Present time and freewill is just an ilusion

>present time and freewill is just an ilusion

Time is just another dimension on the universe

There is no such thing as an arrow pointing to the present time

Let alone, your interpretation on time going fast or slow is just an ilusion

The universe is as static as a rock, and we perceive movement because of the ilussion of an hypotethical thing called present.

This also means that your future has being already written, and you have no way of changing it.

Enjoy the rest of your patethic ilusion.

Attached: trump_kim_jong_un_summit-1024x766.jpg (1024x766, 242K)

Other urls found in this thread:'s_demon

>universe is as static as a rock

Is a bluray disc static?

Even if it is, it creates the ilusion of a dynamic sequence of events.

But those events are already fixed. No matter how much you wish to change them, you just cant.

Think 4th dimensionally, the universe is just an static hypercube

Just a very big movie.

There can still be the need for your 'choice' in this though.

I can't change the future right? Therefore I should be able to walk across the street with my eyes closed, as if I cannot change the future, then my death must be set at a certain time.

So why worry about death at all? When I'm just going to die at a certain point.

This is the conceptual representation of the universe

Attached: images-2.jpg (408x361, 14K)

Define choice in a;

There is not a single "free will" or "choice" particle.'s_demon

Prove it.

I just did


mexico is being mexican again

What is emergence for 400, Alex.

who has the original

OP took the time to exercise free will by subjectively arguing that neither time nor freewill exist.

Gee, what a brilliant line of logic you offer.

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what about parallel dimensions? How do you not know that we're continuously shifting from one dimension to another through our acts of willpower?

Kill yourself, spic.


no wonder why they despise you

a much better argument for lack of free will is Schopenhauer's battle of wills.

>every choice posited to you
>you have a will to fulfill each choice
>strongest will always win; that's what you do

name me a choice that isn't a struggle of wills and i'll show you one that doesn't exist.

Shakespeare had it right, all the world's a stage and we the players. We're just saying our lines, and following the script.

Funny thing is though, we are all ALSO WRITING THE SCRIPT AS WE'RE ACTING IT OUT. You're probably wondering how that can be possible. Think of the script like the result, and the writing of it like the program that is executed in the "computer" that is our universe.

If this makes sense to you, you're at a higher level of consciousness.

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Turing complete

Even a bunch of rocks can be Turing complete

You could play a game of call of duty by carefully placing rocks under certain rules .

It would be painfully slow, but still, the result would be the same

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Atleast use your bean encrusted fingers too quote your source pedro. Philosophy takes ten page or more to be properly comprehended.

According to Kant, we oppose Time as an intuition upon our sensory experience. But how do you know that the universe is as static as a rock? The universe in itself cannot be known.

Trump is a Kike puppet
The kikes DONT want peace
Hence attempts to already derail the talks

If Kim is dumb enough to go to singapore, they'll probably kill him.

Attached: POTUS kike puppets.jpg (720x768, 162K)


You can’t possibly be this retarded. I refuse to believe it.

Do we really need to add freewill and soul into an equation that has alredy been solve?

The universe is nothing more than some particles playing billards.

There is no need to add anything more.

No need for ghosts, no need for elves and so on

Its just the way it is

We refuse to accept this reality because it is alredy harcoded in our psycology, to believe there is something else, besides this

Is that why sometimes I wake up and can't tell which me I am for a few seconds?