FBI SA here

FBI SA here.

If early reports of the OIG's findings are true, it looks to us as though they are going to dump SpyGate entirely on us.

I want to raise the alarm here: anyone with a modicum of an understanding of how the FBI intersects with the DOJ should know that this corruption did not start and end with the FBI. I don't claim to know where this originated, but if the OIG reports does not implicate any Obama-era DOJ officials, it is a sloppy cover up...

I have my suspicions that there were CIA players involved here, but that's not the issue. You see as long as they can blame law enforcement it's not a partisan crisis. Once you start talking about Obama appointees committing potential felonies, this is a political scandal of a very high order, especially if it involves targeting the other party using what should be non-partisan law enforcement agencies. My guess is that this is why they are trying to apply the tourniquet at the top of the FBI: because going any higher means political hellfire for the Democrats.

The other thing to watch for is that it sounds as though Horowitz won't be making any exculpatory statements on the Trump-Russia investigation or confirming any of Trump's SpyGate allegations. Any independent investigation of the facts here should at least uncover gross bias or lack of probable cause in the collusion investigation's origins and thus call the entire investigation into question. I was hoping that we would get some semblance of justice but it looks like the Democrats are throwing the FBI under the bus. It is not the FBI that was committing felony leaks or unmaskings, Comey sure, but Comey was taking orders from the DOJ, he was not being "insubordinate". Trust me on that.

The only person I trust right now is Devin Nunes.

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Other urls found in this thread:


tell me more

prove it faggot


Who does #2 work for?

Dr. Evil

CIA user here

Stuff is ramping up behind the scenes, only worry is who chokes first.


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>Harvey Weinstein’s Army Of Spies

>Israeli Operatives Who Aided Harvey Weinstein Collected Information on Former Obama Administration Officials

>What is Black Cube, the Cambridge Analytica-linked intelligence firm?

>Whistleblower: Cambridge Analytica used Israeli firm to hack Nigerian president

>Twitter Sold Data Access to Cambridge Analytica-Linked Researcher

>Israeli Company Investigated by Robert Mueller’s Team Shuts Down

>New details emerge about Steve Bannon's ties to Cambridge Analytica

>Bannon oversaw Cambridge Analytica’s collection of Facebook data, according to former employee

NPR just now had an Obama crony "Army intelligence" guy flogging a book claiming that SpyGate is fake. There's a certain amount of damage control.

>Mueller Is Reportedly Examining An Israeli Firm’s Fake News Presentation

>Mueller Asked About Money Flows to Israeli Social-Media Firm, Source Says

>Vladimir Putin: Maybe 'Jews With Russian Citizenship' Meddled in U.S. Elections


>Ronan Farrow: Israelis Interfering In American Politics, Manipulating Social Media

>How Netanyahu Helped Putin Hack the U.S. Election in 2016

>Israel’s Netanyahu isn’t worried about Steve Bannon and anti-Semitism in Trump’s camp

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We know it's Brennan.

Begon THOT

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There's only one way the FBI plants a CIA operative into a political party.

Orders from the White House.

post feet with time stamp

You can tell the Jews are freaking out when they start making LARP AMAs like this to distract from the reality that ISRAEL IS FUCKED.

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Their rebuttal is that it depends what the meaning of "spy", is.

Fake and gay. This OIG report is only about Hillary's e-mail investigation. This one has nothing to do with Spygate.

Good book coming out. The Russia Hoax: The Effort to Clear Hillary and Frame Trump.

or words to that effect

tell us something only you would know????

>it looks to us as though they are going to dump SpyGate entirely on us.
Whatever, every 3 letter agency needs to be purged of traitors anyways. May as well be phoenix.

prove it faggot
post glowing dick

Obama blessed the operation.

The hard-left will do ANYTHING to avoid him being dragged through the mud. And he's been silent.

The Flynn unmasking and transcripts leak had to come out of or at least originate from the DOJ, and there is a reason Susan Rice has denied it was her. Maybe it was, maybe it wasn't. Either way the culprit is looking at serious jail time, there is a lot of grey area in law enforcement activity, which is why nailing these people to the wall is not as simple as some might think. The Flynn case, however, is a clear violation of the law. Samantha Powers (UN Ambassador under Obama) as well is denying her role in 300 unmaskings. Again, she had the power and authority to do this, she never broke any laws. This is simply what you call the abuse of power. At best she could and probably should be impeached and her security clearance revoked since she is claiming someone else was using it. The FISA court is another area where power was almost certainly abused, there is no way the DOJ was not read in on this investigation and aware of and greenlighting it. As a result, it is almost unthinkable that Obama didn't know about it, either.

Do you think that Comey will take the fall for Obama? He's a real survivor, it seems, and might decide to save himself.

This isn't necessarily true, the FBI/USSS runs CI's all the time who have other associations with Five-Eyes elements. This doesn't even require DOJ approval. The fact that Halper was on DoD payroll is not that relevant. Also so far as I know, no CIs were placed IN the campaign, but were pinging the campaign from various orbits, especially overseas. The current SpyGate allegations are that the FBI was using stooges/lures (who are all in hiding right now) to push information into the team and then using other CI's to extract the information overseas (no warrant needed) and generate probable cause for investigation. This is remarkably corrupt and maliciously brilliant. These people were not stupid.

What can we do to help?

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Comey is a true snake, but I predict that what we're going to see is the entire media turn on him rather quickly. Remember that he is no darling to the left, and law enforcement in general is anathema to the left-leaning media. What I predict is that they will simultaneously uncover a cornucopia of Comey's wrongdoings that enrages and satisfies the left and the right to generate bipartisan support for his downfall.

I don't think he will serve jail time, though he should.

This is why I'm writing here. Do not be satisfied with a Comey takedown, no matter how delicious it is presented to you. Comey is the deep state's tourniquet. This thing goes to Obama.

I don't doubt that this thing goes to Obama, but does Comey have the knowledge that leads to Obama or at least closer to Obama, like to Lynch, Rice or Jarrett?

they are afraid that if the truth comes out about Obama (not a US citizen) and Hillary (set up her own private SCIF) it will destroy the Democratic party forever

>I have my suspicions that there were CIA players involved here
You don't say?

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I assure you that Obama knew what was going on to some degree. Comey could turn on the in-the-know DOJ officials, for sure. It's something I don't expect him to do unless he is facing jail time. That's why they will drag him through the mud to hell and back, it is their way of signaling to him: we aren't going to let you go to jail, but you aren't going to open your mouth. If Sessions actually gets Wray to recommend criminal charges for Comey then shit could really hit the fan, and this is probably our best chance seeing as how ineffective the OIG seems to be.

What do we do? They need to be jailed and it needs to be exposed fully. You said Sessions needs to push criminal charges. When they start wrecking Comey who do we need to push back to to prolong it? And will it happen before or after midterms?

If Obama and Hillary are not sufficiently punished then there will be blood. That is all.

doesn't Loretta Lynch already connect Comey to the Clintons?
I mean she met with Bill on the tarmac for crying out loud

Is it possible that the OIG will produce a criminal referral? That would end up in Salt Lake City with Huber and a very conservative jury pool that might indict Comey.


Go LARP someplace else you glow in the dark CIA Nigger

Zoganon here. It was not us either.

Halper and Obama were known associates at the Cosmic Club. You think Halper worked for DOD? He did, but that was peanuts in comparison to who his real paymasters were. Oconus Lures is the key. When you realize this conspiracy was not domestically born, or motivated that's when you realize what is really going on in the world. You think the FBI in a limited hang out is a tourniquet? Wouldn't even be the first wrap.

And this goes beyond the DOJ, or CIA or even the White House.

This has a foreign (main) component to it that has already caused mayhem (Vegas-Saudi Coup) and will re-write alliances (and trade deals) moving forward for decades to come.

If it all comes out, people will be gob-smacked how close America and the western hemisphere came to becoming an Islamic-Marxist fuck up. And who aided and abetted it.

God damn you humans and your inefficient systems. You screw ups directly mirror the system of cancer. Instead of working together for a greater cause, you all just attack each other and everything around you, destroying the bigger picture.

I truly hope you all get wiped off the face of the Earth.

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Sessions is on the deep states side. He is with comey, clinton, obama. He will just turn a blind eye, in hopes that trump gets impeached in November/December.

I'm sceptical that you are who you say you are. I will keep my eyes on the news and any documents that come pass my desk ;). If you are legit, thank you for your service and raising the alarm to us brother.

I don't know about Sessions, but Trump is not getting impeached. There is a deeper state than the deep state, and 'it' got Trump elected. The rot and corruption will not be done away with in a day. It will take years, and their are horribly compromised people in both parties who will try their damnedest to sweep it under the rug. In that point is OP correct.

>FBI SA here

Post your cred and black out PII you faggot pussy

unironically the worst part of season 2. I liked the shitty Dick Tremayne storyline better than that trash.

care to elaborate on that?

Sessions has appointed US Attorney for Utah Huber to convene grand juries, obtain indictments and try criminal cases arising out of the OIG reports in Utah, not DC, bypassing the rest of the DOJ and the DC jury pool. This was a stealth move by Sessions to get these cases out of DC where the "climate" would be more favorable to the prosecution.

>Once you start talking about Obama appointees committing potential felonies, this is a political scandal of a very high order, especially if it involves targeting the other party using what should be non-partisan law enforcement agencies.

Obama was literally attempting a coup. Of course he appointed hyper partisan loyalists who used their power to oppress oposition and attempted to Goad Violence/ insurection.

Thats how coups work.

Unironically Obama should be under investigation. He should have been under investigation his last 2 years as president for treason.

that's why Trump has to fight hard and fast while he can, I wish he would get more aggressive with these assholes

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Thanks for your time and timely answers, FBIAnon!

that POS deserves time in prison more than anybody for being the ringleader of this shitshow of disregard for the law and their sworn duty to uphold it

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I am on board with Sessions playing possum. The only thing that gives me pause is the shit Gowdy pulled last week. If he can be influenced at such a critical point I wonder what else is out there for dirt on other critical personnel.

Its pretty obvious. There are key members of Trump's inner circle who are as high up the chain of command in military intelligence as you get. When Mike Rogers paid Trump a visit after the election in spite of Obama's objections it spelled who's side the NSA was on.

No. These matters take time. Real investigations take years of leg work to win critical evidence and reveal perpetrators. This cannot be a Kangaroo Court. This has to be done right.

Gowdy may be looking for a very good job in the private sector which is really hostile toward Trump. There also has been speculation that Gowdy has some skeletons in his closet, and that he was told to resign or have those skeletons exposed. That would make him somewhat pissed at the very least.

Gowdy looks like he got compromised. Maybe he always was.

put me in the screencap

There have been many, many announced retirements in the past few months, including Paul Ryan. Perhaps there's something in his past, too.

You type like youre fbi.

I don't believe you about Halper. I think it is relevant, I mean not necessarily just being on Pay Roll.

NSA user here. Trust me when I say by this time next year Drumpf will be in jail

For what?

I sure hope so, but I pray he doesn't still have access to the nuclear codes while in the slammer or who knows what sort of mischief he could cause.

Look at all the weasels not running for re-election. The resignations and retirements. Just yesterday the Koch brothers threw in the towel (political lobbying). They are part of this and on the wrong side, if you can believe it.

Every email, every phone call, every visa payment, any bank transfer. The NSA has it all. The sedition perpetrated on the nation by passport carrying Americans in the upper echelons of society would amaze you. Who they were working for would amaze, some would be amazed themselves as they turned a blind eye to the sources of funds. Lobbyists, and other bag men scurry like cockroaches away from the light to keep from getting stepped on....

Halper being on DOD Pay roll is a red herring. His main source of funding came from Londonstan and various cockroaches hiding from the light and that fog shrouded clusterfuck.

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Did you guys inadvertently hand the psephological insights to win the election to DJT while pushing a pied piper strategy dreamt up in the bowels of the DNC, or were there really white hats in the Bureau?

Many members of the House and Senate are retiring, including some top people. I believe you that with all that dialing for dollars that goes on with respect to the Hill there are some scummy types hanging around. I'm not sure where Trump fits into all of that.

Quite the opposite. And you would know that if you worked at the NSA.

bump. thanks for the insight, I could smell something fishy going on.

This will not stop unless we take action. Death is the only thing they fear, so death is what we will give them. Words no longer work, so we must take action.

Obamagate is getting bigger and bigger and bigger and bigger.

Remember on the way out the door he let loose raw NSA data to all of the intel agencies?

And we had 125 leaks in the first 126 days of the Trump presidency?

Fuck no. Nobody's taking the fall for Obamanation.

But the CI in this case is a CIA asset.

>These people were not stupid.
Except in the way all criminals are stupid. They believe they will never get caught.

Do you know FBIanon? What's he/she up to these days?


It's obvious that May was involved. And it's obvious that Trump knows it.

Trump is the true deep state candidate. Hillary was a rootless cosmopolitan globalist who sold her country out to the highest bidder.

These trade wars are not about trade. Its an element of warfare used to shut down very specific channels of funding the globalists use to move money around.

By NSA user, do you really mean Nutrition Society of Australia? Or are you telling me that somehow you are part of the uber special and tiny Australia division?

>if it all comes out

Democrats are going to protect Obama's legacy like they have for Franklin Roosevelt

Yup. She is as compromised as it gets as is just about every UK politician other than Nigel's blokes. The UK is a defacto vassal state of Saudi Arabia and other rich Gulf emirates.

>Be at Pine Gap
>Admit it on Jow Forums
You’re a LARPer, they only send TS clearance guys to Pine Gap and no fucking way they’re giving you TS if you’d do this.

If you are FBI I unironically hope some random nigger murders you and your entire family after raping them in front of you.
You are a traitor and execution is too good of a punishment for you.
You made your bed now lie in it.

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>hard left
This is your brain on pol

Ironic that you mention FDR. The Democrats have been in an 80 year downtrend in total seats taken over all houses with only minor counter trend rallies since. They are done. Like dinner. Obama is going to need the remaining RINO turncoat scum component in the Republican party to protect his legacy and most of those guys will be mysteriously retiring over the next five years. :)

The 90% of the FBI that we call the rank and file want to see Comey. McCabe, et al hung or shot by firing squad. Preferably in front of the general public in order to persuade future seditionists.

Slick Willy's still at it.

Obama was, is and will always be an Islamic-Marxist scumbag. And the frontman for some very savvy, very rich middle easterners.

based twin peaks poster
is the blue rose task force real FBIanon?

If it was the former scenario, it would be the mother of all "Intelligence"own goals.

That stings ayybro

Rgr, and this, was after FBI contractors were caught making NSA metadata queries and blacklisted. This sort of information was of crucial importance to them in ginning up a charge for someone in the Trump orbit and nailing Trump with conspiracy. This was what Adm. Rogers was alerting Trump to (key note: he went without alerting anyone) almost certainly, this also gels with the time period at which Trump begins to .


"Attorney General Loretta Lynch signed the new rules on January 3rd, after Director of National Intelligence James Clapper approved them in December. President Barack Obama's administration passed the changes in its final days in the White House -- President-elect Donald Trump takes office on January 20th."

Then this (I believe) was their (last ditch, note the date) attempt at a workaround after they got caught sifting through NSA databases and the NSA started vetting it's contractors more closely.

One thing I want to investigate but haven't had the time is possible DNC->Crowdstrike->NSA connections.

Remember, their only hope of their abuses of power and potential crimes not being brought to light is if Trump is brought down by Comey/Mueller, they have almost nothing to lose.

>90% of the FBI are good goys
yeah this meme aint worth its weight in shit
FbI are traitorous agents of Israel.
Trumps administration covered up the vegas shooting. You can spin your lies all day but people arent buying your bullshit deceit anymore.
Fuck you and the FBI.
Tell that shit to the families of the Vegas shooting who still dont have answers 9 months later and had to sue to the fucking supreme court of nevada just to get them to release body camera footage.

What a time to be alive.

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That’s correct, a girl i know who died in Las Vegas, (Kelsey Meadows), her family live in my town is still hurting and no answer. Fuck fbi scum and everyone.

>It's obvious that May was involved
Yeah no doubt, but she is fuck all in the grand scheme of things.
Absolute puppet.