USA vs China: who would win?

The match up in this video would obviously only exist in a vacuum, because as soon as these two states go to war, other countries get involved.
Taking that into account, who has the best chance of claiming victory?

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china owning a big part of the us debt, they would simply call the money back and economicaly cripple the US, the moment the us refuse they become the "bad unsolvable unthrusfull guys" and the rest of the world would cut all their ties with the US, if the US throw a nuke, everybody will nuke the us because they "represent a risk to the world and need to be stoped"

the only way us could win is if they repay their debts to china, and it's not going to happen

the US. air superiority wins everything

A aircraft carrier with full escort compliment would win.

get off grand strategy games you fucking retard

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>meme flag
>"us would lose because the us would have to take on china and the rest of the world"
Two things, (((sir))).

This is a one on one question.
Secondly, the US could beat the rest of the world in a fight.


China has another ~2 million former soldier they transitioned into police officers about 10 years ago. Most of their artillery and tanks are severely outdated, and their submarines are mostly shit. The United States has way more combat aircraft than in that pic, and muh aircraft carriers, along with other ships. Force projection matters, and the US is already on China's doorstep. The US clearly has better tech/more modernized military, and China has a strong numerical advantage. All of that doesn't matter because both have nukes.

the chinese are a curious people

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>they would simply call the money back

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curious to see what their strategies will be in a war scenario

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china can't "call in" the debt you fucking brainlet. USA would throw a couple tomahawks into the 3 gorges dam, blockade china until 100 million starve to death 3 months later.

Not fair. China has more men and far more aircraft carriers.

Only hope would be for the us population to abandon coastal cities and hide inland.


If we are lucky - Israel

they sure aren't afraid of others' opinions

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>china frog
You do realize this is more of a french thing, yeah?

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>China has more aircraft carriers
The fuck are you smoking, medpack?

just shitposting

based brazil working the early shift for glow in the dark

go win this already, please china needs containment

China owns like what 1 trillion of of 20 trillion dept?

French eat live frogs? source

Just an American believing he knows anything outside his trailer park.

>Secondly, the US could beat the rest of the world in a fight.

yeah ask vietnam and afhanistan about that...

conventional warfare is pretty much dead since the USSR fell, now it's all about balistic range, guerilla and cutting the homeland ressources

since the us power grids and networks are kinda at stone age level compared to the rest of the world, the moment unconventional warfare hit the us it'll be a full blown local panic, creating chaos and milita's, at first they'll handle chineses asses because it's their soil, but once the local resources are hit by china (and the lack of electiricity) , they'll starve and surrender....

aircrafts and tanks can't go anywhere without fuel to power it


Armed forces dosent tell anything anymore when everyone got nukes.

china, because the USA would have to fight with morals and self-imposed restrictions while the bugmen could just swarm and not give a fuck how many of themselves die

You moron... Then own debt in the US is a downside strategically in the event of open conflict. You think we give a shit what we "owe" them in an open state of war? If anything it gives the US an easy out from a debt spiral.
Anyhow, US fucking wins a war vs China.

The U.S. debt to China is $1.19 trillion as of March 2018. That's 19 percent of the $6.29 trillion in Treasury bills, notes, and bonds held by foreign countries.

US would wreck the country to the foundations, kill millions, destabilize the government, fail to win hearts and minds, and mostly leave.

China would posture, get a few good shots in, realize too late that they are fucked, revolt and get a new leadership, lose many more millions in the 10 years following, then eventually rebuild with the help of the US

>fight with morals and self-imposed restrictions

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i don't think you understand how the world works, you can start a war because the rest of the world allow it, you can't pay your debt, suddenly all the world tax your import to pay what you owe them, close all the trades with the country, and decide that your money will be worthless, guess how the military will react when you tell them,"yeah we can't pay you but you know... be patriotic"

the first who start the war will be the first to be royaly worldwide fucked, that's how it works whathever the flag is

>china owning a big part of the us debt

Actually being this retarded

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What a complete shit video.
The US would dominate the seas, but have a rough time near the shores.
None of the nations could invade any of the others successfully.

Every retard knows the bonds China owns and US debt dont work that way by now.
Nice try becoming more subtle with your CHINA STRONK LARPing but lurk more Pajeet.

You forgot the greatest weapon of all.

The love of a doggo.

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Trumps got it up to $22 Trillion now

Either the US wins diplomatically or no one wins because if there was actually a land war and a country came close to surrendering, they would probably just launch all of their nukes, game over.

the united states doesnt have 73 subs. it has rounded down 30

No you don't understand how the world works, barely English speaking memeflag faggot. Money is a convenience of trade between nations of good will. In the event in a breakdown of relations... The economic ties between the US and China become null and void. The world then chooses who they extend the courtesy of credit/credibility/trust to (or the veener thereof).
Might still equals right no matter how many layers of bullshit you dress it up with. In the event of an open war, China's reliance on US consumption and Americans overwhelming military superiority means the world perpetuates the US. Unless everyone dog piles the US in an attempt to over throw their hegemony in which case I'm pretty sure everyone is fucked. God speed mongrel dog eater or dumb shit mudslime

>implying this is a numbers game

The best way to turn the whole world against China, is to show how they treat dogs.

>we havent had another "us" vs China thread for like 3 hours lets have another thread with a retarded question that is needless to ask and will only be debated by some niggers trying to fan conflict between China and U.S.A. for their own interest
So Viet or Pajeet?

US from unsinkable aircraft carriers Taiwan and Japan wins hands down

Binkov's is much better than this hack. This kid only looks at numbers and articles titles, absolutely no source material referenced, and nothing insight or breakdowns of numbers and what htey actually mean. The fact that he paid so little attention to airforces, and various systems liek AWACS and AA weaponry, alogn with waht types tells you this is just a scrub trying to leech off of better content creators with his cutsey animations.

also 0 geographical reference, unforgivabley bad honestly

>make some stupid appels and oranges comparisons
>even the numbers are wrong all over the place
>some nigger still posts it 3 years later on Jow Forums hoping whitey will fight his wars

meant to quote this too

United States can wage war against the entire world at once without using nuclear weapons. China would be obliterated.

> China has more penises than US
> thus Chinese are better at sex and women love them more!!!

china cause us economy is a house of cards and modern way of warfare has changed a lot in a way that doesnt favour the atlanticists

Russia have the best chance of claiming victory...

If the world attacks the US with nukes we're taking all of you with us.

The narrator sounds like a faggot.

US, hands down.

Are we still talking about them being in a vacuum? If not, its anyone's say, really. I dont think any enemy feet would touch US soil in either case.

Our shit works.

>showing destroyers instead of aircraft carriers
>1 post by this id

Fuck off, (you) farming bot.


Not a chance. The U.S. killed over 500,000 Iraqis directly and indirectly and swept it under the rug. In a war with China, the U.S. would rack up 50-100 million civilian deaths. If anyone complained at home, they would be disappeared or charged with treason. Rules change depending on the type of war being waged.

I too watch Binkov.

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I like how this picture doesn't display all of our airforce or navy and instead chooses to pick out other specific shit. China wouldn't even be able to leave their shitty continent to get to us. We'd completely own the sea and the skies and there'd be billions of dead bombed out chinks.

A war between the us and China would boil down to a naval and air war. There might be a land war in Korea, but ultimately that front will not matter.

The US has a far superior navy and Air Force.
We have the first and second largest Air Force.

We would just blockade China and watch them starve. We would bomb key locations and Mabel he destroy the three George’s dam.

Eventually their economy would collapse and millions of Chinese would starve.

I don't even think the Chinese could get forces anywhere near the mainland United States. It would either go nuclear, or it would the US just bombing the shit out of the Chinese coast.

Most of China's neighbors would side with us. And none of ours would side with them. The war would be on China's soil USA wins

China has enough military might alone so that a war between the USA would be a lose-lose for both. In international politics, it is important to gain favor with allies and other nations. This is how you create ease of pushing your own movements.

Now let's say the European is right and the rest of the world stops supporting the USA. This ends the USD as a reserve currency, and will open up avenues to other reserve currencies. Central banks will switch USD to other reserve assets, and investors will follow behind them. USD will face massive inflation, devaluation, and be unable to import while the dollar becomes worth less than the Ruble


this chart has no drones

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Facepalm. If they got 3 more planes it doesnt mean that they're superior. They may have +100 more planes, but if all of them get crashed in the first anti-air defence they're useless

China sells more drones than the US, you're late

US, no contest. China couldn’t even float over here.

Havent watched the video.
Russian army is poorly maintained and equipped. They do have some good stuff, arguably on par with Americas best, but it's in very low numbers and we can be certain they cannot maintain their use over a long or very destructive war.
Chinas army is poorly equiped, generally. Their army consists of barely literate malnourished farmers. China does put a good show, with some pretty advanced experimental equipment, but theirs literally one or two examples of this stuff, it does not represent their military. Chinas military also lacks a central command structure; the Navy, Army, Air Force do not know what each other is doing and struggle to co-ordinate when they do. Don't believe the hype around Chinas military, it's very poor.

>Call the money back

This is a shibboleth for retards who talk about geopolitics. It is how you know someone talking about US/China grand strategy completely lacks perspective and probably doesn't even read books about history, trade, finance or war.

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>not knowing most countries own each other's debt through treasury bonds
>having literally no idea that such bonds can only be paid after an agreed-upon time period (2-10 years)
no wonder the EU is going to shit

British army is very poor, it is known

This puppet man has a pretty good answer:

We have all the resources we need in if only we had someone in office that wanted to increase steel production and manufacturing we would be set. Pic related

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>ignores our 11 carriers

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All the resources except people who want to work, and organizations who want to pay exorbitant wages.

If there is war between China and the US, which there won't be because the world needs the opium that is chink labour, the only option is nuclear war. This is when the US wins the war itself but loses everything else.
So, the US needs to win a naval and aerial fight before getting to land right? Enter the DF-26 anti ship missile, I think there are more of those than US ships, and neither the phalanx nor amram systems can deal with it. They pretty much have the same range as fighters put on aircraft carriers and this leaves most aircraft aside from stealth bombers very vulnerable. Furthermore, they would blast one of their kamikaze sattelites in order to prevent the use of spy sattelites, which fucks with targeting. Check out the CIA doing a test run of their own in 2009, but having the debris fall down to earth again. Naval war... well, the US would rape the Chinese, but the chinks are still retaining their air power at this point, so not really a discussion there. If the americans make it to the shore, there would be a soldier around every corner. It simply wouldn't be possible to hold.
The Chinese wouldn't attack, but try to target vulnerable infrastructure and in general subvert the americans. If we already know the chinese are spying on you through the phones they made, think about how much we don't know about their capacity. Also, think about the havoc americans wrought during the arab spring with subversion. Shitloads of countries would side with China and the US would be in a diplomatic crisis it couldn't get itself out of.

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>USA starts smacking the largest country in the world population wise with 1/4 of our military strength
>Other countries are going to do things that would put them on our bad side
We would annex them for national security alone, and would be technically right. Not that they would have the balls to do so. Except maybe Russia but they have no allies.

China's conventional military is set up for defense only.

winning wars =/= keep a country occupied

Enslave Mexico? More workers and resources?

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doesn't matter. no man no problem, as they say.

I honestly thought china had way more armed forces than that.

Just seize all the Chinese properties in California. Housing crisis solved as well.

Not really true. They've been working to shift it to being more suitable outside of border defense for some time now. Whether they're proficient at that yet is uncertain, but it isn't "set up" for defense only anymore.

Nukes would be involved, so no one. MAD baby!!!!

>call the debt
>US conquers them unconditionally
>goodbye trillions of debt :^)
That’s the actual endgame

All China does is lose. Then lie about it

its actually down to 2 Million by now