Why are you still consuming one of (((their))) most effective weapons?
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I got through depression by watching more porn. Then suddenly no more depression.
Which will only last if you keep watching porn again and again which isn't possible to maintain unless you extend fetishes over time.
You're abusing the fuck outta yer dopamine
I haven't watched porn in 2 years. No need anymore. Happy times, friend.
Oh shit son, nice, must be serving ya well :^)
Although I do have doubts that porn wasn't the reason why you were able to overcome your depression.
I’m not, newfag.
Im not
Nofap is broscience for beta faggots, either you fuck a bitch, or you masterbate to porn, or you are a low T limp dicked loser.
Who said anything about nofap?
I'm talking about porn.
Old habits die hard, but its definitiely has eased from what it used to be. Thinking about how much time spent on it, goddamn it.
As much as I would like to blame the culture for normalization is so much, I just wish I was smarter and didn't need the instant gratification of it in my youth to see through it.
Want to end porn, make prostitution legal or at least the classy bordello run by madams. Might actually help men build healthier relationship with if they have a "teacher" in their youth.
I wouldn't be surprised if a lot of people who fall victim to it are just because they can't get laid.
Fapping is normal and healthy (as long as you aren't over doing it) its using porn thats the problem.
That's just what (((they))) want you to think. We are at war. If you jerked off a bull before a bull fight do you think it would still be at full strength?
I would agree with you in that before the fight.
However a bull that you are using is useless if its constantly frustrated and agitated because it can't get off. Just like how a person would be useless at anything if they were so sexually frustrated and couldn't get off it.
(((they))) want your precious bodily fluids for Saturn
I fell in love with Brianna Banks when I discovered the pleasures of masturbation as a teen. Well, she's fat and tatted now, but I cannot give her up. (((They))) really know how to get their hooks in.
i'm not, 7 months
it doesn't magically turn a person into a not-loser though
Because I have shit for willpower and getting real sex is a lot of work, also because it feels really good to stroke my peepee.
Plus there are literally thousands of hot young girls getting naked on their webcams for tokens and new ones, and new ones are showing up every day! I would have killed for this 10 years ago! Considering the state of modern women and my genetics, I don't have a real shot at getting a loyal wife, so might as well enjoy the hedonism.
this thought process is part of how society dies
Or you could take about 1-2 years of your life (maybe not even that) to sort your shit out and actually enjoy your life without fucking yourself with dopamine.
You're marching into an ugly place that's harder to get out the further you go in. It's easy to at least get on a path to be your best version.
I really don't need porn
Back in about 2010-2011, I read this book called "A Brothers Price", a kinda trashy book which tells about an alternate world, where the population is ninety percent female and a man is sold by his sisters to marry all the women in a family. Its also got these brothels called "cribs" where a man is like drugged up and made to fuck women to get them pregnant. Now im very good at injecting myself into imaginary worlds when dreaming and being a really horny 15 year old, this book really tingled my fetishes. Every time I went to sleep I would transport myself into the "Brothers Price world" and experience all kinds sexual stuff. Because I was able to experience sexual bliss at will in dreams, the only thing I really did was sleep for 2-3 months. Anyways my parents started to get worried about me constantly sleeping and thought I had narcolepsy or some shit (this was right after the swine flu vaccine giving some people narcolepsy scare). They put me in some tests and shit and didn't find shit. I was too much a pussy to tell them about the rape filled dream world I was enjoying, so I lied that I was bullied at school and depressed. They kinda overreacted, made me switch schools and put me on meds.
Has someone had anything similar am I just alone?
No woman will ever love me. Porn is all I have. I prefer xvideos
Do you really want me to create children that will almost certainly help lay waste to most of your institutions and traditions just to expand private markets?
I'd be cool with that. I'm just curious as to why you would want that.
No I want you to stop watching fucking porn because it's fucking all the men up, thus our societies
I'm weaning myself off it. Finding it easier not to stuff my face daily.
you have to improve. giving up the porn is the first step to proving you have the will to change yourself for the better so you can be more attractive
Good work man!
To anyone else having trouble giving up the porn jew, try finding a new outlet. A hobby or skill you always wanted to develop but never did.
Ok, so you're the one anti-porn guy that isn't a pro-natalist.
So what's the game plan here? Do you support beating off to memories once per month or so?
you'll get to mless eventually, user
I've seen so many cases where incredibly cute girls go for very mediocre looking guys and those seem to be the real, soulful girls too
If you can cut the porn outta your life ('cause it's doing you a ton of damage) and actually start adopting some healthy habits, you could easily turn that shit around.
Motherless is trash except for the solo bate vids.
See if you're not watching porn, you're doing a good thing.
There's too many studies now that show how much porn fucks up our brains. Evolution didn't prepare us for this in the slightest, we're a massive guinea pig generation and the results show that porn can almost tear a society in two.
beating off to girls you meet in real life would be a good start
it's best to do this as you meet them too btw
I am, and it is my last Jewish vice.
I don't smoke the herbal Jew, I don't watch talmudvision or play vidya (the electric Jew).
I don't have a GF right now so I don't have any warm wet holes in which to dispose of my ejaculate.
What else am I supposed to do?
Do pics count or just videos? What about gifs and webms? What if i just think about dirty scenarios? For example, walkin out of store tha other day, and i see this hot chick pull her pants up real tight. It really showed off that ass, legs, and calves. It was a true hhhhnnnnngggggg moment. I thought about it the other morning when beatin it.
>Why are you drinking coffee?
>Why are you still consuming one of (((their))) most effective weapons?
Yeah that’s not weird
maintaining eye contact is key
watching porn isn't weirder?
That's more bs than the erectyle dys. thing I have stayed on vanilla porn for many years and im not degenerating more than that
If they’re in porn that means they’re ok with it
>wanking over a memory of a solo non naked girl
that wouldn't even give me a semi.
Well you degenerated yourself more than you would have with porn. But that's just you I guess. And before you call out my flag im actually Spanish.
you dont fucking tell the girl you're spankin it to the thought of her, sperglord
How do you blame the Jews for something you can choose to not do?
Nofap/noporn is for those that self-cuck desu.
Because no one is ever going to fuck me, Ahmed.
Why would a Finn watch porn? It's the most promiscuous country in Europe.
Aye that's fair, that isn't the case quite a lot of times actually, I take that back.
However the second part is true, you're still messing with your dopamine and areas of your brain that evolution didn't prepare for, at all.
This shit in your brain only activated once you actually worked to have sex with a woman so through billions of years our genetics have been used to this and now we're getting that at the click of a button, whenever we want.
Taking advantage of that pleasure circuit in your brain does come with its consequences.
Western society doesn't desörve to live it must be börnt down and rebuilt a la Weimar to Nazi Görmany style
I used to think that, then I realized it's probably because porn was always easily available to me.
What do you think guys did for thousands of years before they had porn and/or the JC Penney to fuel their spank bank?
It's very well documented that Jews have played a huge role in the porn industry and have used porn on several occasions as a weapon, intending to be that way too.
And it's not about nofap, it's about no porn. There's evidence that porn will screw with your brain, thus your general life experience, in quite a dramatic way.
>refusing to watch other people have sex
Everytime there's a no porn thread there is always people who feel the need to defend it. Why is that?
Do you get off thinking about other guys jerking off to porn?
Bro you must be into some crazy sick shit. This is why u gotta ditch the porn jew.
Because it inspired me.
Forcey fun time with the nearest female
I keep coming on Jow Forums and there's always pics of sexy women somewhere on here so my dick starts twitching and I head over to /gif/
I'm so dead inside I have no self control
i dont get it
like 90% of the porn i jerk off to is girls taking nude selfies
how the fuck does that involve jews?
Contributing to the culture of allowing girls degrade and debase themselves for clicks.
not my fucking problem
once a nude goes onto the internet its there forever
it is your problem. we create whores, women crave our attention. don't encourage it.
Reminder: The most important pioneers of pornography in the West were gentiles. They became fabulously wealthy by making and selling porn.
Hugh Hefnerofsky: first issue of Playboy, in December 1953
Bob Guccioneberg: Penthouse founded in 1965
Larry Flyntstein: Hustler, first published in 1974
Beate Uhse:
- drafted into the Luftwaffe, where she flew Messerschmitts, Fokkers and other fighter planes to the front
- In 1962, opened the world's first sex shop, in Flensburg, Schleswig-Holstein
Fabian Thylmann owned/founded some of the world’s most heavily used porn websites (YouPorn, PornHub, MyDirtyHobby, Brazzers, Tranny Surprise, etc.).
Jews joined the fun years later.
incest porn is in the bible (song of solomon). therefore its okay.
Porn standards are getting really fucked up. The casual browse used to have have cute girls being a little dirty. Now all the subversive stuff is in the forefront. Lots of traps, rape, choking, piss bukake, mandingos gang banging white teens, gagging until throwing up, eating enema. Gross shit.
>Start nofap
>Become more and more horny, start to become even more into degenerate fetishes and other shit
>Back to normal
I need to fap to function normally
i dont give them attention, i never do that pussy shit
But you don't need porn
you do give them attention, the impotent kind through porn
>retard kraut thinks sex and masturbation produce the same chemicals.
dont care
maybe they should stop whoring themselves on the internet
And also fucking your brain up in the process, noice :^)
they would stop if you stopped watching it, you're the consumer. but if you don't care fine, my life isn't ruined by your lust, only yours
in denial
ive been celibate my whole life
this nofap/noporn shit only applies to dudes that want a girlfriend. i dont.
Porn is bad for you, especially in excess. However, that doesn't mean it should be banned. The majority should not be punished for the vices of a degenerate few. Not to mention that prohibition fuels organized crime.
you should want one, they make your life better. not even about sex. kissing girls is great.
Also, pornography production is not limited to Jews in America.
not for me, relationships arent for everyone
I don't know how to stop.
If you play with youself you’re not celibate
continue poisoning your mind then
good goy
only the pics ur mum sends me fagit
kill yourself, kebab
kek I know man
what about wet dreams does that count as sex
shut up goblin
The simple solution is to only watch amateur porn
Those are involuntary so nah
then whats so wrong about me tugging the peen once every 2 weeks to prevent myself from cumming in my bed when i sleep
What's the alternative?
Is fapping to pics of anime/vidya girls I like OK?
Nothing wrong with it but you’re lying if you think and say you’re celibate
I stopped it.
For religious and political purposes. I finally made it out.
so you don't want kids? you're content with being a genetic dead end?
The alternative is stop to feed the jews with your attention, with your clicks and ad value, with your soul, which they use to haste the arrival of their satanic messiah.
Just use your imagination.
I'm ugly, unfunny and uninteresting, so no girls will let me tickle them, so I watch porn of it
Pre-emptively defending his cucked-colors...the absolute state of Swedistan!