Seriously, fuck this country.
Seriously, fuck this country
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seriously fuck your shitty slide/bait threads. saged and hidden.
Oh I confirm that he WILL be deported. And that's a good thing.
Imagine being this fucking retarded. Imagine sneaking into a foreign country, illegally taking a job from one of the native teens, getting an order to a FUCKING MILITARY BASE, and trying to get on base thinking nothing would happen. I fucking hate Mexicans so god damn much
The army boys who reported him are probably butt fucking each other while singing sound off
America is putting in the shift. Fair fucks. Can't wait to hear there be massive levels of deporting next.
if he is an illegal he should be deported
Man trespasses, gets arrested
Problem where?
>Delivery MAN
Should be a teenage American kid.
Have fun back in Mexico.
and god bless 'em
GTFO of my country you dirty spic.
People get deported everyday but free pizza is a treat
>tried to get on a U.S. military base without valid U.S. identification
Goddamn these foreigners are dumb.
should have executed the shitskin on the spot
Yes, bon voyage.
give that wetback the option of deportation or death. then we see who cries about separating parents from families temporarily or permanently. he is an illegal leeching off the system. criminals are tossed in prison and nobody complains about them being taken from their kids. at least these illegals have the option of moving their kids back home with them.
>fresh pizza
>get invader deported
>hot butsex with strapping young army boys
Why because illegals (people of whom we have no real record of or idea to whom their loyalties belong) can’t just drive onto a military base???? Yeah fuck off op and SAGE
this is fantastic
>joining the military is one of the ways to fast track your way to US citizenship
>beaner wants to just drive pizzas around all day instead of joining the military
>ends up getting deported trying to deliver pizzas to the one place that could have actually helped him become a citizen
wew lad
he stole some AMERICAN college kids job and you faggots cry about this illegal cunt getting deported
This guy is from Mexico, he is in the US illegally. This beamer entered the US not through a legal port of entry. America must provide for the general welfare for Americans not Mexicans. Mexico should be providing for the general welfare for Mexicans. This Mexican is being deported because he broke the law. This is our land, not his. His land is Mexico not the America. Now his wife will become a prostitute to provide for her children.
When the pizza guy was asking for a tip he didn't mean to tip off ICE
Is he an illegal immigrant?
If so whats the problem?
nah that guy is an absolute fucking retard if he thought he was getting onto a military base without having a quick background check
God I wish that were me
Good. Deport that wetback and his dream stealing offspring back to mexico.
Good. He should've thought about that before breaking the law
What exactly do the Left propose, to just literally not have borders? they dont see the issue with this? Like they seriously dont see what would happen if they signal to the entire world that they wont deport people who come illegally?
Can these people evne fucking think
They know exactly what they're doing. They know each and every illegal would be a left vote for life and all their family would be as well. That's really all it comes down to.
>What exactly do the Left propose, to just literally not have borders?
I do believe this is the goal.
he disobeyed court order to return for a hearing after he was ordered to leave country. he got married after that and had 2 kids. no way his wife not getting some kind of welfare. no way a pizza delivery guy can support a family of 4 in new york city. why that dick ask to sage? is all over local news
t. illegal invader
You have to go back, Pedro. Take your fucking anchor spiclets as well, please.
Love when they try to get people to change their stance on immigration but pointing out deportation targets that are smart/gifted/virtuous/unfortunate/parents. I remember a few articles about some valedictorian who said she's an illegal immigrant in her graduation speech, like we're supposed to reevaluate deportation if it means deporting such an educated person.
Like... what? Remember how nobody is supposed to be above the law? No exceptions. You might be a valedictorian but you can go ahead and be a valedictorian in Mexico. We'll get by without you.
He should never had agreed to deliver pizza to baby killers
also all the guy had is a bullshit Deblasio city I.D..
so he was driving without a license.
Top fucking kek
>criminal was reported to the authorities for committing a crime
Fuck this country
The left knows how these people vote for more gibs, they don't care about the nation as a whole; they are only concerned about staying in power, the fate of the actual citizens be damned.
>People shouldn't be thrown out for breaking into places!
What's your address, faggot?
every. single. time.
>IDNYC is the new, free identification card for all New York City residents, which gives all of us the opportunity to show who we are—New Yorkers. As a government-issued photo identification card, IDNYC secures the peace of mind and access to City services that come from having recognized identification. IDNYC benefits every city resident, including the most vulnerable communities—the homeless, youth, the elderly, undocumented immigrants, the formerly incarcerated and others who may have difficulty obtaining other government-issued ID
I can’t believe that a government website explicitly supports illegal aliens.
It's extra enfuriating because there's a big chance her family got tax money to help her get to where she is. Also, one valedictorian and 15 relatives that suck off welfare isn't actually a net positive for the country.
Chicago has a similar thing and they have it set up so that illegals can vote with one.
Americans explain to me, how does one get a job without social security number? It's nearly impossible here.
>he's from Ecuador, not Mexico
>he's married to a US citizen
>he has an application on-file for a green card but hasn't received it yet
>he overstayed his visa in 2010 and a judge put a "deport with no appeals" order on his record
So this guy has broken two federal laws: overstaying a visa and working without permission. Yeah, fuck him. Deport him. I don't give a shit about his wife and kids. They can move to Ecuador to be with him. And his job can be given to a teen or young adult American who needs the work and income.
This along with the ICE raid on the gardening place yesterday makes me very happy. Deport all illegals! Return America to Americans! Jobs for Americans not for immigrants!
warned to get his shit straight a decade ago
It's cucks like OP who make the west a shithole.
Supporting illegals stealing jobs and polluting our cities, just as bad as non white invaders
Damn that’s fucked. If the entire country was this retarded, China could flood the U.S. with “undocumented immigrants” and have the country vote to become a Chinese vassal state.
Identity theft, shitty managers paying under the table, etc.
Irony being he could of delivered an application for citizenship first, than the pizza
To understand the anti-immigration point of view all you have to do is ask yourself...
>>What is the population of the planet?
>>What is the population of the USA?
>>What would happen if all your immigration dreams came true and everyone that set foot on American soil became a citizen?
>>What if 5% of the world population came to the USA?
>>What if 10% came?
>>Would it matter if they were good people or bad?
>>Could the local ecosystem even take another 300million mouths to feed?
>>How many forests would have to be leveled to get the wood for the houses for another 300million people?
The fact of the matter is, unchecked immigration is bad for the environment, bad for the host country, and the parent country the only benefits are short term for the people immigrating. No problem has ever been solved by running away from it and pretending it doesn't exist.
It is NOT nearly impossible here. You've probably never worked temp labour - well they do check IDs in most of those businesses - however there's a level lower than temp labour that hire by word of mouth. Trust me there are probably hundreds of thousands of illegals working in the Canadian system... probably mostly in Toronto.
you tards need to quit bumping shitty bait threads
>Seriously, fuck this country.
You'll be happier in your ancestral homeland anyway. Godspeed.
You really gonna cry like a beta over another sleepy illegal Mexican getting the boot? Neck yourself faggot lol.
Learn from his mistake and move on José.
No deliveros pizzas to army base si?
You can leave with them.
Exactly, fuck off back to snow country monkey
Good, he broke the law that's what you get.
Am I suppose to feel sorry for this illegal alien? Not only is he breaking our laws by being here, he's stupid enough to go onto a military base where he might be found out. At least Paco is smart enough to do work off the books and stay in areas where illegals are safer.
Deport the pedo cunt
I agree. Treason is unacceptable it's amazing how many people support the obstruction of justice and enforcement of the law.
maybe he shouldve learned english
so does CNN report every single crime that gets punished? doesn't that take a ridiculous amount of time and effort?
They leave out black on black crime and things like that which do not fit the narrative, so that cuts out most of the crime they would otherwise be reporting on.
...and that’s a good thing
then leave it