B A S E D: Wily Wonka might star an african american

Pshh, D Glover is a hot asset for film right now.

is This why america is so great?


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He has a large head. Would make a good oompa loompa.

Nothing will top gene wilder.

Hiring the nigger will just ensure that it’s a flop

i honestly think glover would smash this, but interested in how gosling would do wonka



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>Nothing will top gene wilder.
This. He's the perfect blend of creepy/crazy/good-heartedness that the role needed. Depp's portrayal was shit.

Wonka's not a nigger.

kek, you rekt him
not a bad idea if he don't get wonka

>B A S E D?
>nigger in a white created role
>white has to compete for a role written for whites
>nigger on Jow Forums thinks this is based...

the low IQ and sense of entitlement of niggers never ceases to amaze me

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What's the opposite of gentrification? Also
>willy wonka revamp
Holly Jew is a mess. Whatever happened to new ideas?

Just because he looks like chocolate?

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In a chocolate factory? Das raciss

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>Handful of corporate diversity cult faggots may decide to hire a nigger for the role
>is This why america is so great?
No, america is so great because if they do go through with it the movie will bomb outright unless they pull of some real magic

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Agreed. Gosling kind of looks the part but is too autistic and le handsome man to compare to wilder.

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>The first movie he is in bombs and becomes the first mainstream star wars movie to actually lose money
>gets demoted to the 3rd remake of charlie and the chocolate factory

After this bombs he is done

Would watch to be honest. I am so tired of this color crap. Who cares if a black guy plays a character? We are all humans at the end of the day.

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stop giving them free exposure you kike

Look at the background:


LOL. The proof is in the pudding.

((( )))

>We are all humans at the end of the day.
some of us get to shed and relax

did I say us?
I meant them

I'm curious, are niggers really so dumb as to think that getting shoehorned into everything is actually making it better?

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>comparing a fictional character to a factual character
Stop doing this you look really stupid

Don't you remember his music video that was shilled here relentlessly for one week?

Not trying to rekt him he legit has an abnormally sized head. Did you see the episode of Atlanta where is in whiteface the whole time? His head is huge.

Nobody minds black actors. what they do mind however is Black actors forcefully put in already existing stories that don't fit them just for the sake of 'diversity'

Weren't the Oompa Loompas literal slaves in the book? Prequel will be about Civil Rights n' sheeit

irl when the black chick is played by a white chick

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Only one I can think of was that nerd from Sphere, pretty sure he was black

I didnt compare anybody. It's just a movie poster

Blacks do not have a wide range of facial expression.

Black Willy Wonka would bomb in the theatres.

>aw snap nigga, big willie openin his mufuckin legendary recordin' studio da chocolate factory
>lil C finds a ticket in the hand of a dead bum on the street
>Charlie dodges gunfire while he dashes back to the hood
>his old G is down to go with him
>big willie crip walks to the gate and falls due to taking a glawk bullit to the hip from some busta ass punks a year ago
>niggas bring their hands to their faces, yelling "YOOOOOOOOOOOO!" checking out the inside of the crib
>the umpa loompa shorties twerking while lil C and old G sneak off and steal some hot tracks

Who needs original ideas when you can just put a nigger where great white men stood?

Because it’s too glaringly obvious that it’s an agenda push
>let’s remake a fuck load of classics and make niggers the hero!
It’s its own form of revisionism

The Jew just keeps Jewing.

How long will America just sit back and let this happen?

Diversity is just a word created by the right to scare freightined white people.

I'd rather see Les Claypool

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>the movie will bomb outright
did depps bomb? really don't know

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It's kind of an original idea.

>with theft

Didn't they already make a remake with Johnny Depp? I vaguely remember that

1. Nobody wants this movie.
2. Neither of these actors make sense for the role.
3. Can Willy Wonka be a non-white male?

...Seriously, can he? Can you honestly picture anyone else being Willy Wonka? Some people wear some aesthetics well and some don't. The fancy, sarcastic, magical eccentric seems like a wholly white male concept. Like Ed Wood or Howard Hughes.

A black guy acting like Willy Wonka and wearing his clothes and doing his shticks would honestly kinda' look racist to me. Like black people would see it and think he's some Uncle Tom or something.

Blade Runner 2049 was a clown show.

1 shekel has been added to your slavery-reparations Mutt #56

The Simpsons being shit since season 11 yet continuing has mentally prepared me to see every cultural relic corrupted and destroyed by postmodernism. It also makes it easier to discount the original source anyway, since Willy Wonker was a filthy kike.

if I was a filmmaker I'd make a Martin Luther King movie and cast a Chinese Woman as MLK then call out any hater as racist and sexist just for the lulz.

But it’s true, you are not American you have no idea how sensitive white America is:

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somebody put him in prison stripes

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They did and it was awful. They'll keep remaking the same movies until someone torches Hollywood

They won't stop until they've removed all White male heroes from the culture.

Mlk was real, wonka was a fictional character. My gosh the right is stupid!

Willy Wonka was a strange old misanthrope who never left his factory, and nobody had even seen him for years and years. Autistic would definitely work.
He is too handsome though. He'd have to do something weird to really look the part, like get super skinny a la Christian Bale in The Machinist.

>wily wonka

does he hover around in a flying saucer and make you fight robot masters to get through his chocolate factory?

scrap white, every fucking America is so extremely race sensitive. Even going as far as calling blacks "POC"

My dick is a secret moon base

Actually MLK was just a persona propped up by the left. His personal lifestyle was degenerate yet this is ignored because of what he espoused is what made him in the public consciousness. NO different to willy wonker at all.

i don't call blacks POCs... i just call em niggers


Quantavious Wonka

this guy next to the tits would be a good willy wonka

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It's gonna star the nigger. Gotta hire him to make sure they suffer no accusations of racism.

This. They can make as many renditions of it as they please but I Wilder's will always be the best one.

explain to me please, why is America so obsessed with race, even though you pride yourself for being American first and foremost?
it's like Splitting the groups whilst claiming to be one

>Mlk was real, wonka was a fictional character.
what the hell does that have to do with making a movie?

Another Hollyweid failure in the making. Do it faggots, black Willy Wonka.

Because we need to make it fair for all races!!!

Even thought Blacks have been the most privilege of all races here in America.

because this country used to be great when it had a white majority, then all the nigs and spics flooded it and everything's gone to shit. plus this country was founded by and for free whites

American public education folks!

Shouldn't we suggest the story be changed to 'Willy Wakanda And His Chocolate Continent'? ...or is that too overt?

No he wasn’t

if anyone is offended that willy fucking wonka child predator extraordinaire will be a prequel black should probably kill themselves

Multiculturalism is fucking retarded. What, one generaion you cater to niggers. One generation you cater to whites. Someone always feels left out. Whoever did this shit is fucking retarded. And who ever thinks its a good thing is fuckimg retardedd.

Get out of here nigger jew. GO NOW!

Can this fucking faggotty nigger just go away? Holy fuck. How many hollywood jews did he suck off?

donald glover is a chump and will ruin another film. he isnt a hot asset he is just some looser

I hope god destroys america like the tower of Babel.

>if anyone is offended that willy fucking wonka child predator extraordinaire will be a prequel black should probably kill themselves
No-one is offended you fucking mong, it's just fucking preposterously laughable.

Why would they need to remake it? They already did a Johnny Depp version not 10 years ago and the original still holds up just fine.

Yes they are that stupid.
Now you have to ask how is pandering to what ten percent of the population truly a profitable scenario? Same could be said with promoting all that faggotry which is what three percent at most. Truly the people in power work for Satan.

Any any other country that insists on putting diversity before its own people.

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dayum nigga we wuz willy wankaz n shit

donald glover would probably make a good willy wonka if wonka was black

but he's not


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What like the Black British Cock making a Greek SGA into an all black cast? In which case we know the Homeric tales were partially from real events, it is just Homer embellished like any writer does.

((((Diversity)))) bro, they have already decided on Glover and are now hyping up the "racist backlash" to try to get all the blacks that watched black panther to go see it.

Otherwise it's typical Hollywood devoid of imagination jewry.

Come on, there are enough instances of historical white person being played by blacks on tv.

So it’s ok if we get a white Malcom X, Rosa Parks, or Martin Luther Nig Jr?

Because they are blacking every last aspect of life is why. They are hypocritical in every way about it too starting with having their own networks, and film companies, and complain about withe companies not being inclusive when they themselves are not.
They keep push the race mixing narrative, as if this is a normal, or predominant thing in society, when it is not here. Also promoting the whole lgbtbbq, trans, and a quadrillion genders on our kids. It is purely leftism destroying this nation, and we unlike your country push back at the powers, and the best part is we are armed to the teeth.

Name a single nigger who founded a candy empire

Dong Lover as Willied Wanker?

Go figure.

Hi Jow Forums, I can tell you all about reagan's planned rapparenthood rapport disinformation networks that allied themselves with ACLU, Rowe v. Wade auctioneers and narco traffickers, add me on Facebook
Anthony Saccketti


This is a hit piece, they want to kill this man