Wew lads. Storm incoming

Wew lads. Storm incoming.

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pock-i-stan intelligence I.S.I. infiltrated DNC

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Says the fucknut that uses a private iphone.

a private iphone? IMPEACH

trump knows everything

Trump wants to put these babies in jail?

>criminally corrupt kike
>these babies in jail
This is the kind of shit that is the reason they havent been fucking exterminated from this earth yet. Take fucking control of your dick just because they have fucking tits does not mean they should be spared.

Those are not DWS's Joobs. This is her Jooty though.

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trump wants to put those puppies to sleep?

"Storm is coming"

What storm? Literally NOBODY has been indicted, arrested, jailed, or even fined.

>Lock her up. Q user said it's habbening!!

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Where is the Server? Really bad!
>Capital letters
Where is SR?
Democrat Server Where Server Really
Deep State WSR
>I dunno

This. I am fucking sick of boomers dragging this shit out

Mug fucking storm. Mug fucking tick tock. Shut the fuck up.

>This. I am fucking sick of boomers dragging this shit out
>Mug fucking storm. Mug fucking tick tock. Shut the fuck up.

A fucking Bong prisoner on a fucking dystopian ISLAND gets it before the retards of Jow Forums do.


the wheels of justice grind slowly, but the grind finely.


>Obama justice department, Awans, Debbie Wasserman-Shultz. Democrat I.T.
>Top Secret ____ Seth Rich ____


This has been going on for a year. We're going into MIDTERMS with the Democrats still believing the criminal mafia is the TRUMP Admin.

Frank predicted this

No. What ever a bong things has a 99% chance of being wrong.

Massive corruption that has been covered up and pervades all agencies will that a while to clean up.


"Muh capital letters"

You're aware that sentences begin with CAPITAL LETTERS?

You're aware that Trump has been writing in code like that for over a year now, right? Of course not, this is why you scratch your head unable to figure out what is going on

Careful bong, that could be construed as ageism.
>Don’t make me report you

Nice. Was doing a quick sweep but I think you got it

you have no idea what you're talking about. you're just imagining that "democrats" is some homogeneous unit that believe the same things.


You fucking Q user cultists have ruined everything.

>pity we can’t ruin your virginity. But that’s been a life long curse for you huh?



It literally stays ahead of the news cycle. He posts, and then shit starts dropping this week. Taking down a global criminal enterprise takes time.

what a raging dotard

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the left's memes are cringe af

To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand Q & fbianon. The revelations are extremely subtle, and without a solid grasp of memetical physics most of the predictions will go over a typical Jow Forumsack's head. There's also fbianon's insider outlook, which is deftly woven into his characterisation- his personal philosophy draws heavily from spirit cooking literature, for instance. The boomers understand this stuff; they have the intellectual capacity to truly appreciate the depths of these revelations, to realise that they're not just based- they say something deep about KEK. As a consequence people who dislike Q & fbianon truly ARE idiots- of course they wouldn't appreciate, for instance, Q's existential tripcode which itself is a cryptic reference to Trump's American epic "The Art of the Deal". I'm smirking right now just imagining one of those addlepated simpletons scratching their heads in confusion as fbianon's genius wit unfolds itself on their computer screens. What fools.. how I pity them.

And yes, by the way, i DO have a Q & fbianon tattoo. And no, you cannot see it. It's for the ladies' eyes only- and even then they have to demonstrate that they're within 5 redpills of my own (preferably lower) beforehand. Nothin personnel kid

Hang them all.

Bump this is big

Dumbass libs don't even know who awan is this is gonna shock them

Double check
Anyone have more of this whore? Not actually dws. I figure at some point someone took a video of the orgy in the tent.

Boom! Boom! BOOM! It’s about to be lit! #SitBackAndEnjoyTheFireworks! #DoNothingAndTrustThePlan! Woot woot! Trey Rowdy Gowdy’s got this, guys! It’s super secret and Trey insists we protect “sources and methods” so the Licked Boots don’t look bad. MAJOR HAPPENING YESTERDAY! But not on TV! But still! Wooop woop! Popcorn time! Sit back and enjoy the fireworks! #TrustSessions #TrustRosenstein #TrustWeissman. #TrustThePlan. We got this!


Three Lawmakers Attend The Hearing


>Yesterday FBI Director of Counterintelligence E.W. “Bill” Priestap testified to a joint session of the House Judiciary and House Oversight committees.

>The hearing was a matter of strong public interest. Mr. Priestap was questioned for approximately seven hours. However, journalist Olivias Beaver covering for The Hill dropped a detail that most, including myself, might find rather erm...

(The Hill) Rep. Rajaloopoo Krishnapooloothi (D-Ill.) however, said he felt that Priestap didn’t say anything that would indicate there was “political bias that motivated the Hillary Clinton email investigation.”

Priestap “completely” backed up everything that Comey said, according to a source familiar with your mom.

>Only three lawmakers — Jordan, Meadows and Krishnapooloothi — attended the hearing, which took place on the first day after a weeklong recess.

>Priestap’s interview comes after the joint House investigation stalled for months after being first announced. (more)

>Yes, despite the hearing being a joint session of both the House Judiciary and House Oversight committees only three congressmen, two republicans and one democrat attended: Jim Jordan (R), Mark Meadows (R), and Raja Krishnamoorthi (D).

>Not only did only three congressional reps attend, but Chairman Trey Gowdy and Chairman Bob Goodlatte did not attend

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Speculating here but what if the meme nerd who didn’t attend, couldn’t attend? IE they know that there are members of Congress under investigation and they are not able to attend as testimony can apply to them.

I see your point, but the body of work indicates a coverup of epic proportions. Apparently Deep State is untouchable until Jesus returns. I have faith, but our government is treasonous and evil.

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And her crew. And the disgraceful “totally not corrupt, brave rank-and-file too brave to be whistleblowers” “men” and women of the fbi.

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shit takes time you nigger

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wasted quads.

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Well now. Thats a final countdown if I did see one.
5 4 3 2 BOOM. Drop dem titties

Only three attended because the rest knows it implicates the entire congress as guilty of censoring first amendment, infringing the second, viol ating the fourth with unconstitutional searches of households digital property through FISA queries into a law abiding citizens computer and home network without serving the warrant. Double secret probation my ass. They all will hang as traitors on the clinton camp side of this pedo spygate scandal. Remember fluke is a madman help us save us?. Your hollywood Weinsteins molest children to produce more cgi fake shit.

>where is server

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I plead the fifth. As chosen (((one))) they sodomized for the nirvana 666 ritual of a satanic music industry corrupted with false idols like grohl, dave matthews, yeezus, john misty, jayhova big L (ucifer), etc... Big business is corrupt. Corporate daemons.

You almost got me aroused by DWS
You’re a MONSTER

Another conspiracy theory that has been debunked by CNN.

>dinner plate areolas

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yeah snopes already looked into this, shut up flumpft

I agree about the rampant evil, but you’re insane if you truly believe they will make themselves pay for their abominations.

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she's careening toward Cankleville

Bump faggots

>grabs popcorn

budget implants
terrible scars

>6 5 4 3 2

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