Ellen goes to Africa

Ellen received a lot of backlash from black people because she portraits africa as poor and takes the stereotypical 'white people togheter with happy poor african children' photo.
Why doniggers always find a way to hate/whine about something like this?

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probably reupping her foreskin cream supply

Fucking hell I detest White Saviours. I'm glad there's a backlash, maybe black people are starting to realize the libtard is nobody's friend.

>get close for the picture kids
>but dont get too close


Nothing make white people hard more than poverty porn.

>make sure you don't touch one accidentally

>acting like a 23yo white girl

Look how clean her clothes are and shit. At least if you go to Africa at least look the part. fucking crazy dyke lib

Hahah Ellen's show is entertainment for simpletons anyways, they'll love this cute picture

All those nogs will be in Europe in 10 years time.

>everyone look under your seat
>it’s fucking food so you don’t starve to death

the clothes shes wearing probably cost as much as feeding those kids for a year


Why aren't more people mad that she's wearing white shoes?

>Why doniggers always find a way to hate/whine about something like this?
Because they suck in life and try to blame all of their problems on white people. Instead of improving their lifes themselves through work, they expect everything to be handed to them and seek all kinds of reason, like Colonialism and Slavery. Mentally, they're children and should be viewed as such.

No no, Ellen DeGenerate is mentally ill scum, as much as I hate black American niggers I will gladly side with them to knock this faggot off it’s high horse

She couldn't have been walking more than 5 m before this picture with these white shoes.

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an actual jewish hateful militant lesbian cunt

wew lads

I’d rather her waste money on clothes then feed them.

>Ellen received a lot of backlash from black people because she portraits africa as poor
Well I guess since we can all agree Africa is not poor we can cut all the aid they get right?

why doesn't she visit syria?

they hate jews.

she's so weird. i forced myself to watch her show twice. idk, if she was a guy, every feminist would hate him.

...then comes home to sleep in her massive mansion again

But they have every right in the world to trash that angelic citybobo descending from its lofty adobe to bestow the blessing of its presence on the poor and using them as its personal background canvas to portray the achievment of ultimate worldliness.
Id tip the nog some developementaid myself who would have raped that bitch

of course she does the obligatory nigletsploitation pic

lmfao the chutzpah

>using poor third worlders as prompts for virtue signalling
Even niggers know this is bullshit

>"ok we got the picture, lets get out of this filth now"

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>I’m a super rich White lady
>Let me take a picture of myself in Africa with the poor starving monkey niggers

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niggers hate whites

That horse almost ate shit!

I sincerely hope none of you actually watch Ellen DeGenerate.

Except when it's other poor white people, then they throw abuse.

Can't wait for virtue signalizing become dangerous again.

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Does she get poz'd?

top kek

she's not Jewish.


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lamo pics of cape town in south africa, literally a white man's achievement in africa.
which the nogs are tearing down slowly but surely as well.

this is unironically what I hear every time anyone says her name.

in germany

>Ellen DeGenerate
noice one mate

Barren childless dike has to mother something why not a whole continent of Parentless Aids ridden niggers.

couldn't have said it better myself

Is Ellen the very definition of the word Baizuo?

she was involved with Paddock aswell

Isn't this a picture of her trip to sweden?

>Its widely accepted that giving aid to turd world countries causes problems for them in the end
So why not send them money to cause them problems since you hate them Jow Forums ?

She perfectly embodies the hyper-sexual, degenerate and emotionally manipulative dike kike.

No goy don't show that africa is a shithole !! Shut it down !!

Oh wait you didn't show that africa is a shithole impoverished by the evil pale man ?? How dare you !!!

fuck Ellen
its the female bear grills. you see pics of her "traveling alone", but you know there is a whole team of security, cameramen and PR-agents behind the camera

>Why doniggers always find a way to hate/whine about something like this?

Africa is like Wakanda you fucking bigot.

>Its widely known that giving aid to turd world countries causes problems for everyone in the end

Because it's my money, and if we stop giving them money they'll still die anyway since they're too dumb to have proper agriculture.

>he doesn't get off to bad grammar
not even hu-white.

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jesus all the fucking comedians are out today

Because it's engrained in blacks to whine about shit from the time they are born....always whining never doing anything to get themselves out of the situation though.

If that’s all she did while there, I would honestly be surprised.


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All leftists are to foreginers is a weakness, a flaw in the system not their ally

Well considering the left is using foreigners as a way to divide society and anger white people.

Kids look happy. They are around their fellow kin. Future builders of wakonda. Why niggles be upset.

Funny they didn't show the armed security they had around her at all times to keep ferrel niggers from killing and eating her. What a shame.

litearlly the white parts. LOL

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Got the version with the "Dead nigger storage" sign?

Well it looks just like her tv show... cia lesbian and DJ Black dude

How many went missing shortly after this pic?

Creepy Ellen is shopping

Attached: ellenpizza.jpg (970x615, 131K)

Now show the rest of the pic.

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Ellen "Colonizer" Degeneres
Ellen "DeBeers" Degeneres

Too bad she didn't end up in a stew pot.

>elen degeneres
elen degenerate
>jazz jennings
>bruce jenner
jenner jennings
jender gender

who else

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they think africa is wakanda or some shit.
like there's something else than rot and poverety.

these retarded women are the reason Africa went from 200 million fifty years ago to over 1.2 billion today

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how did the africans manage to fuck up growing grass?

Bit more subtle template.

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Even nature doesn't want to give something for nigs to eat


more like blacklash

Ellen Degenerate:
>"No, don't feed him yet! He's gotta look hungry or the photo op won't work! Get that bowl of rice the hell outta here!"

Try a decade

shes not white

Niggers dont realize the whites they hate are whit liberals. All the shit white people do that pisses them off is the faggots on the left. If you could point that out to the majority of them, it would change everything.

shows their downtown or commercial districts

>Is Ellen the very definition of the word Baizuo?