Hey pol

Hey pol

Lets have an recommended reading thread going on. Ill dump I got a few

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Not a political or news thread, is it?

Ah the Echocamber Library thread, good on ya

Disgusting meme list

48 LoP

>he thinks political views can't be written down

Culture of Critique

This Time the World

Instead of throwing a shit ton of books at the wall, take a specific book and talk specifically about why someone ought to read it

99/100 of these books have never been read by the people posting these 'must read' lists.

>jewish author makes shit up as he goes: the book

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Cringe list right there

heres the real list part 1

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part 2

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Currently reading Jim Marrs - Our Occulted Historty, also author of Rule By Secrecy. There's a lot of research annotations and references. Factual ancient history is my current subject of interest.

Currently reading: Peter wilson holy roman empire and dutch book: simon schama overvloed and onbehagen

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100 Years of Solitude needs to be taken off that list. Absolute trash.

>the republic


The first half of Leviathan has almost no relation to the second half and the views expressed in the book are so foreign to our modern mind set that they make the book difficult to apprehend.

I don't understand why the book list being given usually consists of fairly specialized "Great Books" and not of good overviews, or books specialized in giving one a broad perspective.

Paretto's "General Sociology", his "Socialist Systems", are great in this respect, for instance. (Tho they are still specialized, they remain overviews of sort.)

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Nobody is ever going to read this shit - you're just practicing making giant charts of books that would sound impressive to have read, while not actually having read any of them.

book lists are shit

Pick a book, give people a reason to read it. Pick another book, repeat.

Why is it trash?

Books I've read recently:
>Kidnapped by Robert Louis Stephenson
Lowland Scot has an adventure with a Jacobite Highlanders, an okay adventure story. Makes some points about the benefits of the clan system. 6/10
>The Secret Agent by Joseph Conrad
About an agent of a foreign power masquerading as an anarchist hoping to provoke a crack down on anarchists by the British police. Shits on everyone, including the anarchists. Bretty good/10
>Kim by Rudyard Kipling
Really evocative adventure through colonial India. 10/10
>The Empire of the Sun by JG Ballard
10 Hiroshimas out of 10

Not read anything super political for a while, but I've basically been steering clear of anything published after 1990


I'm trying to keep you from sabotaging your own thread, genius.

Currently reading this
It's ok

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I borrowed the Lauren Southern """"book""" and read it in about 30 minutes. It's 80 pages of double spaced dogshit. If you are right-of-center, but you aren't curious about why things happen this is the book for you.

I've been working through that list. I enjoy it.

The Leviathan sets the entire philosophical foundation for common law. It does a great job explaining the inherent logic of the legal system.

The Republic introduces every concept and argues through it pretty well. I think you can disagree with Socrates' conclusions, but they are straightforward.

very good movie

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I think the true story of Operation Reinhard would be interesting to know. I kind of hope that Himmler's daughter dies so David Irving can publish his book about it.


fpwp and a waste of perfectly good digits

Kinda long but amazingly prophetic given that it was written decades ago.

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As someone who use to read a lot of fiction its mostly a waste of time unless you read a true classic like homer or Dostoyevsky that can give you real insite into human nature.
Read history books, philosophy, or poetry if you really want to learn something because reading a shitty book isn't much better than watching tv or browsing the internet.

I tip my fedora to you fellow gentleman


terrible writing, follows the same family through time but half the characters have the same name and it commonly obfuscates which branch of the family tree is being described for no reason in an attempt to be deep, no plot (not in a good way like Seinfeld), nothing insightful, nothing worth wasting hours of your life reading. It's supposed to be a shining example of magical realism but completely fails to capture actual fantasy or the dreamlike quality the author was trying to go for (e.g. Naked Lunch). The first chapter was good but the rest was garbage. completely overhyped and clearly a literary critics grasping to crown a modern Columbian/Spanish great work of literature.

Brave New World and Fahrenheit 451 were big red pills for me, they are both very prophetic. I know they are babby's first redpill tier, but regardless they make you view society and actions of its inhabitants in a very different way. You might even get some good introspection from them.

>I think you can disagree with Socrates' conclusions, but they are straightforward.

But the point is that it will be very difficult for novice to see exactly what Socrates is arguing for and why it happens to be relevant. They will not, for instance, see that the "Polis" is a very different place, a very different social institution, than is the modern state. They will, moreover, not understand why it is exactly that the thesis that the city's purpose is there to help the citizen live the good life is significant, and if so in what way.

The very idea of every object having a "telos" will probably be something that will go above their head. We need to remember that Plato argued with a for people that lived in his time and shared a great degree of contextual and cultural baggage. This is not something that can be appreciated in any way by a novice reader just deciding to pick up Plato's work without any sort of preparatory introduction or overview.

Of course, I need to be fair here. I have yet to find the kind of introduction I wish for.

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Notice that none of these works of philosophy argue in favor of racialist ideology. The reason for that is there are no serious thinkers who argued for the type of nonsense that Jow Forums morons advocate.

Lao tzu is better.

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Not really, though I would like to see you justify that


It literally does not matter.

By literally making shit up?

What, did you think all those extremely detailed "historical accounts" were real?


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Anything on world history?

Do not forget the Revolutionary Jewish Spirit that is also a good book.

The Unbearable Lightness of Being
Simulation & Simulacra
Empire of the Summer Moon

Thank God someone called out Lauren Southerns book. She does not read into Hitler at all.