Crocodile eats beloved terrier that had spent a decade taunting it

>At Goat Island Lodge, south of Darwin in the middle of the crocodile-infested Adelaide River, guests had gathered to watch pup Pippa perform her favourite trick — running at Casey the crocodile to scare her back into the river.

>But to the alarm of those looking on, including owner Kai Hansen, Pippa ran straight at her head — and Casey "did what crocs do".

>The video of Pippa being dragged into the water was made worse by the screams of bystanders, but serves as a bleak warning about the river's dangers.

Watch the video on the link

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Other urls found in this thread:

>Aussie Shitposting Champion looses 10-year titled to long time rival.

Pretty textbook reaction from old croc there if you ask me

>don’t be a cock, bin that croc

There is no video you fucking piece of shit

> owner encourages dog to go after crocodile
> crocodile deals with this shit for 10 years
> crocodile finally turns around and ends harassment
> i'm supposed to feel what exactly but contempt for the owner

respect the trips but those fucking teeth

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get fucked mutt owners

See the video here Gertrude.

fucking kek.

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Checked. Terrier = Jewish lobbies. Crocodile = everyone else.

fuck me look at the head on that cunt

That is a great rural Aussie face. Nice mullet too.

this video is everything wrong with australians..
'she'll be right m8, the croc has never eaten doggo before, not even once.'

he couldn't take the bantz anymore
>”Nooo, Noo!!”
dumb assholes

sweet sweet revenge, little dogs are like little men, yappy little noise makers who feel the need to exaggerate their own dangerousness because of a deep seated and justified insecurity, croc just bided his time and waited for the little shit to grow complacent,

bootiful mate

Who cares? Dogs are for work. They're expendable.


>Letting your dog, especially a tiny dog, near a big and dangerous predator

Kek look at this half-retard drunk strayan bastard
>Blimey fookin crok snatched up me terrier was unbelievable mate

Talk shit, get ate.

>you will see things you will not believe
Dog flies off into the sky, blocking the sun and freezing everyone to death.


Dog didn't have much time anyway.


How the fuck has no one checked this RARE flag yet?

Why do I get the sudden urge to kick a field goal?

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am I the only one who got a chub when hearing the NOOO NOOOOO from that dumb bitch

potato cam

The wombat knows how fucked crocs are, he's just a drongo dropkick

Tiny dog while the croc is on solid ground probably wouldn't trigger the crocs instincts that much.

A big dog or mammal on the shoreline while the croc is a few metres away, invisible under the water. That's when a croc will attack.

i love how some abo got nailed by a crock literally 3 months ago and no one even batted an eye, little woofer gets snibbity snabbed and people lose there shit worldwide lmfao

What race is that guy?

This is something I've noticed about boomers in Australia, they have absolutely no understanding of cause and effect. They let dumb shit like this happen because in their dumb little lizard brains they don't seem to get that actions, or more specifically, inaction, has consequences.
My old man is the same
>Writes down his password and username for his centerlink gibs on a piece of paper
>Leaves in in the passenger seat of the car
>Passenger side window open
>Gets blown out the window
>Ask him why he didn't close the window or put it in the dash box
>[visible confusion]

I don't know what the fuck is wrong with these people.


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I'm sorry user I thought it was norway

Attached: Clacker.jpg (600x867, 88K)

He's like this guy

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nice proxy

otherwise that is the rarest flag you will ever see

Attached: bouvet island aerial view.jpg (1080x668, 108K)

No bark at croc, clearly the dog violated the NAP multiple times

English ex-criminal.

>penguins on /pol

we are everywhere

put me in the screencap

I can't see, also checked as fuck!

You can practically hear the word 'cunt' when you see this image. I am saving it.

Forget it, I'm dumb, just woke up 30 minutes ago

The memes were real


I'm turning the 'arf NOO NOOOO' into my text tone

Darwin is a magical place. I’m loving it right now.
I might even move up here one day.
t. Guy in Darwin for a months work

Well duh dogs are useful

Dogwin Award

Bootleg Norway.

First flag also best flag itt

If it was my dog I would kill the croc on general principle even though the dog shouldn't have gone near it.

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Go be an edgy faggot somewhere else you racist.

If Aesop were alive today, he’d spin this into a fable about how the left should shut the fuck up.


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It serves that retard dog well. Good snack for that based croc.

where is the video
Reminds me of this guy.

read the thread you dumb cunt

Go fuck a sheep.

Never mind i lmao when i see it
>arf arf yelp

fuck up idiot those links dont work

If I saw you shoot an alligator over your stupid pet in my bayou I'd feed you to one.

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>those obviously modified url's don't work
wow I wonder why user

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Fucking everything

It's a croc you dumb amerifat. Alligators are inferior and the only ones who fear them are 56%ers that are too fat to move away in time.

Imagine a child porn article... with video... just like this... maybe in 2020

sith ifricin, i reckon

>I would kill the croc on general principle
>on general principle

The croc killed a family member so it has to die. An eye for an eye.

Plus that skin.
Looks like a sun dried tomato.

>Shit-assed bark machine thinks it's tough
>Gets made into croc shit
Fuck little dogs and anyone that owns them.

>The croc killed a family member so it has to die. An eye for an eye.
That's what I thought you meant. Thus

timestamp penguin or gtfo
will also accept video of small dog harassing a polar bear

Well that's not good. So you're saying in the interests of self defense I would need to feed you to the croc or alligator first.



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Princess, if you come out to the bayou with your "family member" and they get eaten then it's on you. Don't try and destroy our homes because of our mistakes.

roit bor

You must be new...

what the fuck vietnam

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Sweet pea you might bring the allicroctor with you so as a pre-emptive action you need to be eaten for world peace.

haha fuck dogs
cats are the best
based croc putting the stupid slobbering mutt in his place
place being croco tummy

btw lads
Redpill me on the difference between crocodiles and alligators

Even under such circumstances it is you who is at fault. You will just have to get more dogs.

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Don’t bully, poor kid doesn’t even know what dial-up sounds like.

They both make good handbags/purses/whatever that you can reward muhammad with after he rapes your're family.

plat stupid games...

Alligators are in fresh water Crocs Salt. America Has Alligators, Africa and Australia and Asia have crocs.

hilarious thx for the chuckle

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