>ridiculous loud dramatic intro
>Hello everyone and welcome on the public space!
Admit it you watch his show.
>ridiculous loud dramatic intro
>Hello everyone and welcome on the public space!
Admit it you watch his show.
>not calling it Z Public Space
He had one job
I like it.
i want to see lauren's feet
The show really is better than it has any right to be. He knows what hes doing
The show is good and it has devastating effect on my sleeping schedule because watching it live with the chat is always more fun rather than watching it later.
fuck ecelebs, stop posting this on my board faggot
I wonder what kind of guys she's into. I seriously want to marry her
fuck off, JF is the solution to eceleb cancer
Definitely god tier wife material
>the solution to eceleb cancer is more eceleb cancer
What makes him different from all the other faggots?
just finishing the lonesome road on new vegas,gonna watch his latest show after it
He's severely autistic and really careful. He doesnt interact with other e-celebs much now he just focuses on having good intellectual type guests on his show
Sounds like Gen Z to me.
He's less retarded, but much more autistic.
Serious people write books, they don't beg for super-shekels on Youtube.
JF has written books.
what time is it on over there?
Your memes are stale
5 am here
I love his intro. I love the frequency with which his face scrolls by compared to any one else. Why is he so perfect?
listening now. He's smarter than he sounds.
I think its funny he still has Sargon on there
He's most definitely doing better than Warski.
he doesn't engage in petty internet drama, he's highly intelligent, albeit autistic, which leads to high quality content without any extra bullshit, just him and his guest or host discussing a topic or some news. And the discussion is usually intellectually stimulating no matter what the topic.
JF himself, yeah he's a little weird around women, but otherwise he has very little faults
It is really fun to watch the show with the live chat. So I don't blame you for staying up.
Not really
Name something better to watch OP
Stop shilling your shit here, JF. You're still a sociopathic cringe lord, jew bootlicker, And (((libertarians))) are cucks
Triumph des Willens
I'm OP and not Canadian
Shieet, you are not the only one. 2am streaming! Very anti-European!
Read the Revolutionary Phenotype.
Also ''serious'' people like Lauren Southern and Mike Cernovich have written books, does that make them more serious than trve intellectuals like TrueDilTom?
He's nothing more than a fucking joke. he used andywarski to climb his way to the top. Then he attacked and tryed to slander Tonka Saw. But Tonka made him look like a crying little bitch. Now he just rots away in his little show interviewing racist pigs like himself
fuck JF
I don't, but I should.
Why is he so perfect and cute?
You should its unironically good.
Well she accepted the "white baby challenge" so she will want to be bred in the double digits. So from that its fairly easy to assume the kind of man she wants
I can't stand the swiping left and right camera format its pure visual cancer
I think he is probably the best show to emerge in the post bloodsports era. He knows his shit and always gives a good show. As a general aswell, Im fine with E-celeb bs. Its a great gateway for normies. If you actually want to achieve anything you have to use your useful idiots.
>all this dick sucking
this is pretty gay
good for you guys
Of course. The episodes he has been doing with FrameGame the last few weeks might be some of the most important content on youtube right now.
Yeah those are really good.
Highly recommended to newcomers.
I need some JF Fashwave like now, but I can't find any.
why would he call it Zed Public Space?
I heard she likes handsome men but not too handsome. Like not so handsome you have to worry about girls freaking out about him. Also she likes them to be fit, not exactly muscular but definitely not fat. Smart guys, but not nerds. Personality wise she likes when guys aren't too uptight about things but know when it's time to be serious. Generous guys who aren't pushovers.
Adam Warski
Can vouch for that, Frame Game's and JF's most recent ''A Web of Lies'' was mindblowing. Made me view the media differently.
So literally like 99% of women? Or was that the joke?
Halsey responded to me once on twatter
Me too he seems to always respond to DMs.
Quite possibly the only jew I like
The Kumite was comfy for a little while but it got old fast.
I loved the Kumite when there was drama going on or a good bloodsports match.
Just listening to failure and tonka alone together is horrible.
watched it until (((Frame Game))) became the new cohost. don't have enough time for this bullshit
she will be bred by Nick Fuentes
Frame Game is great why dont you like him?
that spic? no thanks
I would if it wasn't three hours long every time. I also really dislike "Here is this guest we are going to talk about random shit." I'd prefer it more if he went academic.
>Admit it you watch his show.
No, I stopped watching when bloodsports became a thing. The quality dropped from genius tier to high school tier to rake in the most shekels. Kind of the last straw for me on youtube in general. I was already way burnt out of youtube celebs pandering for views, JF was the last ray of hope and he tossed it when he joined Warski. This shit is pleb tier normie fodder now, and most of this board is too.
He quit Warski and has his own show now. Agreed that Warski was too small brained for JF.
Don't care anymore, I'm not willing to keep watching hoping the quality improves.