The graduating class at a Pennsylvania middle school receiving bulletproof backback to prepare them for high school

The graduating class at a Pennsylvania middle school receiving bulletproof backback to prepare them for high school

Attached: graduation_bulletproof.jpg (700x511, 93K)

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well maybe the J run the high school so who knows who they will kill next just like they murdered Christ.

Honestly that’s pretty dope I wish I received bullet proof plates for my backpack as a gift instead all I got was fucking pencils.


Are they flameproof? Incendiaries like molotovs are cheaper and easier to conceal and use. Pic related is an example of a molotov used in Ferguson, Missouri by anti-cop protesters.

--- Guns ---
-Loud and hard to conceal
-Expensive and hard to obtain legally
-Difficult to use under pressure
-Cost: $$$ to $$$$

--- Incendiaries ---
-Silent and easy to conceal
-Practically free and available everywhere
-Just throw at targets
-Cost: $ to $$

Attached: 983749563764785345.jpg (1024x768, 43K)

Molotov cocktail: Huge bottles, limited capacity to carry around and poor precision to kill

Gun: easy to conceal, high ammo, lethal

HI points are cheap dude. I'm kind of surprised nobody has like tried burning down a school as an alternative to shooting it up.
Also how the fucks a plate going to help if there's fire everywhere we obviously need to be issuing fire extinguishers to these kids.

Looks like the next schoolshooter will be in Pennsylvania.

who are they receiving them from?

Sweet. I'm getting a level 3 panel for my bag next month.

"Students at St. Cornelius in Chadds Ford, Pa., were outfitted with the "ballistic shields" thanks to a donation from a local company, according to Fox 29."

"The report notes that Unequal Technologies developed the ultra-thin shield and designed a 10-by-12-inch plate that can slip into a backpack."

Maybe all funding should be removed from schools pushing an anti-American political view.

>bullet proof backpack plates
are my tax dollars paying for this?
if so, i believe this is a misappropriation of funds, and i don't approve

they were donated by the company that developed them

those are too thin to be of much use against more than like maybe a 9mm?

That’s unironically a pretty good idea. School shooters are triggered by people running away. If you have a bulletproof backback to shield your body, countless lives could be saved.

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>Huge bottles
Mason jars are not huge.

>limited capacity to carry around
You can fit about 6 jars in a typical backpack.

>poor precision to kill
A classroom full of students covered in gasoline and on fire is not "poor precision to kill".

You would have a classroom of 30+ running into a hallway looking like pic related. Exchange a few bullet holes for several hundred 3rd and 4th degree burns or total incineration.

>HI points are cheap dude.
These murders can get 2 gallons of gasoline cheaper and easier than they can go buy a gun "dude".

>I'm kind of surprised nobody has like tried burning down a school as an alternative to shooting it up.
There have been many arsons. The Our Lady of the Angels School arson fire in Chicago killed 92 and Burnsville High School arson fire in Minnesota "resulted in over $15 million in damages." You could literally bankrupt a school district with a single gallon of gasoline and a lighter.

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PR stunt by company that makes them

>Unequal Technologies

and who owns them?

i doubt it will protect against anything except maybe .22

>i doubt it will protect against anything except maybe .22

marketing stunt/psyop

Won't the kids just take their guns out of their back packs before shooting up the school?

Lmfaooo. I'd venture to guess that the whole reason they were given them backpack plates was to in fact get media attention on the issue since they can't do a school shooting in the summer.

>not buying the C4-X SuicideKidz BomberBag with pre-installed detonator


>Lmfaooo. I'd venture to guess that the whole reason they were given them backpack plates was to in fact get media attention on the issue since they can't do a school shooting in the summer.

very likely... good point.

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America is quickly reaching the point were it will be beyond parody tbqh

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Should have given them condoms too.

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They be like what the fuck is this shit.... lol. Merry fuckin christmas uh

Thank retarded parents and teachers for shaping kids into shooters

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>A classroom full of students covered in gasoline and on fire is not "poor precision to kill".
It actually is. There have been molotov attacks in the past, and no one died.

Knock yourself out chief. Pointing out that the murders will move to cheaper and more destructive weapons once the left is done shitting on the 2nd Amendment is all part of the process.

As I pointed out here an arson at a school in Minnesota cost the school district $15 million in damages. As soon as these murders learn they can bankrupt a school district with a few dollars of gasoline the push for a gun ban will be petty shit.

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they have updated the tip page, time for a new screenshot champ

Wrong again memeflag. There have been plenty of school arsons and deaths. Also, arson causes way more damage and is cheaper and easier to carryout.

The point is the murders will murder and once the left take away the guns or at least try the murders will more on to cheaper and more destructive weapons.

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Charge the shooter's parents with accessory to the murders. That will stop the problems

put parents in jail for unleashing these shit kids on us.

If they aren't "adults", then they are the parents responsibility.

cite a case where fire deaths from molotov cocktails happened

fuck off, kikes

Attached: jews gun control.jpg (2832x2951, 1.96M)

Why have we never had a crazy middle school shooting?


Attached: israels finest.jpg (1650x1320, 1.06M)

Attached: le hot jew.jpg (1267x1633, 390K)

Fun fact: an army of well funded, well organized jew shills patrol the internet in effort to shut down any counter-jew discussion and to promote the globalist jew agenda.
>Why Facebook and Google Are Complying With Israel to Delete Certain Content
>Israel’s Online Shadow Operations
>Numerous well funded, organized projects by and for Israel work to flood social media with pro-Israel propaganda, while blocking facts Israel dislikes. The projects utilize Israeli soldiers, students, American teens and others, and range from infiltrating Wikipedia to influencing YouTube. Some operate out of Jewish Community Centers in the U.S.
>Israel launches secret squad to challenge negative image & boycott campaign
>"Israel's Internet Censorship War - If Americans Knew"
>"The Lobby P1: Young Friends of Israel – Al Jazeera Investigations"
>"JIDF Editing on Wikipedia"
>"Tony Martin IHR Conference Tactics of Organized Jewry in Suppressing Free Speech"
>"Defamation" – Documentary about how acusations of anti-semitism are used as a JIDF tool to silence goyim who criticize anything related to jews.

Attached: JIDF-articles.jpg (3668x3284, 1.14M)

Attached: JIDF opr.png (764x647, 649K)

Attached: JIDF paying shills.jpg (596x868, 130K)

what hte fuck is a bulletbroof backpack gonna do

>getting something worth a decent amount of money for free
>bitching about it
ungrateful much?

"Teenagers set fire to school and killed 21 children ‘after being called names’"

"‘Two of them went to buy petrol. At 4.30am, the boys then gathered at a field behind the tahfiz school, before three of them snuck into the school.’"

They used gasoline, killed 21, and destroyed the school. They killed more than those who died in Parkland and no guns necessary. Fire is way more damaging than guns and you leftist will keep pushing these murders until things get worse.

Now imagine that but with a populated school that has hundreds of students and 30+ in each classroom.

Also, memeflag.

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>Malaysians in charge of fire safety

>Ignoring the fact that the shooter is always one of the students

>imgur filename
standard redditor leaf