' operation of debarking on beaches would maybe not be very fair to allies.

I would not call ship bombardment from battleships and air superiority a day before a naked invasion, but i presume you have all your interpretations from the movie Dunkirk which explains your arguing. It was not just defensless troop transports which invaded normandy, they had a massive support.

Ah okay thanks.

Why are they "ish"

Attached: d-day.jpg (1576x1148, 125K)

Germans actually won. Before war there was one Germany, after war there were 2 Germanys. Thats a win in my books

pretty sure those are east german soldiers judging by the helmets

First, I didn't see Dunkirk (even though it has nothing to do with DDay).
Second, yeah they had bombardment, but at the end it was still men charging the beach starting with water above their knees.
In front of machines guns.

Mate, there is plenty of 'great' battles in WWI where the forces won with cunning strategies. Just don't pick DDay for the nazy.

Italy, Hungary, Slovakia, Romania, Bulgaria, Yugoslavia, Croatia, Finland


based Wehrmacht

>defend german blood and soil
One could wonder what German blood and soil they defended in Stalingrad, Paris or Africa

Attached: doubt.png (640x640, 111K)

well same as why people from america are americaNS. just different origin so different name.
in Dutch for example its: Luxemburg(country) --> LuxemburgS (people from said country)

Nice 3rd grade drawing. This place gets more retarded by the day.

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I'm not sure what you are trying to prove, that the allies were inferior? No, they had a massive advantage. Days and weeks before the invasion air raids had been commenced on German positions, while their navy bombared german positions in France. At the same time Churchill wanted to gas the whole of Germany with chemical weapons stored in Italy, but fortunatley they were disrupted by air raids. Today Italian fishermen still get dead fish in their nets because of this.

>Snow Nigger

Not sure what that means. Must be Anglo tricks.

Attached: Anglo.png (500x351, 44K)

fuck you kraut nigger.
i spent hours, HOURS in paint doing this and i don't have a mouse.
it still got the point across that a lot of people don't know

>Spawnkilled by thousand at the first round

Wow, it took only one gunner

You don't even know the game your own meme was based on, Klaus?

I am not trying to say that the allies didn't have the advantage.
They did, otherwise they wouldn't have won.

I am trying to point out that managing to inflict heavy casualties to your overwhelming opponents is not that much of a feat when your opponent is charging your fortified machine guns in an open (even hard to walk onto) terrain.

Thus, stating that it was an impressive show of strength from the Germans is not really correct.

Again, I am not denying that the allies had great planning and preparation. Just that you should use this as an example of Mighty power of the Germans (because of the casualties)


Heeeey cunt I saw that

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I'm sorry you wasted so much time of your life on this. Reminds me of Jow Forums. Thank God I don't go to that shithole anymore

Not mine. Just think it's appropriately shitty and retarded for this place. Here's mine

Attached: can you make it more shitty.jpg (973x723, 114K)

Managing to build an "Atlantic ridge" as a defense, which were not even half finished, but yet still, the allies decided to invade at weakest point and had massive losses. Meanwhile the war is going on on full force in the east, but germany still managed to build up a defence on their western front, that is impressive. The allies did a great effort in the war, while i do not support that side, it was a remarkable feat on both sides of the conflict.

And at the end of the day, it was still men charging through water into machine gun fire. Anyway what kind of pussy logic is this? "We woulda won if you hadn't been stronger than us!"

Imagine if the crusaders for Jews and Stalin hadn't won the war. What a terrible time-line we would be in. Napoleon was right when he said he should have been born as a German.

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they needed only one air plane tho

german speaking white niggers

Must have been the superior German engineering.

And thank fuck for that! I wouldn't even begin to imagine what this world would look like, if Stalin, (((Churchill))) and World Jewry hadn't won this war. Fucking messed up!

yeah, and good job ruining right-wing politics for at least the century afterward

fucking krauts


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Yes, but you didn't used the war as a whole, you used the DDay battle.
I argument on this alone.

And even if you say "weak", again, it's still butt naked men in front of fortified machine guns (even with air superiority and bombardment).

Anyways mate, gotta work tomorrow so have a nice evening.

I'm not saying you would've won if you were stronger than us, wtf. No i am saying that it was not just an unsupported invasion of infantry, but that they were supported by naval and air superiority days beforehand.

Is this why you want our casinos? I appreciate this post

i'm sorry

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Keep ignoring the massive advantage of ships, air and tanks, and dream of an unsupported invasion of Normandy, if it makes you feel better somehow of the massive loss you had towards the infantry of the German Reich.

One of the dumbest comparisons I've ever heard. Kill yourself.

Oh man, we better go through half the wars in history and cry that the good side lost and idolize a deeply flawed ideology and leader because they happened to be fighting deeply flawed opponents!
It happened. Get over it and move on. Can't bring back the past. Focus on the future.

Should they have tried to massive landing on a beach without doing some prep-work? Look man, war ain't fair play. You do what it takes to win.

>i spent hours, HOURS in paint doing this and i don't have a mouse.

Your hours of work paid off handsomely, Sir.

>The US was the only one fighting on 2 fronts.

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Redpill me on Slovakia in WW2. Were you different than the Cz*chs?

Attached: B1.png (499x280, 127K)

They had much higher population and land area.

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It is just that the frog claims that it was only "butt-naked" men invading Normandy, which were absolutely not the case at all.

Have a nice evening lad and enjoy work tomorrow. I understand what you're saying and agree with it. Dunno why other guy is getting so bent out of shape.

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His point is valid. Looking at pure casualty numbers like this is a COD deathmatch is stupid. German soldiers were experienced professionals entrenched on the highground. A lot of the US soldiers were drafted farm-boys with 18 weeks of training and regardless of any bombardment, they still had to charge fortified positions through fucking ocean water. Yes, the German army was elite. Yes they ended up losing, mostly because based Hitler made a lot of mistakes. Doesn't mean the rest of the world needs to suck German dick for having self-interested suicide pact for glory.

Yeah, I am totally "getting over" the fact that you allied with FUCKING STALIN to hand half of Europe to communism and signed the greatest ethnic cleansing in human history and genocide of 15 million Germans and 3 million civilians massacred by Poles, Czechs and Russian communists. I am totally getting over the fact that (((Churchill))) was funded by both Maseryk and Benesz and that you created and still create this world order.

>ally with Stalin
>turn on him
>lose war
>why did you ally with Stalin!?! You people are why we don't have a German ethnostate! When we allied with Stalin it was because reasons!
Fucking pathetic.

We never allied with Stalin, we never turned on Stalin and you ignore all the lies and crimes of your own people.

Fucking pathetic! The (((USA))) is the single greatest enemy of the white race in existence.

99% of those casualties are off the beaches
Not that many people actually died on D-Day, relative to other big battles of the war.

man those 10 years must've been fun

Look, buddy, unless you're 90 years old, you didn't do shit. Stop taking credit for the achievement of other people.
I wasn't even alive. I have as little to do with the outcome of that war as you do.

You'll get em next time, champ

>tfw we gave the gooks the blueprints and examples for the panzerfaust and they preferred to just dig a hole and send a guy with an artillery shell and a hammer in there to wait for a tank to pass over it
Terrible allies, but very honorable.

Invasions typically have very high casualty rates for the attackers especially against fortified positions or across bodies of water. The allies where up against both so the end result is nothing special.
The allies would always take the beach the battle that mattered was how much of a foothold they could gain before the Germans could bring in sufficient reinforcements. And fortunately for the allies that was a battle they won.

"genocided germans". pls. u tried to industrialise it.
biggest enemy is you german bro like it or not.
by your defeat and what you did during the war we're forever fucked due to the holo joker card. just look at your country today.

There is no we, faggot, memeflaggots are not even human.
>hurr durr brits, belgians, frenchmen, dutchies and literally every other nation in europe has genocided people for centuries but if Germany does it it's different
Fuck off, you let yourself be controlled by them and spin it into a horrible tale to tell your children.

pretty shitty English Paco.try again.