NFL owners are in full panic, piss their pants scared mode right now

NFL owners are in full panic, piss their pants scared mode right now.

Everyone is pissed at Jeffrey Lurie. EVERYONE. The owners had hoped caving to Trump with their half-measure, would buy them some time and leyway with Trump. Yes, he was still insulting them. But there was a hope that shit would die down, since they effectively bent over backwards to him.

But Lurie and his antics has reduced any truce to ash and cinder.

Lurie had a player revolt; the players boycotting not going to the White House started threatening the players and staff who said they DID want to go. As a compromise, he tried to do a thing where the entire team would go to DC and the boycotting players would do PR crap with kids while the 80s people who would go would get the White House visit. There is even audio (currently locked away in a bank safety deposit locker) of Chris Long THREATENING one player, vowing to do physical harm to the player in question if he went to the White House.

The boycotting players kept threatening and bullying more and more people into backing out. Lurie then went about trying to reschedule the trip for when Trump would not be at the White House. This was something Trump saw through and in the end, combined with the fact that only a handfull of people were left still wanting to go? This led to Trump disinviting them.

That said, this has the other NFL owners pissed off. Combined with the Warriors and Cavs both vowing NOT to go to the White House, this leads some to fear Trump will cancel ALL future White House invites for sports teams and him salting the earth in the process, so that no future President does it after he's gone.

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Other urls found in this thread:

Worse still, is that this has got owners terrified that Trump is now going to respond to this humiliation, by going scorch earth on the NFL. Goodell and the owners know, that Trump knows that going after the NFL is good business in terms of firing up his base. The NFL knows the kneeling shit has hurt them big time, financially. And they already are fearful that the players may revolt over the half-measure compromise with Trump over the anthem protest. And that Goodell, realizing how badly the ship is sinking due to his inaction, might just go nuclear on the teams if players violate the protest bans. Especially on teams where the owners are on record for paying any fines.

There is legit fear that any protesting at the anthem will result in fines so severe that owners will have no choice but to squash any further protests during anthem time, due to them not wanting to have to shell out several hundred thousands of dollars per player.

Similarly, there is fear that if entire teams stay in the locker room? That fan response will be equally draconian. IE they fear that fans will walk out of games and that Trump will use teams in the locker room to basically stir up his base to create the feared "Red Wave" to keep Congress Republican.

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But Lurie is in everyone's dog house now. The NFL has started to realize the extent to which Trump's vendetta against them goes. How he knows that half the country is with Trump on hating the NFL. And that no matter how hard the left tries to hijack shit, Trump and his bully pulpit gives him 100% control over the narrative with voters. And the people who actually put their money where their mouth is on boycotting.

As it stands, Lurie's being pressured to shut his players down. No trips to Democrat strongholds, meet and greets with Obama, or any other Democrats. The cancelation of the childrens charity stuff was only done after the other teams found out and forced Lurie to cancel them. They legit feared that if the players were doing something else in town, that Trump would freak out and do something super nasty. IE naming and shaming the players who did so, in order to make them as radioactive as Reid and CK.

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Jerry Jones and other Trump-friendly owners spent today calling Trump's people, trying to pre-emptively stop Trump's impending scorch earth campaign against the NFL. Some are promising that they will do whatever it takes (benching/cutting) players who stay in the locker room this upcoming season. Others (like Robert Kraft) are vowing that they will force their entire team to go to the White House if their team wins. And there are some owners who are putting the screws to Lurie, to make him personally grovel for forgiveness and to force the entire roster to go to the White House before the season starts.

As it stands, expect SOME level of retaliation against the players this fall. The pro-Trump owners have finally broken Goodell to get him on their side. There is whisper of massive, life-ruining fines and owners being pressured to rescind their pledge to pay said fines. As well as the idea of Goodell rescinding the sanctuary of the locker room to force all players to stand for the anthem. Anything to buy some grace from Trump after Lurie took a bad situation and made it ten times worse.

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The league is 75% black. Unless you're an Afro-fetishist, why would any white man care about the modern NFL?

Can you believe that Bush got us into 2 wars, crippled our economy, got the entire middle east to hate us and screwed us over for life and black athletes and other athletes visited him.

Trump says "mean" things and they won't visit him but lets be real, they will never visit another Republican president ever thanks to all the divisive elements pushed during the Obama administration.

This is beyond madness. If you asked one of those players why they hate republicans in details at best you'll get a vague "racism" reason with no proof or reasoning.

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i shut my cable off last year because of these clowns. They dont just hurt the NFL.

NFL avoided a labor lockout in 2010 when it was trying to re-negotiate the Collective Bargaining Agreement.

At that time, the only leverage the NFLPA had against the league was challenging their tax-exemption as a monopoly by forcing teams to disclosure their financials (to see exactly how profitable the league is).

That CBA expires in
> 2020


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looking forward to the return of XFL

they should go up against Sunday Night Football with the terrible intro song, political horseshit from Creepy Bob Costas, and commercial-to-programming ratios of 1:3 that program is almost unwatchable

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Same reason some people like horse racing.

>Expecting niggers to have any form of rational cohesive thought

chris long is such a cuck lel

niggers aren't that smart, they just know drumpf is a racist

Niggers paid millions to play with balls need to be knocked down a few dozen notches.

The federal government should spend zero dollars on sports. Why should nigger egg players have an official visit to the whitehouse?

it's clear the nogs do not view themselves as American so why are they still here? pay them to go to South Africa or something. We'll trade them and a bunch of money for Boers who want to leave.

I haven't cared about football since college when it was just an excuse to drink with your buddies.

There is something to be said for appreciating the highest level of play a sport has to offer, but when it comes to the NFL all the POZ that comes with it i not worth it. It wasn't worth it before this kneeling crap even happened. pathetic to accept that trade off once a week, lel.

You might want to run an internet search for “mein Kampf” or “culture of critique” if you’re still having difficulty figuring out what the cause of this is.

These people make me so angry.
They're the most overpaid jackasses in the entire world, their only job is to run around on a field for 20 minutes per game and they get paid hundreds of millions of dollars to do it. They have lifestyles that most people can only dream about where they can have any woman they want, they live in mansions and drive around cars worth more than most people will make in a decade. What did they have to accomplish to get there? Nothing. They didn't invent a new product, they didn't work hard to get where they are, they didn't found a successful business. They just had to be physical large enough to be a linebacker, which probably saw them through college for free with sports scholarships too. They have about as much input and agency as a racehorse.

Yet they still find shit to complain about. They still bitch and wine and complain and agitate. It's proof that no matter what you give, it will never be enough for these niggers. Being multi-millionaires with a supermodel on each arm and owning a house that has a basketball court in it ISN'T ENOUGH FOR THEM. They STILL find reasons to claim that they're being oppressed and that they're downtrodden and exploited.

This uppity nigger Kaepernick talks like he lives in the fucking projects when he has a McMansion the size of a fucking Walmart. Fuck 'em, give them nothing, they can never be appeased and they will never appreciate anything that they have.

Every year the sport is less interesting to me and something considered boring (baseball) is more enjoyable. I’m sick of politics entering everything.

The jews dont like to lose elections. Just vote for their (((candidate))) next time and they’ll make sure everyone has the same politics so you can forget about politics and go back to watching (((ESPN))) in comfort and peace. Be a good goy

Who gives a shit. The league is still worth billions and they’ll continue to make money. The snowflakes who can’t stand to watch can all fuck off.

>The snowflakes who can’t stand to watch can all fuck off.
They are. That's why the league gives a shit.

sill thread is still a shil thread..

sage in all feilds roody poo gayboy

release the fucking audio bitch

10/10. By the way, if you need another reason to hate these entitled shits, the fact that you said "nigger" would make you part of the problem in their eyes, and cause every other point you raised to be irrelevant in the face of such cruel, awful, terrible racism. It's definitely too hard for a privileged white to understand.

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Fuck the JewFL

The hockey guys will go... and only about a quarter of them are Americans... if that.

If you practically have to force the players at gunpoint to act right, it shouldn't count in their favour.

I hope the league burns and people lose livelihoods

who would have ever guessed that football playing millionaire niggers were just as fucking stupid as any other niggers

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tfw you cater to faggot millennials and wonder why
> no ad revenue
> no cable revenue
> no ticket sales

I wrote this exact post as a reply to t his thread last night. What are you doing you nutjob?

You can dream.

They are not saying they personally don't have a good life, its called speaking up for the people who don't and actually face issues.
Why can't white Americans understand standing up for others in a worse situation than yourself? these guys probably feel terrible about the lack of impact they have even though they're fucking 10/10 models, driving sports cars, and swimming in money... it's like when rich people kill themselves, money isn't everything.

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Might be a bot that copy/pastes responses that it finds interesting for whatever reason.

Actually, now that I think about it, this might be a bot thread. All of OPs posts look copy/pasted.

I bet we see the same thread reposted in a few hours, but it posts my response in addition to yours and the rest.

Fucking mods are worthless.



>What are you doing you nutjob?
I'm an NFL insider, you nutjob

>Why can't white Americans understand standing up for others in a worse situation than yourself?

That's all we have ever done for the entirety of our lives for more generations than you can ever count.
I want to just go back in time and fucking slaughter all of your ancestors and be done with it - we would have been colonizing other planets 50 years ago if that were the case.

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>Fucking mods are worthless.
how so?
I recycled a valid topic from last night.
Are you a newfag, because that is wxactly how Jow Forums works....

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NFL is shit and has been shit since the Janet Jackson incident.


le reddit
have an upboat, Taylor

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Disrespectful lying niggers BTFO themselves. They say cops are targeting and killing black kids after Michael Brown, the statistics AND that case go directly against thier claims. Yet they still protesting. Niggers.

whats the appeal in watching juiced up negros run around in circles in crash helmets anyway

I'm an NFL insider as well

Not news. Football will never die. Fuck off

The NFL should just dissolve... Stupid ass privileged niggers would learn their lesson then. NBA should shut down also. Destroy the dreams of every little black boy in America.

Seems like Trump was BTFO. It was bad optics for Trump if only 10 out of 53 players would attend. Instead of holding the event anyway, he was forced to withdraw the invites to avoid humiliation. We all know Trump likes big crowds.

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i feel like you are insulting horses....

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"b-bbut mmmmy thread"
> anonymous image board
> post threshhold
> finite auto archive
> gallery full of the same shill threads every day

butthurt because an original thread topic is revisited

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>Football will never die
CBA 2020

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>There is even audio (currently locked away in a bank safety deposit locker) of Chris Long THREATENING one player, vowing to do physical harm to the player in question if he went to the White House.

adopt hockey.
it's all white on the oce

That video is the stupidest shit I've ever seen. People who aren't interested in sports really shouldn't try to form opinions on it. it's incredibly obvious this dude never watched sports to begin with.

Who cares. Nigger oblong ball goes away. Nothing of value is lost except for the black 1% and the minimal chances of DeShawanye getting out of the ghetto and changing his family tree, and that of his down low crew.

they had 10 white guys on their team? sounds like a lot

>this dude never watched sports to begin with.
found the guy who wears another man's name on his back
NFL product and pro sports was dead long before Trump came along. You used to watch sports for peak performances, athletic excellence. All it is now is just a market for chips & dips and niggers to go full nigger. There is no more sportsmanship. Its full niggardom and trash talking and blaming someone for why you lost.

here's another video for you on why the NFL is most assuredly dead by its base supporters.

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>stupid niggers with flash card bullshit
>mentions the large portion of blacks being jailed
>deliberately forgets the part where they commit more crime


Its actually a beautiful game if you have played it. Takes a team effort, and all the positions have to have way different skills. The speed and hitting is crazy with pads.

Not as cool as Rugby though.

>got the entire middle east to hate us
The Middle East hates us because we're infidels in the first place. Nuke them and the problem is solved.

I think this is the plan. Trump is going to tank the NFL to help out Vince and bring back the XFL. Competition, after all, is beneficial. If people stop liking the NFL and they move to XFL because of those ungrateful no-anthem-standing niggers, the NFL would have to start cutting niggers and getting more whites in. Less niggers in anything is good.

Cancel all trips by room temperature IQ retards. Invite normal people with extraordinary stories. As a bonus, you won’t have to buy new place settings or have the rooms fumigated.

>and swimming in money...
what they actually contribute to charity is fucking a joke. if they actually wanted to stand up for people. they'd buy a 100k car instead of a 600k car. They would buy a 2 million dollar house instead of a 10 million dollar house.
Check this out
>Education is perhaps Lebron's greatest passion. His foundation spends at least $1 million USD per year on initiatives including programs that help elementary schoolers get interested in school; provide adults with college resources; and help students learn how to code.
He made 30 million last year.
He is contributing 3% yearly to charity.
Giving to the church is recommended at 10% and tons of patrons do that on top of more charitable contributions.
Fuck Athletes. Greedy ass fuckers.

God who fucking cares anything outside of hs football is trash

>Trump is going to tank the NFL
a roasties argument
implies that there isn't a viable reason to despise the NFL product without ulterior 'revenge' motive.
stick to reddit, you mong

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Are you expecting niggers to possess abstract thought? They are primitive proto humans with limited reasoning capabilities.

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Hoping to see Russian nationalist Alex Ovechkin in the oval with Trump the after he wins the Cup tomorrow.

I'm pretty sure sandniggers hate you because you killed their children to sate israeli bloodlust.

“Look at this faggot hating on gladiator blood sports in the Coliseum” - rome circa 250AD
Let them have their bread and circuses, they will be confused as they are dying while at least we know why we are being killed

nice LARP with no sources, faggot. you've made this very easy for me.

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> faggot

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This is what you get for finding hand egg

>Breaking News: Niggers are easy to manipulate
Wow user! Groundbreaking stuff.

TL;DR but are players really going to sit out like Shaun King said? I doubt they will since than they won't be paid but I hope they do. I stopped caring about the NFL a few years ago. Still /sp/, though.

t. triggered little retard LARP shitter. you've refuted nothing, dumb fuck.

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Reading this thread, I can tell most of Jow Forums never has either. This entire thread is filled with boomers and overweight manchildren. Kind of embarrassing getting reminded that I share a board with these losers.

Sundays are for worship and bulding bonds with one's family, friends and neighbors.

Anybody that pisses away their valuable time watching vain ingrates play a children's game is worthless human being.

This nation needs to grow up.

Yeah, no. The supporting the Jew is just more justification/icing to the cake for them. Mudslime just want to spread Islime, and they hate anyone who stands in the way of it. This is also the reason why various Islime sects hate each other, because they think their brand of suidice bombing is the one true brand of suicide bombing.

Nigga wut?

>t. Millenshit
You'll be dead soon.

Ice Cube is looking like shit these days.

Not a sports guy. Can somebody explain to me why they can't just sack all these coons and find more compliant ones? There's gotta be tons of competent people waiting for their chance to play in the NFL.


say the line again, shill!

This. The tax subsidies for stadiums and the whole idea of visiting the president because you took more PEDs than the other guys is pure kikery.

>the fact that you said "nigger" would make you part of the problem in their eyes

maybe if they didn't act like niggers we wouldn't call them niggers.

NFL is a jewish substitute for real nationalism and racialism.

>This led to Trump disinviting them.
It's his house, for now.
Not even a Trump supporter at all, but if he wants to disinvite people he can.

dumb nigger 'ball' players have no business visiting the white house anyways
go play with your balls faggot sports children

The truth is irrelevant at this point, only the message.

You are directly holding back the Hotep/Nazi alliance against the Jew. Tell me about abstract thought again.

NFL ratings were down 10% in 2017. Leave it to uppity niggers to bite the (((hand))) that feeds them.

why dont the owners just make the fines heavier... believe me the players dont know how to handle money they wont survive 3 months without a check.
they will come running back

Does anyone know if 'National Kill Your TelAvivision' day falls on a Sunday this year? Sunday would be the perfect day to boycott the entire sports industry using its platform to socially& culturally engineer its own viewer-base

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> NFL still doesn't realize how retarded their ad:game time ratio is

Why do you guys care about niggerball this much? It's not even the entertaining version of niggerball where they get to jump real high and touch the hoop.

So is the nigger ball league going to be dissolved?

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Hilary ramped up the Ad machine during the Sunday games before the election in 2016. The content featured all the most controversial statements Trump had made during his campaign. She targeted the NFL audience, consisting of Trump supporters. It was a rallying cry.

The NFL is trying to appease a former USFL team owner. He will do everything he can to embarrass the NFL.

Nice to see others using my play on words. “Telavivsion”. How has nobody seen that connection yet?

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