>Donald "I only hire the best" Trump appoints Jeff Sessions as Attorney General primarily because he was one of Trump's earliest supporters >he's terrible at his job Whoa, didn't see that coming.
Cooper Garcia
>IG report still not released A-a-a-any day now, guys!
fuck no, WW2 shouldve been two wars. UK should've surrendered then the west should have united to fight the communists. Fuck every american who fought for communism
"hey about that thing you did 200 years ago. yeah, that one, fuck you and we're taking the maple syrup with us."
Ethan Hill
U.S. border agents made more than 50,000 arrests in May for the third month in a row, the Department of Homeland Security said Wednesday, an indication that escalating enforcement tactics by the Trump administration — including separating migrant parents from their children — has not had an immediate deterrent effect.
DHS said agents made 51,912 arrests in May, more than three times the number who were taken into custody in May 2017, a period when illegal immigration plunged following Trump’s inauguration.
Arrests at the border this spring have jumped to their highest levels since Trump took office, and the reversal has left the president furious at Homeland Security Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen and other aides who he believes aren’t doing enough to stop the trend.
Border arrest statistics have long served as a metric for illegal immigration flows, but the Trump administration has treated their monthly publication as a barometer for the president’s border security efforts.
In a statement Wednesday, Homeland Security spokesman Tyler Houlton said the administration’s crackdown needs more time to work.
Go to Brit/pol/ if you want to larp and avatarfag.
Alexander Thomas
I wonder what happens when AmLO becomes the President of Mexico. He's a Mexican nationalist and a socialist so I wouldn't be surprised if he tries promoting La Raza in the USA and Mexican secession movements. Gonna be interesting, because if he is hostile then it gives Trump a casus belli to punish Mexico with the wall or even more.
Oh sure. NOW it was the Brits. Up until Trump said it the dipshit leafs and leftists would jump through one million hoops to prove it was actually Canadians. >Trump: What a beautiful blue sky. >lefties: ACKSHUALLY
Ryder Walker
I don't get quip by Trump. Trudeau asked a perfectly reasonable question and Trump responds with an irrelevant and inaccurate piece of trivia.
Austin Ramirez
I could use the same argument for slavery
Jaxson Miller
>Canada was a colony of britain with no autonomy/independence so they did do it
its not reasonable, its acting in bad faith because that's not what was ever hinted at and your king leaf is getting his ass handed to him behind the scenes. Your country is burning to the ground if these tariffs escalate and your one hope is the media goes hard against Trump, much harder than they did to save themselves. Good luck.
Cooper Sullivan
what's to celebrate? that Germany soon got killed off after being baited into war? yeah thanks alot.
the first time i heard this it was 4am and I had been lying in bed staring at the black letting my depression flow through me all night. Perfect mood for them poem feels, but I don't weep, do you?
Elijah Davis
>Trudeau asked a perfectly reasonable question King Leaf cuck knows why Trump is applying tarriffs and is playing dumb. Stupid question gets stupid answer
Isaiah Hernandez
It's funny because 1. we all know it was the Brits and 2. it doesn't stop shit posting leafs from trying to take credit.
Jose Ross
GUANGZHOU, China — A crisis over a mysterious ailment sickening American diplomats and their families — which began in Cuba and recently appeared in China — widened on Wednesday. The State Department evacuated at least two more Americans who fell ill in China after hearing strange noises, officials said.
Many other employees at the American Consulate in the southern Chinese city of Guangzhou and their family members are also being tested by a State Department medical team that has been flown in, officials said. It is unclear how many of them are exhibiting symptoms, but officials expect more American personnel to be evacuated.
For months, American officials have been worried that their diplomats have been subjected to targeted attacks involving odd sounds, leading to symptoms similar to those “following concussion or minor traumatic brain injury,” the State Department says. nytimes.com/2018/06/06/world/asia/china-guangzhou-consulate-sonic-attack.html
Hudson White
>The average American soldier is at fault because they wouldn't understand complex geopolitics and the consequences of opposing Communism
Ethan Baker
good goyim, eat up all the propaganda from (((them))).
Josiah Phillips
I am, if Hitler wasn't such a retard who took Stalin's bait maybe he wouldn't have lost.
Oliver Howard
Carter Rodriguez
>of opposing Communism Fascism*
Lincoln Long
To be fair, the agreement did allow a certain amount of enrichment to occur. Since the US pulled out of the deal, there wasn't much left in place to prevent them from doing. Every day closer to Tel Aviv being nuked isn't necessarily a bad thing.
>t.kike We should never have fought the Germans in either world war and the bloodbath in Normandy isn't a time to party. At best horrific battles are a time of somber reflection. Are you a child?
Cameron Wilson
>Hilldawg 2.0
Dylan Cook
I mean, we're talking about PENS here. Not everybody works at Taco Bell.
>impying America universally opposed Hitler America should have never gotten involved, and those men and women should have made it clear to FDR that we will remain neutral. They should have even chose mass incarceration by refusing the draft instead of allying with the communists >they wouldn't understand complex geopolitics and the consequences of opposing Communism because communism didn't have any observable negative effects anywhere before WW2
Dylan Williams
>winning a battle isn't a time to celebrate you should tell the people in WWII that
I wouldn't mind more Nigerian doctors just because they have a habit for loudly shitting all over American blacks for being lazy and dumb. Always good for a kek. But seriously, unless you're a Boer farmer fuck off and stay in your own country. They need the doctors more than we do. We could start a meme campaign that taking doctors and engineers from Africa is new colonialism via brain drain.
Nolan Perry
Chase Anderson
That was my fault, I saved one image of a ballot voting for patrick little, named it "voted", and spammed it all day in every patrick little thread.
Carson Reed
Even in 3.5% Black Spokane, also Detroit proper or suburban???
Levi Gomez
There was actually voluntary migration from the US to the Soviet Union during the Depression. Probably a bunch of dumb fucks who heard "guaranteed employment" and jumped ship, but still.