Have you thanked America today, fellow Evropeans?

Have you thanked America today, fellow Evropeans?

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You are all welcome for my actions in the second World War.

Used to enjoy vacations to Normandy to see all the stuff there but I can't really find a fuck to give anymore

I do thank Americans but not for winning the war. The Germans would have gone rekt solo by USSR alone.
I thank them that them joining the war made sure Europe did not embrace full communism (via the USSR ruling over all of us).

Multiculturalism will do that to ya


Besides granting me a student visa America has done little to help me.

Oh, and they were also instrumental in my country's downfall. So there's that.

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I don't see the relation there



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Fuck FDR desu, Lindbergh was right.

I agree US vs USSR was actually more of a clutch play than US involvement in WWII although we blew out those dirty little japs and led them to resort to drawing cartoons for a culture.

Good joke, Colgate. You get brushed last.

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Russians got a lot of help from the US and UK

>although we blew out those dirty little japs and led them to resort to drawing cartoons for a culture.
Thank you

Press S to SPIT

Why does America have to help you asshat. We let you come here and study. Do we have to pay you to. Grow the fuck up and help yourself. Muh read a man Chomsky book and now you think America ruined your shithole country motherfucker we feed the world get a brain or die slow


USSR would not have defeated Germany without all the crucial equipment they received from the US and UK.

I don't deny that. But economic aid is not much compared to actually fighting (and winning). They didn't really need you (they had already lost millions of dead Russians and by the end of the war the USSR war industry had really kicked in for good.

Anything for a fellow Borean.

Antifa punches the original Richard Spencer (1944, colorized)

What exactly did you do?

>I do thank Americans but not for winning the war. The Germans would have gone rekt solo by USSR alone.

As a burger even I must admit the USSR would probably have won by attrition. But forcing Hitler to fight on two fronts is what fucked him over. And without US pressure, France and other conquered territories may not have been given back. Hitler could have possible brokered peace with Russia and kept the territory he had taken.

No, since they bombed my towns and killed thousands of my people.

Nazi mainland western-central Europe and peace with the rest of the world would have been interesting

>tfw great-grandpa landed just after D-Day and still got home in time to marry his pregnant 15 year old Polish-Jewish gf before she gave birth

pic semi-related, she looked a lot like Rutka Laskier

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You can't fight if you can't equip your men with guns or ammunition. You can't equip them with guns or ammunition if you don't have trucks to bring them to the front. You can't have trucks if you don't have rubber and fuel.

Russia would have folded like a house of cards without the economic might of the West behind them.

BASED Allies desu

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hahahaha oh yeah, that's right, we did. Cool.

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Still got a pussyache?

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>As a burger even I must admit the USSR would probably have won by attrition.
If you look at the loss ratios, Germany vs the USSR without any interference from the Allies would have gone in favor of the Germans. No blockade means Germany could have traded for oil from Venezuela and Iran and they could have traded for rubber from Malaysia or Dutch Indonesia.

Don't associate NS with this gay trust fund babby, Amerimutt

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>Hitler could have possible brokered peace with Russia and kept the territory he had taken.
I really doubt this. Stalin had really fucked his army earlier prior to the war (if I remember correctly it was due to him fearing potential revolution of the military).
But at the end of the war in Russia, once it was clear that the Germans could not win them, it was game over, that exact moment.
Germans had neither the men nor the resources to beat them.
And I doubt Stalin would have agreed to a peace offering after surviving the Nazi's campaign into Russia.
He had Central Europe within his grasp and he knew it.

>Germans had neither the men nor the resources to beat them.
Germany had neither the men nor the resources to fight the whole world at the same time. Germany vs only Russia would have been a different story.

Thx for leaving us out of the plan marshall faggot

I never claimed that the foreign aid was not needed.
I just claimed that Germany's defeat was guaranteed, one way or another.

I don't blame you though, you were trapped by your kike lords just like all of us. Even De Gaulle aka the gentile agreed with that.

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Why the fuck would you be in the plan? You didn't participate in the war.

Germany's defeat against the world was guaranteed. Russia alone had absolutely no guarantee of winning against Germany alone.

Well, my grandfather served so technically I can piggyback on his valor.

>Germany vs only Russia would have been a different story.
You mean France, UK not participating at all? I mean, not only not attacking Germany but also not aiding USSR with resources etc?
Well, in such scenario, Germans would probably have won, but it's obviously a highly unrealistic one.

Americans dindu nuffink, they be good boys. They was tryna liberate Europe n shite. Stalin was based and a hero! Gulag, Holodmor and ethnic cleansing of Germans be stormfag lies!

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In 1940 the British were divided on accepting Hitler's peace offer and forming an anti-communist alliance. (((Churchill))) decided it against Hitler and for Stalin. If Reich and UK had allied, Soviet Union would have been defeated and the USA not entered the war against the Reich.

whats the name of this meme?

While our girls were raped by 56%tier, yours were by mongoloid-tier. Not mentioning the degenerancy they imported all over yurope.

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It's literally in the image title, antifa

>In 1940 the British were divided on accepting Hitler's peace offer and forming an anti-communist alliance.
IF something like that occurred, maybe. But after bombing & starving the shit out of the bongs, I doubt they'll agree to actively join Germany against Russia.
At best, they would have agreed to not intervene and let you deal with the Russians on your own.

I don't blame the Russians. They even lost more people than us. I think we are quit. The Cz*chs can get fucked though.

You know the Ruskis would have been rekt without American lend lease equipment, right?

It did occur and we didn't starve and bomb the shit out of the British at all. Not by that point and even later the RAF bombed Germany more than Germany bombed Britain. Not to mention (((Churchill))) wanted to gas our civilian population and literally signed the Morgenthau Plan. Anyone who thinks that this man was a hero is the clearest sign for me that he is my enemy. Or an apolitical, shilled idiot who has no idea what he is talking about.

You're welcome.

The last appeal to reason was before the bombing.

some Russians managed to rape even in France

Nope thank Zuhkov.

ugh, US lend lease gave them a fucking shitload of equipment, they probably would have lost without it...

>Furthermore, much of the logistical assistance of the Soviet military was provided by hundreds of thousands of U.S.-made trucks. Indeed, by 1945, nearly a third of the truck strength of the Red Army was U.S.-built. Trucks such as the Dodge ¾ ton and Studebaker 2½ ton were easily the best trucks available in their class on either side on the Eastern Front. American shipments of telephone cable, aluminum, canned rations, and clothing were also critical

Lend-Lease also supplied significant amounts of weapons and ammunition. The Soviet air force received 18,200 aircraft, which amounted to about 13% of Soviet wartime aircraft production. And while most tank units were Soviet-built models, some 7,000 Lend-Lease tanks were deployed by the Red Army, or 8% of war-time production.

They wanted revenge for the SS Division Charlemagne defending Hitler's bunker and denying them a May Day victory.

For what? Along with brits selling my country to commies? Fuck you yankies

>It did occur
I meant if such alliance did happen. I stated poorly, my bad.

P.S. I wonder how things would have turned out if Hitler did not attack Poland and just focused on strengthening said anti-commie alliance in Europe.
Russians would eventually get the upper hand (in regards to resource access & industry), I guess, but geopolitics would have been very different. Interesting scenario.

>Wherever I go, I must also rape


You should, since they litteraly behaved like monkeys.
Couldn't tell if it's better or worse than 56%. Pic related applies to all extensions south and east of USSR.
And yet I'm half Slav myself.

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Fuck you op... Wish germany won so we wouldn't ve living this hellhole right now.

you have to go back



>The Germans would have gone rekt solo by USSR alone.

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that timeline is alright if you don't mind polka music and living under a dictatorship

It wasn't about Poland. The existence of Poland in itself was designed as a provocation and thorn in Germany's side. Karlfried Graf Dürckheim, who later became a Zen-master, worked for Ribbentrop at the time - he was hired to find out what the British disliked about National Socialism - and also met with Churchill in person at the time. Dürckheim asked Churchill: "Why are you so afraid of Germany?" And Churchill answered: "Because if I was in Hitler's position, I know what I would do: conquer all of it Europe." Little did Dürckheim know that by this time the failure, criminal and drunkard Churchill had already been bought both by Jewish and Czech interests. Both Maseryk and Benesz contributed more to the Focus group behind him than the powerful Jews in Britain. There was no possibility this war. Not if Hitler never rose to power, not if Germany had remained a (Jewish dominated) Weimar Republic. The later would have only meant total dominance and poisoning of the German people and the implementation of what we have today. Possibly also another communist coup and the fall of the Republic to communism: which wouldn't have been seen as evil for (((reasons))). The USA also wanted the war, as WW1, from the start. Independent of the system of government and the person of Hitler. And I don't even think he was that much of a good leader and he did commit crimes and terror against innocents. The entire narrative of "the moral war for freedom" is just such a total disgusting lie that it repulses me.

Not available in France. Fucking memorial laws.

Huh? What does Austria have to do with it??

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If the ruskies won and turned Europe over to full communism, the system would have collapsed through rebellion and inefficiency far quicker. We would not have had to uphold some victim narrative having been victims ourselves, and overthrowing communism would unite all Europe in a far stronger way.

Think if all of Europe was as proud and united as former soviet countries are today. Less prosperous but more self-assured, with stronger people.

Hah, the wrong side really did win.

Welcome to the club. You are governed by a Rothschild banker, we by a Polish Communist who was part of a Stasi think tank to infiltrate the formerly conservative CDU.


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Nah it was just Russians being Russians. Story from a book my grandma gave me, written by local guys.
>Battalion of Ukrainians and Russians who sided with the Germans, now in France
>they decide to switch sides again in 1944
>one night they kill the entirety of their German leadership and they go off in the woods to join with the local French resistance
>war goes on, Germans retreat from the area
>some locals come to the resistance leader and tell him about "British soldiers" thieving and raping in the villages around
>after some research it turns out it wasn't Brits, it was some of the Russians
>a group of French and Russians resistants find 6 drunk passed out Russians responsible for the rapes
>there's a trial, they all get the death penalty
>1 of them tries to escape, gets shot dead
>1 of them asks for the firing squad, gets shot dead
>3 of them get hanged
>the last one asks for "slow strangulation because I want to really feel my death coming"
Weird people

You should thank the bankers for financing all that btw

>If you starve to death and live in Gulags, you win
Eternal Anglo, please...

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Thanks a lot, you're the best!

try this one youtube.com/watch?v=Nsmlal0nifM

>the last one asks for "slow strangulation because I want to really feel my death coming"
I don't know. I kinda like these people! Best of enemies.

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I agree that the peace treaty after WW1 was simply too harsh & provocative for Germany.

Fucking sad. Western Europe is doomed. Soon we'll need licences for butter knifes like the bongs.
Thanks bro.

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Thanks America
Thanks for selling Germany billions of pounds worth of materials namely aluminium so they could build their war machine
Thanks for allowing Ford to build all their logistic trucks
Thanks for sitting on your arses for 5 years making money off both sides while millions died
Thanks for making a tonne of propaganda movies about Omaha beach, a colossal fuck up due to America incompetence that somehow you pretend was an example of American bravery
Thanks for forgiving Germanys debt but not your allies leading Germany to become the leading power in Europe
Thanks for bankrupting the UK and France trashing any hopes we had about rebuilding our navies for 70 years
Thanks for everything you bunch of narcissistic history revisionist cunts

>Think if all of Europe was as proud and united as former soviet countries are today. Less prosperous but more self-assured, with stronger people.
It's a nice prospect but absolute power can make even the most retarded systems (like communism) hold enough power to never allow any revolutions to succeed.


Contrary to popular believe, you actually received more from the Marshall Plan than us.

Well, it was literally written by two Jews. So nothing surprising about that.

Nah, it's not doomed. But it's certainly a mess. Still better off than 56% land though.

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Is Spencer trust-funded?

fuck off nigger, compared to the treatment after WW2 it was a slap on the wrists

The whole 20th century was written by a bunch of jews.
Yeah I dunno. The more I look at Eastern Europe, the more I wanna go there. Plus I speak Slovenian quite well due to my father being from there.

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Yes. Republican upper class WASP dandy.

Thanks for coming in at the last moments when the German war machine was fucked over from Russia, securing a relatively easy path into Germany

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I think you have false hopes for Eastern Europe. If their gibs were better, they offered good job prospects and were economic centers, the migrants would go there too. Sure, their resistance is good. But is it actually more impressive than a "far right" ethnat party rising to 16-18 and 30% in East Germany? Not so sure about that.

Lol, we do a lot wrong gere but the netherlands actually seems to have to most liberal anti hate speech video policy. I rarely see a video blocked.

My deceased pepe used to say that the French resistance would always have to take cover when Americans came to bomb targets as they would always be inaccurate, the English were notably better he said they'd bomb at a lower altitude in order to not have friendly fire casualties.

Migrants are dumb and still think UK is a paradise. French gvt offers food, shelter, smartphones and so on, yet they want to move to UK, Germany or Belgium.
Concerning politics... French far right party is now an empty vessel. I was in when Jean-Marie Le Pen was still in charge, but it changed too much in 10 years.
I know I could make money in Slovenia, the only thing stopping me from that is my love for France. In one word : necrophagia.

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Yes, FN is a Zionist controlled opposition party and Marion's father is a literal Mossad agent. I see the same danger in all the parties desu. It's the clear agenda of the Zionists and US Jewish billionaires, too. But still I think most Europeans wont take the bait and nationalism isn't our future anyway. It's certainly bad today, but we have survived wars. Think of the first thirty years war, before WW1&2. And at least we won't have another great war on European soil. Although Ukraine is the worst at the moment. But no more ethnic cleansing and genocide on our people. Although you might have a civil war like scenario with the Arabs and their wahhabism. Unlikely, but theoretically possible.