Of course she was fucking guilty

Of course she was fucking guilty

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Fuck off. It was obviously the black guy.

What a qt

who care

Of course she murdered that chick in some kinky lesbian bondage game gone wrong. But these celebrities always get away with murder. Every single time.

Always blame the "black man." So typical, so racist and so wrong.

Does that really go through white people's minds when they try to get away with murder.

"I have a black friend, I could blame it on him and the cops will believe it."

Your on a board filled with racists nigger.

>Always blame the "black man." So typical, so racist and so wrong.
When you commit 80% of violent crime and are 10% of the population it comes with the territory,

muh gangsta

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>When you commit 80% of violent crime and are 10% of the population it comes with the territory,
>muh gangsta

Now I know why this stupid case was famous. Because of poooor black people whaaaa

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It's not fucking racist. It literally WAS the black man. He was a migrant from Africa. He killed Foxy's best friend and she got blamed for it because she was an American in Italy with no freedom.

A word of wisdom for all Americans, never leave the USA...

She was found innocent by the way. 4 years of her life stolen from her. She should be massively financially reimbursed by the Italian government for her wrongful imprisonment and massively delayed trial.

Women don't think before committing crimes. They just come up with the best lie they can afterwards and hope that if they cry enough people will believe they're the victim.

"Some black guy" is a popular excuse. White women know they don't match the profile and they know who does so they tell the cops what they expect to hear.

sorry about this but quick rundown please ?

I'm not a racist, I'm a racialist. Get it right.

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Be honest. You are user and no one is looking.

He's right most of the time and you know it. Just let it off your chest.

>American college student Amanda Knox studies abroad in Italy
>gets into a freaky threeway with some other girl and a chimp
>other girl dies mysteriously
>Knox gets found guilty in a circus trial while chimp walks free
>spends some time in the can
>state department reminds italy they’re not allowed to jail american citizens
>she’s released and comes back to US
>gelatoniggers chimp out and demand she return to Italy amid “new evidence”
>found guilty again in absentia
>lol who the fuck cares, your country hasn’t been relevant for 1200 years
>more gelatonigger chimping

like 8 years ago, an American girl (Amanda Knox) thought it would be a good idea to study abroad in Italy. She was staying in a house with her boyfriend and two other people, also boyfriend and girlfriend. For some reason an African migrant, fresh from Africa, decided he was going to stay with them for a little while. He killed the girl and smeared his feces on the wall. The police were called and an investigation began. The police arrested Knox and kept her in prison for 4 years.

she was guilty alright
guilty of stealing my heart

There was no 3 way.

Yes, they just invited a random African migrant into their apartment to swap study notes. Get a job.

couldn't they just test the shit?

The ole, "even when they're innocent, they're still guilty." reply. And you wonder why normal people won't take your ideas seriously.

This whole case was fucked, some African migrant with a criminal history did it and she had her life ruined because of some overzealous dumb fuck Italian prosecutor that tried to make it about satanism and sex games or some dumb shit.

Knox was in love with her boyfriend. She wouldn't have done a 3 way with a African migrant. Maybe the other two would have but not her. I actually remember Knox saying to police that she smoked hashish with her boyfriend, had sex with her boyfriend and went to sleep. Then she woke up to that mess in the morning.

That's what I was thinking. They probably did test it but they already had this media story going and they didn't want to spread racism and you know the typical leftist propaganda bullshit.

>Pretending that slut didn't help kill her
Hang yourself shitskin lover

She did it, Bitch be crazy, dem eyes.

You left out the part where she first accused a black club owner of the crime. Which the police believed and arrested the guy. Only to find out she was lying and it wasn't him at all. Ruining the life of an actually innocent black man. Thereby creating doubt about her ex-culpability of the crime.

She didn't. Why would she? I mean, if she really did kill him then that's pretty based, but she didn't...

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From about 11 minutes, the whole thing is good summary of the case. Only 57 minutes in total.

Hold on, racist stuff aside, I just noticed something:

>the murder happened on Halloween
>Lots of smaller stab wounds on the victim followed by fatal severing of the throat by larger knife
>Knox was into Harry Potter

[from telegraph article]

"....She was also woefully lacking in tact. A fellow employee at the World Cup cafe in Seattle, where Knox worked, said: "The first time I met her she asked me if I was Jewish. I told her I was. She then screamed 'My people killed your people' and began laughing hysterically....."

Is there an occult angle we all missed here?


>cue american dad ollie north backstory montage


Yes I vaguely remember this part. But doesn't she have the right to say she thinks it could be anyone? Maybe the media should not be so quick to demonize someone until they are proven guilty. Even still, it was the black guy.

absolutely no doubt

WTF, victim confirmed Jewish, what does this mean?

You are just being dumb now.
They found DNA of the African migrant at the crime scene so he was involved in the crime no doubt. They found a bloody finger print of his. He fled to Germany and was caught.

Haha you ameri-mutts look like mexicans

Saying it could be "anyone" and saying it was her black boss "Patrick Lumumba" are two different things.

Why tell such a huge lie and make yourself look guilty? The other black guy they caught is a patsy in this. That bitch is guilty.

Ritual murder holidays are April 30, June 21, October 31, December 21

Dave McGowan source

>oy vaaay she called me an oven dodja literally hitla

She explains herself later in the video that she was under pressure by the police and she said it could have been him.

The other black guy has bloody finger prints at the crime scene. How is it not him who did this crime?

Where did you hear the DNA was found months later? His DNA was all over the crime scene...

They found it 46 days after the crime. Lots of time to plant evidence. They also found Knox's dna on the knife.

You forgot about all Jewish Holidays.

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that's who I thought it was too, def a qt

Where did you hear that his DNA was found 46 days after the crime?

It was HER knife. There's bound to be her DNA on her own knife. Wasn't there also DNA from the other guy as well?

The 46 day delay was incompetence by the police.
Not Foxy Knoxy's fault...

That is complete bs. What is more likely is:

1) Cops saw text message from black boss
2) Jump on the "see you later" bit (rightly)
3) She sees her out and takes it
4) It backfires and she does a BBQ becky

Two sets of lies she told.

One was trying to stage the scene to look like a break in
Two was trying to slander her black boss

But she dindu nuffin right?

Why not mention that other black from the get go?

Besides, Her blood is found on the knife.
Her and boyfreind's footprints are found in the room (showing they tried to stage a scene)

still it happened on ritual murder day

Is it here?

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It's not BS, it's what she says. There's video. The cops were pressuring her, telling her she's guilty. She was being intimidated.

"See you later" is a common saying for "see you another day".

Her blood was not found on the knife.

I watched the part of the video where they mention her and her boyfriend's foot prints but they never went into detail. Maybe they walked through the blood in the morning to get out of the house? I don't know. Can you provide video going into detail about the foot prints?

Did you also watch the end of the video, where the final appeal court ordered a test on the blood stain found on the knife that the second appeal tried to ignore?

Did you see where that test came up positive and they found her guilty and sentenced her to 28 years in absentia?

Did you see where they caught the boyfriend, a day after the verdict was heard, trying to flee the country to avoid the 25 year sentence handed to him?

No occult angle she is a not-well-hidden psychopath that the USA pressured italy to leave free to roam and potentially kill again.

I'm like 30 minutes into the video. I don't know of a blood stain. I do remember from like 7 years back that they said the other black guy put the knife in the dishwasher. I'm not sure.

She's innocent.

The boyfriend dindu nuffin.

Let's just be clear, if they did in fact commit the crime, I'd admit it.

And after she completely lied about the first black guy, you believe anything she says?

She didn't lie dude. She said it could have been this person. That's not lying, that's being honest. The police were pressuring her telling her that she is guilty. She did not do the crime so she had to think of a possible suspect who did to relieve the pressure of the police.

>She explains herself later in the video that she was under pressure by the police
That's the most hilarious load of horseshit I've ever seen.
Imagine being this much of a cuck.

It was at the beginning of the video.
She was being pressured by the police because Italy has no freedom. The police were saying she was guilty. She doesn't have the 5th amendment in Italy. She has to say something. She said it could have been someone else. How is that a crime?

Knowingly lying about someone else and saying they committed a crime when they did not is indeed illegal.
Either you're a cuck or a roastie for defending this dumb whore's actions.

dindu nuffin

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She didn't say it absolutely was him. She said it could have been him.

I'm not a cuck or a roastie. I was following this since 2010 and I stood up for her because she did no crime. It was obviously the black guy from africa who smeared his shit on the wall.

didn't she Google how to kill a newborn baby or some shit?

dont waste time arguing with those retards

This. Obviously the liberal media wanted it to be a white girl rather than a migrant.

i think she might be suing

this is the best outcome

That was Casey Anthony.

I was following that story as well. I wanted her to get the death penalty.

>No mention of her bf?

She said it was her boss at where she worked. It wasn't like she picked out Abdul fresh of the boat, somone who had an aliby

It was somone who had*

She said "could" be him when she "knew" it wasn't. All the mental back flips in the world won't change that.

Some African nigger literally left a shit in the toilet after he murdered that girl, and the Italian retards still held her for a year.

Foxy Knoxy hhhhnnngghhhh.....

What a handsome girl, is she English?

Didn’t she get herpies from some guy she met on a train?
She is a filthy dieseased whore, who probably killed that other girl.

Who cares. I am not the police. I don't even know these people. I will not waste one more second trying to figure out this bullshit. Fuck you, die soon.

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Yeah nah. The wop investigation standards and justice system are fucking monuments to stupidity and fallacy.

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Dwrumpf came out in support of her and was in contact with the family, to thank him she wrote a an article about how unqualified he was and that she supported Killary.
Shes a cunt but not guilty.

Murdered the limey, lied about everything, and now she writes for hufpo? Well, that figures.

ITT white knights abound

It was a black illegal. He robbed, raped and murdered the victim. It was an open and shut case. The Italian government arrested, convicted and threw him in prison. Case closed.

But then a literal witch hunt happened. And unlike 99% of people, I am using the word "literal" correctly. The corrupt and insane Italian prosecutor accused her of “witchcraft". The corrupt prosecutor later went to prison.

Dude, this is not whiteknighting. This is sticking up for white people. I posted about this in 2011 or 2012. People were calling me racist for saying it was the black dude. They weren't saying i was white knight lol...


fuck off faggot

they held her for 4 years...

>she first accused

She didn't speak Italian at the time. The corrupt cops refused to give her a translator or a lawyer. They browbeaten her into talking about whoever they wanted to pin it on. Classic corrupt cop tactics.

No dummy, we desperately need to travel abroad and individually represent the US in the best possible light. Let the German cucks and Australian divorcees look like assholes and improve our own image.4

Do you own a passport?

>She then screamed 'My people killed your people' and began laughing hysterically....
Perfect girls don't exis-

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>Let's let the bootlip go and arrest the wh*te amerikkkan girl cause we haet Adolf Bush!1!1!
Why are yuros such leftist faggots?

Although she didn't do the murder, she still should have been jailed for burning coal desu

fuck off. go fucking study abroad like amanda knox but don't expect us to give a fuck. i gave you the warning. there is absolutely no freedom outside of the usa and even inside the usa you aren't safe. don't listen to me. go to north korea. go to hell. idgaf

lol she didn't say that. that is just media slander.

Her boyfriend was Italian. You fell for the insane prosecutor's lies about "witchcraft" and "satanic orgies".

she didn't desu

But she's guilty. She did it. She even confessed that in a written letter to the Italian police.