Why or why not? Are any lawyers here who wanna share their experience as a lawyer and as a law student?
Is becoming a lawyer Jow Forums approved?
Law school was great. Fucked girls and slept late. Practicing law is help on earth.
there are too many lawyers. if you aren't going to a top ten school, you shouldn't waste your time, or you'll end up working for a divorce chain.
>is x life decision approved of by strangers on an anonymous website
Jesus Christ bless the poor souls who become your clients
I don't know how it is in Murica, but in Germany only around 15% get a “Prädikatsexamen“, which is an exam that means you got atleast 9/18 points. Most get 4 to 5, if they don't fail, which are like 30%. 25% get 7 to 9 points
Jesus Christ, as if you wouldn't ask a taiwanese card board organising forum for important life choices
One concern is that my state bar gives accommodations for the bar exam. Literally if you prove you have a learning disability you get more time or get to do it in a separate room from the rank and file normies. Who the fuck wants a lawyer with a learning disability??
Also CA just lowered the pass score, so basically we were letting in retards, but not enough.
How??? I always heae that many law students suffer from depression due to high stress, caused by lack of free time and overwhelming amount of work