The average office in 2018

What went wrong?

Attached: average_office_time_comparison.jpg (1000x800, 700K)

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businesses found out that if you make the office look more desirable to the target employees then they'll be there for longer hours and work for you at every waking moment whereas on the left people just clock out


When's the last time you were in an office?

about an hour ago

We're shifting for the 2018 style, I don't like it. I preferred my filing cabinet and cubicles.

offices like the ones on the left make you want to kill yourself... worse if there's no cubicle walls.

Is there any actual data on this, though? It all seems like a huge meme created by politically motivated (((corporations))).

people think these dumb office perks are in their favor but they're not

Well it all makes sense now. This is why the Leaf economy needs the US to prop it up. Without the money from timber and syrup exports, Leafland will be a 3rd world shithole. dad works as a VP and his office put a puttputt course in. but nobody will touch that shit because it is a trap to reveal lazy people

try working 8 hours everyday in an office like the left pic and then come back here you dumbass

Read about company credit/coin that went on before it was ruled against, this is getting as close to that as possible. They're trying to get as close to the '' company credit '' and '' company living space '' as possible by essentially creating a second home for the employee so they're basically ALWAYS at work.

>working in an office

So, instead of going home and heading to the gym you can work out at the company fitness center and eat at the company *** and take a nap at the company ***. You're always right there at your work station, you're always on spot. You end up essentially living at the office and that's what they're doing. It's basically making the slave feel like the slave is a part of the family. It's very smart actually.

It's gonna get weird when I start jerking it in the office


>only lazy people take breaks

Sounds like a great office for psychopaths that work 70-80 hours a week.

Offices like the one on the right make me want to kill the Millennial cunts who won't leave me alone to do my fucking job.

There's a difference between having a chat around the coffee machine and playing 9 holes.

are you people stupid? offices on the left are fucking hellish, they were designed by a jew. you may have heard of him, le corbusier? the guy who wanted to knock down paris?

it's just bugman shit, offices should be beautiful. on the right, that wooden shit isn't beautiful, but nice airy offices made of nice materials are.

Well. It better be to children or basset hounds. Otherwise, they will call you a pervert cishetwhitemale.

basset hound story:

Attached: DTXnKOwWsAARvUc.jpg large.jpg (600x400, 41K)

Attached: Swedbank Headquarters interior, Sundbyberg, Stockholm, Sverige (2017, architect 3XN c. 2014).jpg (1280x1820, 553K)


Attached: Swedbank Headquarters interior meeting room, Sundbyberg, Stockholm, Sverige (2017, architect 3XN, Te (1536x1024, 265K)

yeah I know this is some kike office, I'm just posting a space without drop ceilings and cubicles

Attached: Swedbank Headquarters Atrium, Sundbyberg, Stockholm, Sverige (2017, architect 3XN c. 2010-14).jpg (1280x1207, 337K)

Well, one day you'll stumble upon the red-pill that a decent chunk of our work-force and population actually want to be put in boxes and want to be openly '' enslaved '' to put it dramatically. A-lot of the work force want some potatoes at the end of the night with their family and go back to their box and do it over again. It's a reason why a-lot people in the top brass look down as worker-bee's as sub-human, because if you accept sub-human treatment then we'll look at you as sub-human.

Attached: 1528114016762.jpg (800x800, 57K)

So, whenever you see these people who want to be treated like an ant, let them be ants. Let them produce for you, let them live like an ant. Just don't ever be in their position because in the eyes coming from up-top, they're replaceable and worthless numbers. You have to get to the point where you're looking down on the worker-bee's, you have to be looking down, not up.

Remember that.

They found that the productivity took a 60% decline in those new agey open offices.

They have one of those companies in NYC right now, I shit you not it was started by a billionaire jew. They literally live in the building they work in and they take rent from their pay.

>They literally live in the building they work in and they take rent from their pay.
Oy vey

If you get all of your shit done then it really doesn't matter if the rest of your time is spent watching YouTube videos or playing golf.

If their productivity is shit, then by all means fire them, but don't micro manage.

Why? Some people are honorable and dedicate themselves to their family. You're a narcissist. Circumcised and servile and telling me how to live? hahahah "okay"

That's called a company town, they've been around forever

Thank you for being a great worker, but, understand this ant. Your work greatly profits the people at corporate, you're not doing anything honorable, you're slaving your life away and you're seen as a subhuman number while you're at it. Honor doesn't exist as a wage-slave, you're an ant, I guess you can be an ant thinking he's doing the right thing and that's fine; good for us..

I'm just letting you know what everyone up top thinks about you, if you're okay with making us money and eating potatoes every night then please continue. Just know we look down at you and see a number.

Your dad sounds like a dipshit micro manager

Both are shit. At both my customers I have an own office with a door. And everyone's 100 times more efficient.

Eh ok, but doesn't work for all. I work as a consultant, so there is a fairly constant pressure to "be chargeable", that is to be working on things we can bill a client for. If I'm out of such work, I'm expected to be engaging in businesses development activities or working on improving internal processes etc. There is always something to do.

I'm a kid, I'm not egalitarian, but I believe in allowing your workers luxuries to make them happier about their job, duh. corporate has tighter margins and has to show increasing growth to shareholders, so they cheap out, of course. Fair enough, it shows you care about the product, but if your product is more than a plastic trinket, your employees should be considered, too.

you're a robot, haha. perfect jew slave, calling others slaves. nice. Do you fancy yourself the moloch machine of metropolis?

>the perfect jewish factory realized

worker, you are but an ant.

I bet the 2070 style offices would be a children's playground

If you have a spare twenty minutes and you're expected to switch gears, concentrate on a background task of improving internal processes and get maybe 2% of that done, and then switch back to your normal job it just fucks people up and they lose focus and overall productivity.

Fucking bean counters need to accept that people aren't productive all the time and when they split a task into 47 parts that they do over the course of nine months just to fill in down time it ends up badly in the end. People do not function well that way. It is a terrible philosophy for managing human resources.

>boss gets a couple TVs in our office because too
>complains that we always have the TV on

Attached: satan.jpg (1136x1252, 606K)

>If you have a spare twenty minutes
This usually isn't the case in our work. For such a sort time, no I wouldn't bother with something intense, but maybe try to knock out the dumb training courses things we have to finish every so often or shoot an email to a client. It's usually fairly easy to fill in the cracks

Not mine. I’m bored as fuck working.

Nigga get a white noise machine

They also think shit like a ping pong table and a beer fridge makes up for not having health insurance and a salary 25% below industry average.

Attached: todays tasks.png (500x373, 342K)

If you make the work enviroment not shut your employees will be more productive. Its pretty basic really, youd have to be retarded to not understand that

Sounds like you are just describing doing your normal job, sending emails and catching up on paperwork and all that. If you still have such tasks to do then all of your shit isn't done.

>Sounds like you are just describing doing your normal job,
Well yea, kinda my point. There's very few times when I have nothing to do to the point where I'd play putt putt

The big monopolies like Google were so immensely comfortable and had so little competition that they could afford to boost their PR with quirky offices, not having to worry about any competition, which is sort of like state "communism".

So quirky offices is basically what state communism looks like. Good communism. The kind that hasn't been tried. Capitalism is all the ugly offices that existed before a big monopoly came along.

>t. Things unemployed people unirronically believe

What's your problem? Childcare is a COST. If work pays for it AND it's at my location, that's a no brainer. Like you :)

We already have a kindergarden and a gym.

An oldie but a goodie, for OP.

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