Africans in China

>African and Chinese interracial marriages are on the rise in the city of Guangzhou, especially between Chinese women and African men

Wtf I thought China was based?

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only 3 things are certain in life. Women succumbing to BBC, death and taxes.

But racism in China is so pervasive, nothing is more normal than bashing blacks in China, now this garbage?

chinese girls want the bbc too

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>Wtf I thought China was based?
Da Fuk? Those people are dumber than niggers. Haven't you seen any of the clips post here on these fucksticks?

I have a nigger friend IRL who learned chinese and literally moved to china just to marry a chinese woman

his plan will very likely succeed

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it really will friend. Theres totally not a huge thing of non abcs hating niggers almost as much as their japanese counterparts.

Blasian is unironically the only case when racemix g is benficial

Its both an addition in areas lacking
Asians-the physical development and hormones
(Asians are subhuman 12yo bodied weak my legs)

A blasian is the middleground of both, in a way a perverse caricature of white

Asian black racemixing needs to be promoted ,so than a more Noble race can arise from soulless insects and savanna apes

Nigger blood will be very good for Olympic breeding program. But odds of landing a gf just plummeted for the average tiny-dicked chink.

it's literally impossible to be black and not get laid in japan

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It did succeed. He married a chinese woman a few years ago and lives in china. Not bad for a nigger from chicago.

site your sources faggot of get out of here


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Hapa masterrace will outbreed everyone.

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god... i wish i was a woman :(



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Ah yes, Guangzhou
>(a city in China)

That's fucked. They need to only marry their fellow Boreans

You mean...
>cannibal groupthink bugmen mentality with no respect of nature
Mixed with
>violent short termed thinking towards problem solving

Dis gonna be good.

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He might live there, but he'll literally never become a citizen. At best he has a work visa. China fucks expats hard.



I unironically believe this. I'm no slouch in the intelligence department, but I want my children to have some sort of traditional culture and language to appreciate in comparison to American "culture."

The Chinks are importing other Asian women to feed to the niggers

hahaha the kids are like Malays or Cambodians

Thomas Wong will not like this at

None of that bothers me tbqh. Interracial marriage only bothers me when its black male/white female. As long as no whites are getting blacked, let the chinks burn the coal

Blasians lookin freaky as hell

so what happens to the bbc? are these new chineggers small dong? is this just a plan by (((them))) to destroy the black man’s manhood?

The chinese niggerhate is way overblown by Jow Forums but come on, Guangzhou is the detroit of mainland China, which by the way is fucking huge. I'd be careful about extrapolating this trend to the wider picture.

China was never based you fucking retard

true this is a problem for the chinks to deal with

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the niggerness contributes to the soul, confidence and physical prowess that the baseded chinks lack and the chink side imbues the nog with intelligence, self control and better future time perception. I can see this race maybe suceding but there will be some failures of course. I can see them being more stable than hapas just because both these races are not as neurotic generally as whites are.

No they aren't. Nonsense American propaganda spreading same old pictures from 2014 bullshit article for years. It's illegal to marry outside of race in China.

bbc seems to be a dominant trait. tiger woods inherited his father's bbc.

the mind of the chink and nigger is bad enough but I imagine the chigger will be even worse.

Looks better than both of their parents

As said racemixing subhuman books with niggers elevated both because they compensate each other in areas they lack- brain and body respectively
Asians are low T Manlet weaklings but somewhat intelligent and niggers are dumb apes but physically developed and high T

>not based
They have commercials of detergent "cleansing" blacks of blackness.

>It's illegal to marry outside of race in China


Better formulated than mine

Chinese and Japanese have martial arts. They are very much physically capable


>be Chinese woman
>be surrounded by Chinese men 10 to 1 because all the other women in my generation were killed
>could marry a desperate single guy way above my current status
>marry a nog straight off the boat from Africa instead

Blacks are prone to neurosis as well, and psychosis in most cases. The problem is that whites don't tend to use their nontypical mindset in pursuit of higher goals. Blacks have a stigma against mental illness within our community (all though, the conversation is beginning to take place.) The difference is that we tend to use it in our favor, in creating art, culture and exploring spirituality. Not to say whites don't as well, but because of the ADHD craze, they are more likely to see psychiatric help and take medications to suppress what could be used for their own benefit.

Not stating facts, just an observation.

The racemixing happens, but for the outcome of the children, it depends. If it's a son, perhaps he can grow up to find another coal burner. But if it's a daughter, you might as well sell her into slavery. Chinese men don't go for even half blacks.

you realise on every continent people have created their own specific martial arts, it isn't specific to chinks. I gaurantee you if a nigger black belt vs'd a chink black belt the black would win 8 times out of 10. They have better reflexes on average as well as twitch muscle fibres and a hardier skeletal system (bone density).


>be Chinese woman
>be surrounded by Chinese men 10 to 1 because all the other women in my generation were killed
>think I could marry a desperate single guy way above my current status
>he goes to Africa and marries a nog woman instead

So what, would we rather see a mixed race dominate the continent, or chink only dominate the continent?

what? the chinese are colonising africa as we speak and even more so because chinese men outnumber chinese women in china because there was a stigma on having daughters for so long males were perceived of as worth more. Ironic because now the women are worth more in that society just cause there are so few of them and chinese men have to be pretty rich and successful to attract even a middle class chinese woman, hence why they are flooding to africa to find mates, well the poorer ones at least become middlemen and managers over in africa. Point is blasians is gonna be a thing in the next few decades.

I don't care nor have a stake in their colonisation efforts so I can't say.

I hear what you're saying, OP, BUT consider the following greentext:
>African and Chinese interracial marriages are NOT on the rise in the city of Guangzhou, especially between Chinese women and African men. Also OP is a faggot

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You’d be surprised. Since there’s a lack of women, more Chinese guys are going for black girls as they head on over to Africa for nucolonization

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Step away riceboi, we run things now.

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>Muh Tai Chi equals physical poweress

Your average white highschool Chad will murder 5 of these bake believe book sensei masters with his hard hands

Because he's simply phiscially developed while a book male body is a 12 yo old manlet

Well MMA has shown white martial arts like boxing BTFO these think larp shit Everytime
>Muh sensei
>Gets KO'd by uppercut to his flat gook face

Also leave Japanese out of this they're an exception were talking Chinks an variations of it

is this real life or porn

>muh japanese exceptionalism
nah they'd be btfo just as much as chinks would.

Thing is, Japs aren't race-mixing like the Chinese are. Plus they gave the Americans hell in those islands in the Pacific, that has to mean something.

It has to be on the rise at least among poor Chinese right?

If we stopped feeding Africa, how soon would the population drop to 0 (zero)?

Every german post is always the worst answer for any topic. A whole country of fucking cucks. Of fuckinf untermenshen.
There is no word to describe how much i hate you. Your are litteraly the toilets of the white race. And it is unfair for toilets, or the brave and noble warriors of stalingrad. Both irl and here, you are pieces of shit. Kys. Quickly. We have to get rid of such cancer.

The Chinese are the epitome of gold-diggers; why the fuck would their women settle with a sub-Saharan African, especially when there's a surplus of Chinese men to pick from?

You tell me. Why are there so many stories out there of Chinese women hooking with the African expats in Guangzhou? It can't just be temporary, they're sealing the deal by having mixed kids.

>Every german post is always the worst answer for any topic.
ikr I was a little weirded out by that endorsement of race-mixing

>"Why is there so much anecdotal evidence?!?!"
Sources? Or are you really going to put weight on Chinese opinions on their women hooking up with niggers?

Maybe he’s a Nigerian prince

Yeah. Now pit a little gook vs a germanic/french/anglo guy with equal training. A slaughter. Why no asian in MMA ? because they do not stand chance vs....anyone. in war, its worse.

But how can a prince be a kang? Unless they take the surname Kang from a chink.

Stupid fucking chiggers

I'd put a little gook martial artist up against any one of these dirty transexual German/Swedish SJW men any day.

ching chong love big niggel dong

Any simple google search on Chinese African marriages in Guangzhou will come up with a dozen articles detailing the literal "boom" in interracial hookups.

This is truth. The Japs gave us hell in WW2 and earned respect. Put it into perspective. A quarter of all US Marine casualties in WW2 occurred in a single battle at Iwo Jima. Those Jap fuckers were fierce fighters

Know what you get when you mix a negroe with a chink?

A car thief who can't drive.

he's right though

The niggers are cruising for a bruising if they keep this up the chinese already dont like blacks in their country if they go around muh dicking with the massive gender imbalance the chinese might just ant out

This is how you make a paki/poo with more muscles you retard hans.

I am appaled by the lvl of self-hate of germans. Its insane. Their women get raped by the thousands, they will, mathematically, disappear in a century, and everytime, in any thread, they will advertise for our genocide. As a natsoc, i am baffled. It is the true description of insanity. At least, in france, we have a lot of faggots, but also a lot of proud people. Not as many as in murica, but still many. And they have most of our guns. In germany...seriously, how much can you love bbc ? Love to see your own people and family have hybrids with apes. It is...beyond sanity.

I dont remember the french being anywhere near the pacific theatre in WW2... OH WAIT.

The Japs made us pay dearly for every island we took. Also, I seem to remember the Vietnamese kicking your ass and ours as well.

What's funny is these kids will grow up looking Indian.

Anything that fucks up China can only be seen as morally ethical
Fuck Chinks

Lol are you talking about this article?
Those are just anecdotes in a city that mostly consists of male niggers fucking women whom half of in those pictures are obese.

that kid turned out somalian hmm...

no, they will grow up looking american

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That article and others.

>Muh 5 anecdotes and other 5 anecdotes

>Argument not detected
>That obvious masked asshurt from the absolute BTFO by us in the last 200years
Try harder, Pierre

What I said was logically sound
Also the righteous rate is ironic coming from the first white country to become literally Africa

I never ever saw a German girl with TWO nigger, a fuckig sandwich, well this week I saw one girl
Guess her nationality

Also a white woman dressed in African garb with a mutt baby, guess what langues she spoke

Faggot you're literally the No1 ahead of Sweden and us, you ARE already dead
Stop speaking to me , corpse

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Our based black brothers insert their dominance wherever they go. Imagine blacks had the same opportunity of whitebois.

Bir hakem. Last square of waterloo. La resistance. Dien den phu. The napoleon campaigns. The ww1 battles. Charle Martel. Carolus Magnus. And many more. faggot. Longest war record in history. War you never fought, with people you never met. Wars more violent that everything you can imagine. Shart in your mart, and stay quiet. Keep your retarded jokes for yourself. You are not one of these men, and same for me. You never fought, never struggled, except to sit up from your mobility device, so stfu.

>Women succumbing to BBC
Women ruining everything we built.


>Asian black racemixing needs to be promoted ,so than a more Noble race can arise from soulless insects and savanna apes

True it should be encouraged.

Burning the coal for the Chinese is good as it will give them a soul and give the blacks some brains. Its the perfect combination to fix Africa.

No its not.

The power of melanin will never die.

Plus things that never happened. You know who end the night drunk, vomitting in the gutter, and fucked by niggers in paris ? Irl for real ? Dutch and german girls. You are disgusting. I saw one covered in vomit, drunk, gandbanged by sandniggers. Me and my friends chased them but she wasnt protesting. Thats reality for you.
The country hiding under EU memeflag in every thread, defending racemixing, saying white genocide is good fir the economy, etc.
You know, hans, if hitler senpai was alive, he would get rid of germans before kikes.

Anyone who promotes race-mixing of any kind is a cuck

you need a link because china mostly vacated africa. they said blacks dont raise their own children and didnt want to destroy africas rich culture

>the most retarded memeflag
Opinion dismissed.
And kys btw.

they will first decimate all wild life pop and then die off a few months after that, only cannibal niggers would survive.

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