Patrick Little LOST Because "White Nationalists" are CHEAPER than JEWS!!

This 2min clip reveals WHY the JEWS always WIN in Politics.
TL:DR, They're organised & generous politically.

At least 54,000 people voted for PL
>How much was donated to PL?
I believe somewhere around $6,000
That averages 11cents per voter...
If each voter pulled a lousy $10 from their wallet, PL would have had $540,000 to play with.
Even just $1pp would be $54,000

Kevin de León (who came second) raised $1,128,913, spent only $435,222

>But Pat still wouldnt win (due to rigging),
Can you Imagine the state of Cali right now if $540,000 of Redpills about the JQ had been dropped on it over the past few months?!
HOLLY SHIT The awakening would have been immense, and irreversible.

I still think Pat did GREAT, and its very impressive what he accomplished with so little.
If WE really want change,
Then you have to put your money where your mouth is!!
Dont be Cheap
BACK your beliefs
Or STFU and stop crying about jews cucking you.

I HOPE we can learn this lesson before 2020.
Or expect the Jews to keep winning.

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Other urls found in this thread:

What kind of pro-White candidate would have ever run in CA? GTFO outta here subhuman wog

You need to attack the beast in it's den

he never had a chance. You're deluded.

That’s not how you get elected.

Feinstein and Trump own the voting machines

Cali liberals are anti war, and anti israel, and im sure there is a large unrepresented portion pissed about the open borders. So i see his logic.

the 54,000 that heard his message voted for him.
Which brings me back to my point,
We need to better financially back /OurGuys/
So they can redpill many more
What's $10.. nothing.
Just buy one less Mcfaggot latte,

you have a good point. A lot of people donated time but not many donated money

So, cheap Jews are not a stereotype? Jews are in fact legendarily cheap? Greedy? Insular, criminal cabalists?

HAHA user was right!!!!

>gibs to muh Patroon!

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>So, cheap Jews are not a stereotype?
Jews are SUPER CHEAP in everything EXCEPT politics.
And what they have invested has paid them back 1000x in achieving their (((agenda)))

yeah but if he had gotten second because of bad voter turn out he'd be on the public stage talking about the jq. And thats the real goal. To make it ok to talk about the jq.

People got a little excited about little because had he gotten 2nd it owuld have slam dunked the problem right away. But this is going to be a long project.
Next election we need to catalog all of the most pro-white local candidates in the country and try and network effort.
Also we need people to donate actual money to campaigns. Or else none of them stand a chance, and just as importantly more money in pro-white campaigns signals that that's what people want.

EASY to predict a $6k budget wouldn't get enough reach to win.

EVERY politician on the planet asks for money.
BASED Pat doesnt take (((lobby))) or corporate money.
But means WE need to back him
Campaigns cant run on magical fairy dust faggot.

You are exposed.
Stay defeated.

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>Politicians asking for money is a scam goy
>Ignore the MILLIONS (((we))) give them

The harder (((YOU))) REEEEEEE
The more you validate my point
Money is campaign fuel.
And only a DESPERATE KIKE would imply otherwise.

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Holy shit no one else going to state the obivious

we're way past the point of "getting organized" to defeat them. when they steal elections as often as they steal tax-dollars, state secrets, intellectual property(ies), organs, humans, and taint/destroy societies; the only thing that needs to be organized is the target pattern. this is no longer about voting

Finance laws require basically doxxing yourself and Patrick himself discouraged people from donating for this very reason.

This user gets it He could have even still lost this primary
And it would still be a HUGE win to have dumped $500k of JQ redpills on Cali.

cali liberals are not anti-israel that's a myth. none of them can ever say anything critical about israel or jews anymore. protest banners don't mean shit, this is the biggest forced meme, leftists are turning more authoritarian by the minute

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Hey man I agree, I will fund his presidential campaign. Jow Forums will help a whole lot

Real political action requires real political organization. I tried to drill this into the heads of the PL death squads and some Portuguese cunt called me a kike. Fuck him, I'm glad portugoy failed. Fucking morons.
So what now? Town level elections. Pick a California town that we KNOW is full of pizzaniggers (Bell), and meme a direct political change in that focused area.

>this is no longer about voting
>people who wont spend $10 on defeating the jew
>would risk their life in an armed uprising to defeat the jew

IMO easier to get people to the $10 level first ;)

>So what now?
Thats a good question!!

I hope MANY follow in patricks footsteps across the states.
Run for anything, local, state, federal.
Especially if you think you have a better strategy, put it to the test.
We can all learn from each other.

Even consider interning for someone elses campaign if you dont feel ready to run. learn the inside secrets of how the big boys do it.

Or, just focus on building up your own wealth so you can contribute when the time arises.

I'm stressing this point also. You did a better job of wording it. I think the older crowd are the ones who freak out whenever the '$' comes into play. They get hostile about it even.... it can be a real cancer. This is one area the Left kills us in.

Stop donating to circle jerking online podcast that don't even have candidates running for office. Send that contribution to guys like Little. They're the ones putting in real foot hours.

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>elections will defeat kikes using the kike system

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Anyone can enter politics if they've got a spirit and the guts to do so. I think a good number of us have gotten enough exposure to political systems to take a genuine crack at forming a future methodology of political science based on shitposting and memes.

Let's stop and laugh at the fact that Steve Bannon, Israel, and the Jews have been trying to push white nationalism for 2 years now and the only thing accomplished is destroying the reputations and lives of their controlled opposition.

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Nice thread OP.
Also, the PLG was/is a contained echo chamber. We needed more organized campaigns and reaching out to community/other sites. Walking around and asking random tourists if they know x about Jews doesn't cut it. Candidates like Little need to be organizing or crashing debates, and supporters need to vote with their wallets as much as they do on their ballot.

Bless all the anons that went around hanging flyers.

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If enough people donate it wont matter. What are they going to do, hunt down 200,000 people? come on user, think like a man, not a scared boy.

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Patrick Little budget:
> $5000
Kevin de Leon (2nd place with 11% of the vote) budget:
> $1.2 million
Patrick Little votes:
> 54000
Kevin de Leon votes:
> 433000
Patrick Little cost-per-vote:
> $0.10
Kevin de Leon cost-per-vote
> $2.60
Patrick Little potential votes per $1.2 million:
> 12 million votes
(((Feinsten))) vote total:
> 1.2 million votes
Population of Jews in California:
> 1.6 million

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Also, 'antisemitism' being banned on other sites is a serious deterrent to being able to shill on them, but there is a lot of his platform that can be repackaged as anti war, anti discrimination, and anti zionism. His main audience in California should have been people opposed to interventionist wars. I think a lot can be done to pull voters who hate neoconservative (and neo liberal) behavior towards candidates like Little, and we didn't see enough of that.

Hi Moarpheus.

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Nice breakdown user
> Population of Jews in California:
> 1.6 million
That explains where the (((Feinsten))) vote comes from.


Good points.
I was pushing for a bigger effort on REDDIT
It's was/is a power house for trump
LOTS more traffic than Jow Forums
LOTS of normies to awaken & recruit

I would be very interested in putting together a strategic plan to go forward from here to 2020.

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whats up?

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Still no explanation why TRS and DS didn't promote Little?

>schizophrenic paranoid jews are gonna skitz

just leave us out of your conspiracy theories ok shlomo

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they did. the jew who did PL's robocall works with the DS.

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paul is ok but you guys should focus on ZAPPING AND ELIMINATING THE GAYS

>We need your shekels
Kike detected. No amount of money is going to win you a rigged vote.

Oh please. None of those parties mentioned have been trying push white nationalism. Only jewish nationalism and jews are objectively NOT WHITE

I don’t care what skin color ashkenazis have. They are NOT culturally, historically, religiously, or psychologically white. White doesn’t mean skin color alone. The difference between a nigger and a European is not skin color. Take a nigger’s skin color away and guess what? They’re still a nigger with their ape chin and wool hair and giant lips, small brain, low IQ, based animal drive, etc. The ashkenazi phenotype is mostly of the Armenid if you want to go there’s with sloped foreheads and thick bottom lips and thick ear skin. Among other jewish phenotype traits.

If you want to argue or disagree with me, fuck right off. Death to you. Death to all of our enemies

Now I know PL is controlled op.

> willing to give more than 11ct to a larper
Thanks but no thanks.

Jews run the banks, finincial system, pharma industry, precious metals and gems industry, EVERY industry... White Nationalists have no money to spend like kikes. We only have our flesh and blood to sacrifice for our race.

my man

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faggot kikes I will smashed your skull with a butt of a rifle

Why do you cover for TRS and DS? Which one of them pays you? You talk about Weev alot, is that who you work for?

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fuck off enoch

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i just exposed DS and TRS secertly helping Patrick Little. how is that covering for DS and TRS? are you retarded, user?

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You work for Enoch, confirmed.

>i just exposed DS and TRS
No, you spread disinfo to cover for them. It's obvious.

>hurr durr nuh you work for enoch!

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LOL the absolute state of /leftypol/

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Every single thing you post is the same as what JIDF pushes, and you're a convenient strawman for TRS and DS to dismiss their critics. You're controlled OP.

The people constantly hurling the insults in these threads are the same 105lb nobodies who never stood for anything. When you ask them what their biggest accomplishment is they direct you to a post with faux laughter. It is actually that pathetic.

Little taught me one thing. The alt-kike is a bunch of traitors, and i wouldnt spit on them

That's just what it's made to look like. The jews greatest weapon is making fights on the right so it looksl ike were all retarded. Personally I am not getting involved in politiics but I look forward to the DOTR and I hope you stand with us white men on that day.

this. Also, if you actually listen Enoch's 'endorsement' was closer to a reluctant mention accompanied by criticism of the fact that Little is publicly naming the jew.

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Fuck off Soros. I heard you wasted millions on those DA races in Cali. Can't win them all faggot.

Of course that is a goal to sew discord. Infighting is a manufactured psyop. I will never trust a faggot in a polo and khakis. Jew sensor starts ringing and

Niggers wish they were genuine

>but I look forward to the DOTR and I hope you stand with us white men on that day.


Yeah this one's goin in the cringe compilation

I ignored the little threads until it was too late. FeelsBadMan.


this ones going in the kike pile

have you ever scammed a jew? robbed a nigger? thus is real life, boy

anons aren't buying it any more, Moshe.

Can we compare Little stomping and spitting on a zio rag vs Enoch marrying a slut cunt whore jewbag. Do I really need to think hard about who I support? Nope

>I look forward to the Day of the Rake.
Me too leaf fag, me too.

theyre both kikes working together. anons dont seem to be supporting either :^)

little is a twat even if i was in cali i wouldve voted for somebody else

What exactly is infighting? There is no US. You are all shifty fucking Jews to me and you better wise the fuck up and start believing the same of every other goddamn person in the world.

Yeah, we weren't buying the 24/7 kike-style shilling of Patrick Little either. You kikes have no style, no subtlety. All that money and no class.

It's all theater designed to make you support one or the other of the Jews controlled opposition puppets. Why do you care about either of these faggots? Why do you offer your support to either?

Little is a man with integrity and guts. Only beta fags are mad as fuck


You speak from the heart.

You speak from your sick jewish projections.



Nigga you are /x/ tier retarded if you thought a neo nazi had a chance.

Its always all theater even when one guy says enough of the theater. Will you ever trust anyone?

he's a dumb sack of bricks but yeah he has guts ill give you that

The kike tricks you into choosing between two adversaries while he controls both of them. By choosing sides, you have adopted the reality of the Jew.

>No amount of money is going to win you a rigged vote.

>Missing the point this much

No, your system is a fucking joke and will be brought to it's knees. I represent myself before God.

one thing I've come to realize about kikes and Jow Forums is like they are like mosquitos to a light, they just can't help but come here and get burned.

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Explain your point faggot.












the leaf does has a point. Some white nationalist gets elected in rural Idaho and few jimmies are rustled. But in California or New York, it’ll be global news for weeks.
Imagine Littles message of reparations at the expense of Jews in Baltimore.

Well at least we can meme him adding the D to his mouth

He's possibly smarter than you give credit for. This could kill the alt-kike fags and spark something lefties thought was a meme.
t. Not a meme

Patrick Little named the jew in such a a way that he exposed your treachery. There is no "4D Chess" for the jews to run a puppet like that.

>By choosing sides, you have adopted the reality of the Jew.

We need to meme Dianne Feinstein into fucking office you fucking fuck

He is a kike shill for even entertaining the idea of reparations to Blacks. It is the white male who has been oppressed under an unconstitutional Civil Rights Act and Affirmative Action. If any niggers get more gibs before I get my birthright, I'm killing everyone on all fucking sides.

t. Nigger mad he didnt get gibs.

I only care about genociding Jews and pedos. Your politics mean nothing to me, because they won't achieve my goals.

>Oh look a couple of (((shillls))) re-inforcing their own (((narratives)))
im "convinced"
It just motivates us more to END YOUR KIND :)

Reported to the FBI fag. You cant even into war

penis little lost, nothing surprising here

I'll kill you all from a jail cell faggot.

You (((FAGGOTS))) really should look in the Mirror

Your only tactic left is to call others jews
Because you know what a DISGUSTING race you is =) Kek

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>Nigga you are /x/ tier retarded if you thought a neo nazi had a chance.

ANOTHER Faggot completely misses the point.

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man... i thought you were a jew, brother, fucked up shit there is so much infighting

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