TX is going blue

If Texas goes blue, the US is fucked completely, which is happening soon. Can we stop it Jow Forums? Can we redpill the spics?

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Other urls found in this thread:

dshs.texas.gov/uploadedFiles/Content/Prevention_and_Preparedness/obesity/Obesity_In_Texas_InfographicV5-accessible (1).pdf

Don't stop it. The US is supposed to break up a fair bit (esp. Cali, Northwest, maybe the south)

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I'm moving to Houston next month and I'll probably vote Democrat down the line. I can't help that that's where housing is cheap and economic opportunities are. Liberal coastal cities have zoning and regulated housing into extreme price ranges, so this is what happens. If California and the Bay Area specifically deregulated land-use to legalize apartment buildings, everyone would move there and Texas would stay red for much longer.

Attached: illegal apartments.jpg (1080x709, 252K)

> Complains about zoning and land use and other regulations

> Votes for a party that does thise thibgs and is responsible for the reasons that caused you to move in the first place

Every time you post this you get btfo
Beto is shaping up to lose nearly as bad as wendy davis
Texas isn't turning blue.

this thread again. Beto is down double digits. I'm still gonna vote just to BTFO even more.

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are u retarded

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Not in the next year or two but in the next decade or two.

You wish. Tell Brock: try harder.

We literally can't stop it. The only option is to deport spics, but Trump cucks on that so we're fucked in about 20 years when it flips. I think it's already majority non-white in it's 20 and under population.


Nope, not Texas

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its total population already majority non-white

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Not every TX county has mandatory voter ID or voter rolls.

The blue ones are the worst offenders. Every Hispanic American I know votes red

Califag reporting in. Moving from the Bay Area to Austin in the next 3 months.

Ask me anything

I'm more worried about Utah going blue.

Yes it is, and it's because of minorities out breeding whites. This chart is based on recent Latino turnouts, but if they vote like they did in the Obama election or more, we would see it turning around 2024-2030.

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>hispanic "american"
>"white" hispanic

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>I think it's already majority non-white in it's 20 and under population.

It is. The whole "muh conservative genZ" meme ignores the fact that genZ are only conservative cause they are religious mexicans.

It is Texas, just shot them all out of the fucking state.

the us is already fucked

Great! I’ll pick up a Latina qt after I move and fucking thrive so long as she’s whiteish and we can have white mutts

The only way to stop it is to reform the Conservative political party. Republicans as a whole are fucked especially after November after democrats take over the house and senate and Trump and co get impeached and all positions get refilled by qualified people.

Good thing it's happening so soon and not like 3 years into his administration. More serious damage could have been done.

Good on Texas.


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No. The US will become a North Brazil in just a few more decades.

most of the spics are goblinas tho, the hot white looking ones are rich enough to stay in mexico

Like I said last thread, the Hispanics here are already redpilled (hate gays, christian values, traditional, I could go on). It's the WHITE LIBERALS FROM CALIFORNIA that reside in Austin that pose just a small threat. Other than that our state is fucking perfect.

>he bought the blue wave propaganda
Texas will never go blue. The majority of population growth is happening in red suburbs

>Can we stop it Jow Forums?
Yes. College educated whites went Trump... something the media and shills try to bury.

"Muh suburban retards" is a shill myth. Urban areas went Hillary ONLY due to their black and hispanic populations. The college educated vote Hillary won was ONLY from blacks and hispanics. See pic related.

Hillary also only got 37% of the overall white vote.


We are basically at a point now where it's white people vs everyone else (immigrants, blacks, jews, radicals etc.)

Just look at the demographics vs counties won.

It's time for any of that 37% out there to wake the fuck up as to what is really going on.

Time is short.




It can easily be reversed if we do those 3 things.

Attached: 37_percent.jpg (2020x1154, 664K)

This thread has been coming up a lot lately. It's almost as if there might be an agenda behind it.

What a coincidence.

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What a coincidence.

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Texan here. Everywhere I go when I travel around Texas i see crosses on houses, churches at every corner and tons of conservative white men. Texas going blue is a Democrat dream. It's never going to happen. Especially with trump in office.

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Might be concern shilling/JIDF sliding.

Whenever this info is posted
they always seem to abandon it and start another.

This is like the 5th one I've seen tonight.

beaners are not united in Texas. If anything, they hate each other the most.

>military spics
>border spics
>tejano spics
>wetback spics
put one of each in a room with only a boxcutter and watch how bloody it can get

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Why is it blue near mainly just at the bottom? Are the illegals that lazy to move up to north Texas?

No they're not. Pic related is from the 2016 election, and the only reason they dropped 4% was because every race dropped a few percent since it was pushed as a "dumb" election to most. Next election (after trump not counting bernie as his opponent in the midterms) most likely it's going to be even worse.

Attached: 2016-Youth-Voting-by-Race.jpg (2150x2150, 711K)

hope you like them fat and heavily on the mestizo side

Dems been saying this since the 90s.
Pic related

Attached: Texas-2018-Senate-Primary.jpg (499x304, 75K)

>beaners are not united in Texas.
That's true, but due to the sheer number of them breeding even if even current voting trends continue Texas will turn blue around 2036-2040 see

>California strong arming the election, as usual
you do know culture plays a huge role, right?
Texas will never go blue

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Most hispanics in Texas are fit. It's the white people who are the fat ones.

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I’m not into potatoes, lol

What exactly is wrong with democrats?

>open minded
>didn't want to bomb syria


Guess I’ll take Thicc blonde Texan qt like pic related then

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>Culture fagging
You do realize that the most linked thing in voting is their race, right? There's a reason that half of Blacks agree with that republicans say, but 90% of them vote democrat anyway because their race matters more than ideals. And again, that pic is based on CURRENT Latino voting trends IN Texas already, and it's set to flip if the exact trend continues and Latinos outbreed whites.

Culture is "downstream" from demographics. Texans under 30 voted for Hillary, and Texans 30-39 were tied. Why do you suppose that might have been? Oh, right - demographics.

>Most hispanics in Texas are fit.
Nice try Juan.

dshs.texas.gov/uploadedFiles/Content/Prevention_and_Preparedness/obesity/Obesity_In_Texas_InfographicV5-accessible (1).pdf

>hispanic 36.5%
>white 27.1%

Attached: HCU64O9.png (701x394, 313K)

Texas gov site demographics


Just enforce immigration laws and it'll stop.

Lmao you think the problem with cali is that it needs MORE room for MORE people?

Maybe it would delay it for like 10 years or so, but whites in Texas currently have a negative birth rate, and Latinos have the highest fertility rate in the united states. Also, the population of Whites and Latinos in Texas is almost exactly even, but in 10-20 years time when the older majority white demographics start to die Texas will be 30% white or so. The only option is deportation.

If you vote democrat you should kill your self fucking nigger lover

>I'm moving to Houston next month and I'll probably vote Democrat down the line.
It's not like it matters, Harris county goes blue every time. You'll fit right in with all the dumb niggers here.

White conservatives have the highest births. The hispanic thing is only with first gen immigrants and its been dropping like a rock recently. It why dems constanly want more and more. Once they get americanized they dont have kids.


White births


>which is happening soon
lol no

>Can we redpill the spics?

Fucking civnats get the rope.
You don't redpill them. You deport them.

doesn't matter, left can't win, even if it starts to look good for them they still get shot and killed, blown up, burned alive, raped, knifed, ran over etc...all they can do is blue wave themselves into an oven. they can take every seat write all the laws command the army...they are still gonna fuckin die and not rule over any but niggers and spics...i know it hurts to hear the truth but america will simply kill these faggots before it bends anymore to their insanity. i'm looking forward to it actually, an epidemic of mass murder committed by a virtual army of unidentified assassins...an orgy of slughter quite biblical in fact.

they are too used to comfort and will fold easily once they realize they've incited the beast to lay siege to them...won't matter what laws they pass or how many drones they have when they are getting murdered by any means neccessary everytime they are not bunkered down and sometimes even when they are. most will die in the first week when trucks stop bringing food and insulin to their shitholes...the rest at their mass trials for subversion....which goes nicely with the mass grave.

just kidding no grave we are gonna make bone furniture actually. skull fuck a commie, tooty fuckin fruity!

>Not wanting people to be redpilled
Just say you're a liberal why don't you

Well screencap this post, and whenever Texas decides to go Blue in the future, you can shove it in my face

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Thank you for this whitepill user.

Remember boys, have three kids. One to replace you, one to replace her, and one for the white race.

Wrong. If you overlay demo maps in Texas with voting records you will see thst Spics overwhelmingly vote Commie. I think nationwide Hispanics vote 83% commie. You are spreading memes pablo

>doesn't matter, left can't win,

This is retarded. They've been winning for the past 60 years. People have been predicting a white backlash for decades, but it never happens, because American whites turned out to be incredibly lazy, fat, and selfish. Read Siege; it actually discusses this from the perspective of the 1980's.

Attached: US white population change.png (982x1605, 617K)

It's not much of a whitepill for Texas in particular:

Attached: Birth rates by race of mother.jpg (1396x2048, 424K)

Fun fact: I live in the same city as Beto. He mentioned to a couple parents at his kid's school that he has no idea what he is going to do after the election. Even be knows he is losing.

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Whites currently have a NEGATIVE birth rate, and even muh Americanized Hispanics vote Democrat, just like the Blacks. I mean, blacks have been here the longest, and are the most "americanized", but you don't see them voting democrat do you? The reality is that race matters more.


Attached: Voting demographics.jpg (634x868, 88K)

Nice meme faggot, America loses more spics every year than are coming in to the country. White births rebounded several years ago. We are winning again.

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Heres another
The recent birthrate decline is not from whites but from minorities especially hispanics. This is concerning to leftist and ((())). This country can see a right wing white resurgence especially after boomers are gone


How delusional are you? Hispanics have the highest growth of any race in the united states, and look at the link I provided, those statistics were from 2016 and showed whites have the LOWEST brith rate of ANY race AND it's negative. You live in lala land as your country is being overrun by spics.

Attached: graphic-Hispanic-Population-1970-2050-e1313434439467.gif (600x428, 55K)

Shut up nigger faggot

>this delusion

From the arcticle

The most recent decline has been deepest for minorities. The fertility rate among Hispanic women dropped more than 27 percent between 2007 and 2016, the most recent year of data by race. The rate for whites has dropped about 4 percent, for blacks about 11 percent and for Asians about 5 percent.

>America loses more spics every year than are coming in to the country.

This is just retardedly wrong. I assume you're confusing the claims from the 2008 recession that more MEXICAN NATIONALS (illegals, not permanent residencies or citizenships) were returning than entering on-balance. This was based on estimates of questionable honesty and did not include non-Mexicans like Central Americans. Remember, "Hispanic" does not mean "Mexican only."

Hispanics started out with a higher birth-rate to begin with, but their rate remains higher than the white rate even after having fallen. The white birth rate remains well below the replacement rate.

Fucking faggot retard.

You don't get it. Latinos CANNOT be redpilled. Even after three generations they vote democrat. Cuban immigrants, who overwhelmingly vote republican because they fled communism, have children who vote democrat.

Why are all south american countries left-leaning? Why do all of them become democrats when they get here?
How are you going to redpill latinos when part of the redpill is that latinos are not compatible with western civilization? What exactly were you going to redpill them on? The joys of free market economics?

Give me a fucking break.


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They do all of those things but they still vote for commies because they want gibs.

Now a T E X A S love thread

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balkanization sounds fuuuuuun

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Charmed. Now go eat your chew and fuck your sister

What makes the fart sound? Is it the ass cheeks clapping back together after the fart bubble has exited or is it the fart bubble exploding under the weight of the ass cheeks? I just thought of that after seeing this image.

>Can we stop it Jow Forums? Can we redpill the spics?

You don't need to redpill the spics.

Every single American on Jow Forums needs to realize they have one duty. It's not to wave white pride flags or try to 'redpill' people.

It's to set your eye on every single illegal you can find, calling the ICE in to rope them up.

How about instead you wake the fuck up and realize that demographics are everything in a democracy?
Whites are the only people who don't vote along party line and actually consider which candidate adheres to their ideology. All other races vote overwhelmingly in a racial bloc. This is not a coincidence.

The actual asshole makes the sound. Snakes can make audible farts but they have no ass cheeks.

Whites are the least inbred race in existence. Jews and Muslims are the most, by a large margin. The redneck inbreeding trope is a result of (((hollywood))) conditioning, and your mind has been thoroughly jewed.

Got any attacks that you didn't learn in third grade, or would you rather we just recite your entire litany of false spoonfed beliefs for you?

fuck off Alex

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stop posting this same copy pasta thread you dumb tejas fuck

Liberals are retarded.

TFW the USA- Mexico war of 1846-1848 never ended.

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Eh, if it means anything there's an unknown proportion of Hispanics who will identify as white in the future, but it's really unclear how many will, and especially since within the last decade there has been major Latino nationalism lately it's hard to really guess. So we have that at least.

No. Sink this ship as soon as possible so we can start rebuilding.

Cruz is regaining some effort.


Don't forget to participate in the bi-weekly /tex/pol to help focus our efforts on killing the blue wave and supporting real Texans like Abbott and Paxton who defend the true values of the state.

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