What's your opinion on adoption? Would you raise another man's child?
I'm adopted so sure.
How was that experience?
I guess it's okay, I realized that Jews tend to adopt many white children and raise them as their race.
We have to avoid that and white people should adopt white children besides their own
It was ok. Biological dad was basically Quagmire from Family Guy without the funny, and he never stayed in one place very long, so I suppose growing up with him would have sucked.
Nice digits.
How did you turn out?
He's here. Not good.
Why not have your own?
So what would you change?
We're all here for a reason user, and none of them are good.
Pretty OK I guess.
It's hard to say what is better when you can only compare hypotheticals. Bio dad was a huge pervert, adopted dad was an asshole. Bio dad would probably have just put me in front of a TV and let me raise myself, at least adopted dad put effort into it.
Ok but what is your ideal version of raising a child?
Would you adopt?
Would I have to build a cuck shed? I'm not good with tools.
I was probably a huge pain in the ass. I doubt I have the patience for kids.
So you think its cuck shit?
Every kid was a pain in the ass. How do you think you would fair as a parent with a useful partner?
Tfw u want kids
I think that's one of those things you don't really know the answer to until you do it. I'm pretty normal, Jow Forums use aside, so I'd probably not fuck it up too bad.
Other than a small inclination to "pay it forward" I really don't have the urge to go through all the legal process and expense of adoption. I did look into it a little and there's a reason people adopt 3rd world kids - adopting American kids is orders of magnitude more of a pain in the ass to try.
My situation was a little different but that's not relevant to the discussion.
>Birth control is bad
>But adoption is bad
>But being a single parent is bad
>But not having sex is bad
I honestly have no idea what Jow Forums expects of men.
Don't let an Indonesian Folk Music image board fuck up your life. If your stupid wife wants kids then fucking adopt one. No niggers, beaners, or chinks though. If you are going to adopt a baby at least find a white one. Just my two cents.
I can have children of my own and adopt
What do you expect?
Do you have kids?
Ok. Which do you prefer?
>I honestly have no idea what Jow Forums expects of men.
What every functional society did throughout all of history.
Degenerates reproducing out of wedlock get exiled, stoned, or left on the street.
A son, he's 10
Why is this cat so sad?
Is he adopted? Either way, how is he doing?
Because I'm sad man
it's based as long the child is the same race
I really do as I did in the Roman Empire.
If you adopt a child, this child is yours and it is forbidden for anyone to remind him that he is adopted,
So I guess I do not care
Adoption of a baby yes, but marrying a woman with child no.
First is noble and right thing to do, matter of choice and sincere desire to save someone and give him a normal childhood.Later one is compromise, sometimes ever a form of blackmail and honestly more like a plain cuckold.
You mean meeting my future wife?
Not many options it seems
Good. It's rewarding to have a child. It's a lot of responsibility. Sometimes they crack you up. Sometimes they scare the fuck out of you. Be patient and try to instill some values and a sense of morality in them because our country is sorely lacking both. I wish you the best and good luck friend.
Best case scenario. But still....
Very friendly of you. Best to you.
only a relative's child if both of the parents are dead
That's fair.
I don't think about it. I'm pro-life but if people knew I didn't care about orphanages being clogged with unwanted children I'd be labeled a hypocrite.
So fuck off. Sage.
Not a bait thread but thanks for contributing.
Adoption, in the case that the child is neither mine nor my wife's, is very acceptable to me and would welcome it.
Unfortunately, my wife is severely disabled now, so we do not qualify as adopting or foster parents. Aborting millions of children in the US per year is virtuous to these psychos, but it's in bad form to allow a child be adopted where one spouse has some difficulties...
Adoption doesn't work unless the kid is literally an infant.
Are you a parent?
Nuclear family ftw
My aunt is an adoption specialist. She worked for a massive faith based adoption group for 15 years and currently works for the federal government in an adoption policy position. She adopted 6 kids. 4 of my cousins are major fuckups, but two are smart, well adjusted, and currently in college/military. Guess which ones were adopted before age 2?
I know a white liberal with 3 adopted black kids and the biological mom comes back with a 4th one for them to adopt. it was cucked beyond belief.
Grew up with a friend who was adopted along with his sister. This is how it worked for them.
Him: Smart, but super insecure. Got addicted to meth, stole $2k from them, punched his step-dad. Went to rehab, lived with them again for a few years, I think he does web design or something now.
Sister: Good grades, never got in trouble, I think she's a dentist? She jacked off a buddy of mine at a high school reunion thing a few years back and I am still jealous
I think it's fine.
Adoption != cuckoldry
You should strive to have kids of your own line (especially if you're white), but if that's just not possible for whatever reason then there's nothing wrong with taking in another kid, honestly regardless of their race, and raising them to be good and upstanding people. Better you raise them right than having them end up fucked up criminals or something.
Well I have a pretty good guess
The only time it is appropriate to raise another mans child is if it is the child of a good friend of yours who has passed or a family member. Going down to the orphanage and picking one out is only going to get you weak genes.
Would rather die alone as opposed to raising a diverse lil nigga.
Adoptee here. Adoption is wrong.
Even then...
Infants are traumatized if removed from their natural mothers. Calling the woman who did not birth them 'mother' is gaslighting and alienates them from feeling fully human. Babies can tell by hormones/smell and it sets them in a state of perpetual paranoia. Being raised among people who don't look like you also brings about self-esteem issues.
Drug abuse, mental illness, lowered IQ, etc. are all higher than even from single mom households. Extended members of adopted family don't really accept them because they aren't blood, blood relatives don't accept them because they did not grow up around them. It is fucked.
Adoption should only be within the extended family.
It's kind of fucked up. My aunt confided in me that she feels defeated after dedicating her life to social work just to realize that it's all fucked up beyond saving. I thinky uncle's death made her cynical and depressed. I'm gonna go visit her this weekend
I didn't want to bring up the trauma angle, but you're absolutely right. More neuroscience suggests that trauma has major impacts from VERY early in life. There are exceptions for sure, but I think it's a massive mistake to adopt a child over 1-2 years old.
Stick to your own kind
I had to scrape my aunts brains from the wall before her parents saw that shit. It built some character dude
My only concern is when FAGGOTS and DIKES adopt and fuck up those poor kids minds (and probably molest them)
why does this picture make me laugh so much
That pic make me cry dude
What should we do about it?
>What should we do about it?
well step 1. is the same for most problems,
Things start self correcting after that.
I have been thinking about adopting a kid. Don't really want to get married, but I do want kids.
Why not find a woman?
Don't really want to deal with all the marriage stuff and possibility of divorce. I suppose that's what scares me the most on it, divorce.
I did have one women that I loved dearly and she loved me as well, but I'm not sure where she is...
Well consider me convinced
>Would you raise another man's child?
Nope, not unless my wife and I knew the family and they were dear friends and decent and pro-white and then both parents died and there was nobody in the family to raise the kid but us.
Cute kitty
Literal cuck shit. I couldn't look my kid in the eyes knowing he's not mine.
I miss the old days
What syrup do you recommend?
if the child was related (eg. niece or nephew)
I don't wanna risk giving birth to a tard. My brother is autistic so I know all the shit my mom went through to raise him