Are we behind the autistic meltdown currently happening on /b/
Are we behind the autistic meltdown currently happening on /b/
Nah, I think they got tire of the porn and shit threads. That type of shit makes me sick nigga.
>Rule 1 of the internet
>Rule 2 of the internet
You do NOT talk about /b/
What's happening?
they're mad about the porn threads and furry shit and all that i believe. It must be that bad if the majority of /b/ is disgusted
Why not? I am not beholden to their rules.
after like 2011 /b/ turned into nothing but a fucking secondary /soc/ board
it fucking sucks big time, worst board on the site when it used to be one of the best
This. I came to Jow Forums mainly how cool the internet historian made it out to be. But when I view /b/, I'm like holy shit this is shit.
holy shit the reddit infestation is finally complete
yeah it;s not good
Good, sick or swim /b/tards take back your board baco or let it fall to degenerates
It's been bad for years, but I guess it's reaching a boiling point? /gif/ is worse. I'm serious, it's actually reddit with no names over there. Just observe the typing style of the majority of the posters and especially their reactions to various things and put it side by side to a subreddit and they'll be almost like carbon copies.
It's seriously fucking bad. I don't know what happened or how or even when, but reddit just colonized /gif/ and probably /b/ too as their own little personal dumping grounds without the history and reputation consequence of their shitty home.
Jesus Fucking Christ, and I say that as someone who's never been a /b/tard.
Purge what?
>thinks /b/ was always porn & furry shit
Old /b/ would post gore and CP and really scare off the normies. Once that stopped happening reddit was able to establish a beach head and turn it into a furry convention.
What's happening on /b/? I haven't been there in years now
ya got a LOYSINTS that says you're not beholden to rules?
It has been pretty much just that since maybe 2008? I browsed there from 2005-2008.
They’re uprising against the porn posters
Did they get tired of Trap threads?
Yup. Couldn't stand /b/ for the past year, nothing but porn. At least they banned trannys and dick rate threads. Hell, pretty soon /b/ may even go back to greentexts and general autism.
I just went to check in on them and holy shit they're revolting now lol.
step 1: Clean up your board, bucko
step 2: Climb the dominance hierarchy
Fuck off newfag
/b/ should ban images for a week or two
Not even /soc/ is as bad as /b/ nowadays, /b/ is just straight porn while /soc/ has some ok threads once and a while
Furrys, traps, shit(literal), everything spammed with bananas and Spider-Man.
Basically a bunch of 15 year olds who think they are badasses because they are On Jow Forums.
I can't believe I just went to /b/
Last time I posted on /b/ was probably in 2007... or whenever code geass started airing. That's hilarious to hear, if true.
>haven't been to /b/ in years
>mfw remembering the tard stories threads
Well the porn has gotten out of control, its one of the reasons why I stopped going there.
What has been will be again.
/b/ was never good you fucking newfags
its better than being on a board where every other word is 'goyim' 'Jew' 'sheckel' 'Mengele' 'SJW' 'Holocaust'
(ok maybe not Mengele)
t. newfag who heard that line somewhere on /b/ and actually thought it was true
It has to be bots. You can see when they spam every single board with porn. Jannies in other boards might give a shit but I think they let /b/ completely go.
I'd rather have /gif/ around instead of those /d/iaperfags
has she shown her tits yet or is she just another useless hole?
good times, I wonder whatever happened to Chippo Man
In the last 8 years I don't remember a point where /b/ was ever worth going to
Leave /d/ alone. I need those monster dickgirl and giantess threads.
/b/ at one point was the very most special place on the internet. Any type of cool community that you can think of for instance vanilla wow barrens chat, or 2007 runescape, YTMND, all of that shit pales in comparison to what /b/ had. It was truly something else
>/gif/ is worse
/gif/ is what made me realize the BBC sissy shit on Jow Forums is definitely a forced phenomenon for the purpose of social engineering and demoralization rather than an organic manifestation of Jow Forums culture.
>Oh don't go over to /gif/ and look at the rekd threads. Stay away from the misogyny and hateful threads. It's like Reddit, I swear.
>leave /d/ alone
>a fucking leaf
you had better be sarcastic
>Hell, pretty soon /b/ may even go back to greentexts and general autism
That sounds like /s4s/
>has to ask
Oh hohoho... user, I
He's right, someone will post the video of the drunk bitch throwing up wine all over herself like a fountain and it'll get like 100 (you)s. Like people haven't actually seen that gif 100 times before.
Around 2011-2012 I think is when the cancer became truly inoperable. Even back then prior /b/ was the fun kind of shit, not the abhorrent, annoying, just plain tasteless kind of shit that it is now.
It's like the difference of
>Everybody's an asshole here, but we have fun
>he didn't play Tibia
that game's race wars made me racist. swedes vs. brazilians vs. americans vs. polaks weekly. man that game is classic
That makes sense. I do sorta miss good old Jow Forums before the Pepe-TFWNOGF bot that killed the entire board and made sure it'd turn into pee pee poo poo when it came back.
Saturn in Capricorn is on a fucking roll this year, bless
we must find a way to keep Jow Forums pure
Anyone else remember the thread where an anonymous dumped pics taken on the streets right outside the twin towers after the crashes on 9/11? He got them from his photography teacher or something. With the clumps of burned flesh and body parts on the street. I saved them all but lost them, never say anything like them again.
It's a discord group doing it. They even post their discord link in their spams.
wew tay is so bretty.
I fucking hate discord so goddam much, but here, I'll give these guy's a pass. It's been some time since /b/ has seen some actual chaos within itself.
>its better than being on a board where every other word is 'goyim' 'Jew' 'sheckel' 'Mengele' 'SJW' 'Holocaust'
>(ok maybe not Mengele)
Then why are you here Tarquavius?
Are they still posting child pornography? I had to nope the fuck out of a thread yesterday beacuse a guy with a proxy derailed it with cheese pizza.
i just checked the /b/ catalog and its all porn and dick theads. no pizza from what i saw.
>Old /b/ would post gore and CP and really scare off the normies. Once that stopped happening reddit was able to establish a beach head and turn it into a furry convention.
It's kinda like with Jow Forums, where the far-right content keeps disgusted normies out. For now at least, although far-right ideas are becoming more and more acceptable
Redditification is a hell of a drug.
I watch it happened to /co/ ages ago.
Just the other day, there was a thread with a handful of people absolutely LIVID over loli.
Forgot to mention, the people pissed at loli were on /a/.
Jesse slaughter in 2010 I think. The last good raid.
Shit I've been here to long.
I’ve said for years that civil action such as chanology and newfags had nothing to do with the destruction of /b/. It was going to be the pr0n. Jow Forums doesn’t have to worry about that tho. It does have to worry about a management who hate it and multiculturalism. Jow Forums is very devided these days, too many different countries and cultures. The unity of /new/ was due to 99.99% American posters. Multiculturalism doesn’t work, not even on the internet.
You're either a newfag or /b/ found Jesus
I blame Pewds.