Why doesn't Trump just revoke his U.S. citizenship, and arrest him?

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because that would make him a dictator

Obola and Slick Willy already set the precedents for a modern day one.

it will take more than that to defeat this great and ancient evil

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He has three way citizenship, it doesn't matter much, not including Israel which he could move to if he wanted, since he's a jew.

Also, I'm not positive, but I don't think he's technically admitted a crime. (that we know of.)

His sons too. And THEIR children.

trump cut his taxes instead

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>Also, I'm not positive, but I don't think he's technically admitted a crime. (that we know of.)

You mean other than aiding Nazi Germany into confiscating Jewish possessions, and aiding them into concentration camps, for fear for his own life? (And yes, that is a crime against humanity, despite what the rest of Jow Forums says, either seriously or jokingly).

Didn't happen you thick cunt.

Im pretty sure any one determined man could kill him fairly easily, lure him to a lunch by offering a huge donation to his foundation then fill him full of .45 ACP, of course I would never do this as I have a bretty good life of my own, and throwing that away to kill a single man is not worth it to me.