How do we stop him?
How do we stop him?
Wait 16-20 years. That's all.
The next generation of genetically enhanced super-intelligent Chinese elite will depose the Party in favor of an alliance with the West with a better statistical likelihood of survival for the nation.
Nice try kike but we don’t want war with the chinks
Jews have been the West’s greatest allies. Without the Jews we’d be a technological backwater.
Stop trying to create internal strife. We need to bad together to stand against the coming Chinese horde.
Yes my fellow goyem tell us how to defeat the evil Chinese!
>2 renminbi have been deposited into your Alipay account
Well? Anyone have any ideas?
Jesus, someone who actually knows whats up. Its just one half generational revolution after another in China. All the ex presidents are lucky they aren't killed by the next president in reality. Battling "Corruption" is a euphemism for changing the guard there. Also Yao Ming was a literal attempt by the Chinese government to created taller people by breeding certain people together.
Why would superior enhanced Chinese want to ally themselves with Western retards?
China should be destroyed and divided into no fewer than 10 independent states. War now.
We don't. The future is chinese and there's nothing we can or should do about it.
We steal all cats from China!
And burn down the Masonic Lodge in China.
>One Belt One Road is gambling 30+ nations with a fuckton of turmoil, wars, corruption, and varying cultures
>in 10 years the stacked pressure of balancing the massive population shift caused by the one child policy will make single children making up 35% of the population have to support the other 65% getting old
>North Korea wild card, S.K. / Japan still US allies
>Russia fucking around all over the place
>Land disputes with Japan(senkakyu islands), India (Arunachal Pradesh), Every South China Sea country over control/artificial islands
>Circumventing Isreal's control
>Their massive investments in plundering Africa
>Backing Pakistan in the face of India's growing power.
>Trying to make a road to Europe to sell its wares silk-route style while Europe is boiling over into the Union collapsing
>Trade war with the US
Honestly, unless China is a fucking god and flawlessly gets through all of that unscathed, then they will just collapse on themselves. They are overextending and risking way too much just because they are the only superpower that doesn't have to play by anyones rules or follow ethics to the same degree giving them a massive competitive advantage, and it'll be egg on their face if they can't perform a miracle balancing act from all that I listed above.
We can't mate!
He's too strong.
Look at him all smug.
He's not just chairman for life, he's also the chairman of our hearts.
One time he got stuck at Rabbit's house, maybe do something like that again.
We don't, desu. We bend over and await for powerful leader to fully sperm our rectums with his supreme seed.
Stop him? Nigga, that chink gonna be our best friend! Next up: alliance with Russia. Screencap this shit. There are no brakes on this train.
>implying China won't self-implode like it's done literally every century
Should we meme China into hostile action against merica/ straya, it would probably make them collapse
Chinese can buy property in white land
White man cant buy property in china
I think we need to do like the nazis, seize and evict.
we need to:
1) close the border (Iron Curtain style, muh nigga)
2) reduce the population thru deportation
3) confiscate houses owned by money laundering chinks (recipients of western wealth transfer funds)
4) deport the globalist traitors to china
german axiom: 'Erst das Fressen dann die Moral'
Chinese population is poor as fuck and is becoming slightly less poor as a result of guided capitalism. However when Chinese will actually get rich they will want more freedom like every other nation on the planet has done for the entire course of history.
It will solve itself.
Chink insectoids, prepare your smelly insect anuses!
Trump will close all american overseas production plants in your shithole. Billions and billions of insectoid chinks again will start practicing cannibalism.
Zerg insectoids like poos and chinks will starve to death
They will learn population control and how scam paper tigers are they
You forgot
> banning the letter b
> banning poo bear
china is based af senpai
thinking about moving to china
lets hope 2019 hits China as much as 1989 hit Japan
At least we have Europe and the rest of the world.
When you end tradings with us, it is you who will starve since no one wants your shitty american products, capitalist dog.
And how is any of that going to happen?
>how do we stop him
Make fun of China for being cucked slaves. Make fun of their authoritarian police state. Because Hollywood and universities won't dare criticize china. Too much money from Chinese movie market and foreign tuition fees
>we need to:
>1) close the border (Iron Curtain style, muh nigga)
>2) reduce the population thru deportation
>3) confiscate houses owned by money laundering chinks (recipients of western wealth transfer funds)
>4) deport the globalist traitors to china
That will work!
Why stop the chinese? Turn them into the factory of the world. Europe and the US come up with designs and the Chinese build it. Easy.
he's got soft hands, he's hardly formidable
he's losing the mandate of heaven
we dont need to do shit, he'll fall soon
of course this doesnt mean the US will be scot free
it just means that by 2050 the earth will be divided among the niggers and the superpower poos
oh the humanity
This, let the chinks exploit their own people's labor in sweatshops and corrupt business practices so we can have cheap products. But we also need to figure out a way to keep our citizens paid and working under good conditions.
am i the only one who seriously believes we NEED to physically purge every living chink outside of China then turn the mainland into a parking lot?
chinks need to be destroyed,they're a parasitic,insectoid,cancerous and malignant force right now and that is because we allowed this ,we and the fucking corporations and business owners who'd kill their relatives for more money
destroying those parasitic,lying,plagiarizing,malevolent,greedy and over zealous chinks would be wonderful for the entire planet and people
>hinks need to be destroyed,they're a parasitic,insectoid,cancerous and malignant force right now and that is because we allowed this ,we and the fucking corporations and business owners who'd kill their relatives for more mone
And they're still whiter than you tyrone
whites have been developing the entire planet in several iterations, with the hopes of uplifting these locusts-- it has been a complete catastrophe everytime
this isnt the 1500s anymore. Whites have transferred everything to the shitskins. Africa, Asia, Latin America have no excuses, they are all already developed and have everything they need to prosper-- they fail because they are monkeys.
The keep flooding the west and destroying our countries to be copies of their failures.
Time to exterminate the locusts.
*godfather theme plays*
china is inhabited by an insectoid race with no empathy or human emotion, they don't give a fuck about anything besides their material well being, their country is a shit hole, they don't value human life, they are attempting to buy up all the resources in the world so they can eventually take over the world. They act tough but they are massive pussies that would get blown the fuck out if they ever tried anything. Why wouldn't I hate china. China is literally the worst example of an copy-paste ant society with zero values, never mind the fact their government is corrupt as shit and there's no such thing as freedom. China is a literal shit hole and Chinese are scum. Sink the Chinks!
They're basically the same as us man.
Except they enjoy gambling more, a lot more, probably from their deep rooted mystic and confucian leanings.
They are an ancient people, with a rich heritage. When you're a country of several billion, and everyone's at each other neck for splinter of space, and so uneducated that your only outlet is to breed like vermin, there really is no other realisation than to act like a wealth-hoarding insectoid lest lose the only value you have left, your family and lineage.
i never understood what to make of the east asians insectoids
ive figured out all other populations enough to have opinions about them, mostly from watching hours upon hours of documentaries, documentaries on how chinks eat tortured dogs fried alive in gutter oil.
but i have no clue what to think about east asians, they seem like soulless insect swarm that jumped 20 centuries in just 20th century alone, china/korea especially, they used to be less developed than africa and now they are more developed than europe, all in a milisecond of historic time
i feel like its only a matter of time before they steal everything from Whites and form a greater east asian locust hive from stolen white technology or something like that, and start murder the rest of the globe in something like 2 months, soulless insectoid creatures they probably have that skynet terminator mentality
I know the reason but I don't know why CHINKS even exist on this planet? Is it an example of failed evolution? Why human beings haven't cleaned up CHINKS?
Their very existence bothers me, does it bother you?
I'm convinced that the mongoloids branched off from the rest of humanity and developed their own weird, broken system of logic at some point. On literally every level, the things they do are fucking mindboggling. On a large scale, we have basically the gist of this thread - laziness, cheating, unoriginality, total disregard for the consequences of the shit they do (i.e. smog so thick you can probably swim through it, etc)
But then you take it down to a micro level and the things they do are still fucking baffling.
Just now I went for a walk and saw an old chinese dude walking along a well lit footpath with a fucking bicycle taillight attached to his belt.
I don't know how else to articulate my feelings other than "Everything about Chinese people as a race is incomprehensible to me"
The Japanese jumped from ancient Samurai warrior clans to organised infantry and gatling guns in a few years.
When you expose a vulnerable culture to another more supplanted there's a rapid uptake, it is the human nature of perseverance and preservation.
The chinese were suffering, babies on spikes after WW2. Millions died, and society fractured to the point the only option was to rebuild with anything still together. The vacuum after the end of WW2 removed US and Japanese influence, leaving only the early USSR as the dominant presence in the region, eventually resulting with communist socialism as their rock in a rapidly flowing river of death and chaos.
They steal everything, because they are still broken. They are broken like the western world. Except you suppress free thought and ideology, but still promote free-market capitalism, and it results in a void of intellectualism.
And with billions trying to grow wealth, the middle class growing, there is no doubt in my mind that Chinese will expand and exploit the greater world as it is their only outlet and means of attaining greater capital.
China is already in the phase of going down
>How do we stop China?
>Jews have been the West’s greatest allies. Without the Jews we’d be a technological backwater. Stop trying to create internal strife. We need to bad togethe
ITT {{{Pajeets}}}
China was always a barbaric place with shitty sociopathic genetics and culture. It's impossible not to be considering China's massive population, China's history of being repeatedly raped and ravaged by nomadic conquerors, going through the biggest famines in recorded history, and being devastated by the deadliest civil wars in the world. Chinese people went through a TON of horrible and traumatizing shit throughout their history, and the result is a soulless insectoid race that is devoid of emotion and empathy.
Also, read up on Lu Xun, one of the most influential Chinese writers in history. He criticized the fuck out of Chinese culture and Chinese characteristics, and this was before communism and the Cultural Revolution.
People conveniently blame communism and the Cultural Revolution for most of China's current problems and disgusting culture, but the Chinese have always been like that.
I saw two asian women trying to walk a cat with a harness.
I'm not going to try and deconstruct the reasoning behind that.
Logic is infallible. There will be reason chinese eat barbecued dog of skewer sticks. Probably low meat resources, or maybe they're just cunts. But then, most of us are cunts anyway.
Elevators. They’re the insectoid’s natural enemy.
Err we can't.
The population fear the guy - he is a dictator at this point who has total control over his country. You so much as speak out against him and your dead or thrown in jail.
The subhuman lack of compassion predates communism in China. It's been their "culture" for centuries.
dude its empathy and its genetic
chinks will always be psycoapthic insect people even if you put them in a western culture
Science proved Asians lack empathy. Incredibly, the research results were reported by mainstream media. They connected infants of various races to sensors then exposed them to friendly faces, sounds of giggling infants, etc. They also exposed them to the sound of crying, distressed infants. Various tests. Asian infants were impassive throughout whereas black and white infants became distressed when they heard recordings of crying infants, etc. The Asian infants just lay there, no emotion at all, no empathy.
Chinese in Australia are known to go to public parks and take ducks to cook them at home
It's fucking hell. I've seen chinks bag ducks and even a fucking pidgeon. It's terrible, they lure them with bread then chuck a fucking plastic bag over them.
PLEASE get these people out of my country
USA and EU recognize Taiwan as an independent country.
You will see the biggest chimp out in human history.
says the cuck whose country was founded on terrorism, has invaded the most countries(168 at the last count and has interfered with over 45 countries democratic elections)
We need to seriously meme this. Lets get US and EU to recognize Taiwan as an independent country.
Lets start a petition!!
What if they are genetically enhanced to be predisposed to not align with the West?
they repealed one child policy
Why do so many chinks seem to take pleasure in having control over the suffering of others? How are they completely unaffected by the obvious pain they are causing to others, or completely indifferent to suffering occurring around them? The answer lies in their very DNA
Let's look at the rs53576 variation in the OXTR gene--which encodes the receptor for Oxytocin--also known as "the love chemical". This mutation alters the way the receptor is shaped resulting in Oxytocin being unable to bind to it effectively to produce an effect, and has been repeatedly associated with lack of empathy (especially regarding pair-bonding and parental empathy to one's children), and the deleterious mutation ('A') is found in Asians at several times the rate of Whites--with east Asians having the highest rate of this mutation in the entire world
Ever wonder why the stereotype for "over-bearing Asian parent that treats their children harshly" is so common?
Ever wonder why there are SO many different examples of Asians acting sadistically towards animals and one another?
The majority (but not all) of them are literally incapable of experiencing natural and normal Human empathy
They literally live their lives without knowing innate love
I hope we can cull them one day
asians picked up insect traits somehow, probably from some aliens
>genetically enhanced superbreed will overthrow their leadership to get favors from dysgenic mutt state
bottom lel
>How do we stop him?
pretty easily, actually. if we stop buying chinese products, china will crumble.
im not asian,
better yet: end trade with asia
sure you are, chong singh
Guys. I think the average Chinese man simply has not developed consciousness the way the western man has. Read Julian Jaynes The Breakdown of the Bicameral Mind. It really does explain a lot of this perceived automaton behavior that we see in mainland chinks.
Chinese are insects that merely resemble humans.
Chinese and locusts see the same thing. They need to fuck off out of here. Their tour buses clog the roads, they don't tip, rude as shit, and sometimes they even shit on the street.
Fuck Chinese.
There are just too many of you chinks.
Lets just imagine for a second as a hypothetical scenario that in 50 years India has several times more population than China does and Indians start flooding en masse into China to the point where cities in China are at risk of becoming minority Chinese. I guarantee that China would start banning them from moving there
Nobody wants to become a minority in their own land because historically it has always ended up fucked up
What's happening is third world non white nations overpopulated themselves into poverty and now they're unabashedly doing it in white nations.
>somehow get rid of all dogs
>chinese begin to starve
>another revolution
chong singh sounds like a good name tho..
talking of automation behavior Americuck is the worst
*clap* *clap* *Clap*
>be american >not actually american
>be white man in america >not actually white
>be man in america >not even an actual dude
>be person of average weight in america
>criminally overweight in every other nation >be american football
>it's fucking handegg and actual football is called soccer
>be american pizza
>they're named after states cause there's no real difference between the shit otherwise
>be american
>walk inside home with shoes on
>be american
>drag dogshit into house and bed
>be american
>kill off an entire species of buffalo
>be american
>still uses a unit of messurement made by actual monkey
>be american
>lose entire cities to criminals and foreigners cause their police are a bunch of pussies
>be american
>be american
>make obnoxious reality TV shows no one likes
>be american
>still eat hotdogs in buns instead of the superior Norwegian LOMPE
>be american
>can't even make decent bread
>be american
>have to give waiters pocket change cause your own government is fucked
>be american
>have to choose between an actual demon and an orange bananaman as the leader for their country
>be american
>not even the first to reach space
>be american
>single-handedly responsible for Israel existing
>be american
>still crying about two fucking towers being blown up 17 years later
>be american
>not actually the center of the universe >be american
>created ISIS
>be american
>can't even use a fucking stick shift
>be american
>nedlessly fuck up words english words
He's not wrong though. Mongoloids do lack human responses.
mongoloid is a retrovirus that first infected the human genome in 7000BC, it went on to genocide the entire Asian continent of Caucasoids. The inserted genome disrupts the DNA sequence and expression of a gene involved in regulation of oxytocin hormone signaling.
This causes disparities in oxytocin, which is involved in empathy, compassion, beauty, sexual dimorphism, intelligence, and dopamine/serotonin regulation, all things that mongoloids tend to lack.
mongoloidism is caused by a virus/bioweapon and it's going to destroy the West. mongoloidism has genocided native Caucasoids in Asia and caused total civilizational collapses multiple times before in history, and over the past century we've been experiencing another outbreak
East Asians have much higher rates of an Oxytocin-receptor genetic mutation that affects the shape and number of the receptors in their body, which results in a greatly diminished ability to empathize with others or fall in love. It actually explains *a lot* about how they act as a race and regard other living things.
The mutation (SNP) that causes this is located at rs53576.
Xi Jinping definitely isn't as crazy as Mao. He's also a lot more intelligent as well. I do believe he actually cares for his country. You might be surprised when he voluntarily leaves office after a third term, as he said he would. If he is an honest man, that is. We will see.
The fuck are you talking about? You probably have mongoloid blood in you, in fact there is a big chance you do if you're Caucasian.
They are locusts, even Chinese people in Hong Kong call them locusts. They are a bit of an anomaly really, they are simultaneously a mindless collective and all of them are incredibly selfish and narcissistic. Hive mind insects with the illusion of individualism. ME ME ME ME ME ME that's all they think as they gobble up every breadcrumb they can find as they destroy the world. They shit kids out into the street and worry more about their knock off purses than their new born baby in a dirty gutter. They are animals, John A Macdonald was right and my god I wish he was alive and prime minister right now. Macdonald proposed that “Chinamen” should not have the right to vote on the grounds that they were “foreigners” and that “the Chinese has no British instincts or British feelings or aspirations.”[4] When a member of the opposition asked whether naturalized Chinese ceased to be “Chinamen”, Macdonald amended his legislation to exclude “a person of Mongolian or Chinese race.”[5] The opposition object that the Chinese were “industrious people” who had “voted in the last election,” or had “as good a right [to] be allowed to vote as any other British subject of foreign extraction.”[6] This led Macdonald to make clear that Chinese exclusion was necessary to ensure European dominance. He warned, “if [the Chinese] came in great numbers and settled on the Pacific coast they might control the vote of that whole Province, and they would send Chinese representative to sit here, who would represent Chinese eccentricities, Chinese immorality, Asiatic principles altogether opposite to our wishes; and, in the even balance of parties, they might enforce those Asiatic principles, those immoralities . . . , the eccentricities which are abhorrent to the Aryan race and Aryan principles, on this House.”
We don`t.
Mother nature will.
India will stop them, the Chinese don't have the drive as the Japanese or the Taiwanese. It's growth is slowing down while India's is growing. Despite having more land than them. The excuse countries use such as Russia and China one saying most of the land is mountains and the other saying the other is frozen wasteland is the dumbest excuse ever. They aren't thinking in the long term. Imagine in 2050 people thinking what the fuck were these people talking about uninhabitable land.
For starters, abolish the federal minimum wage so that our labor costs can compete!
disgusting post
my country went banckrupt TO PROTECT THIS
> ME ME ME ME ME ME that's all they think
You mean collectivism, right? That isn't just a Chinese trait. They excluded "Chinamen" because they were taking jobs away from White men. They did this for several other ethnicities if I remember clearly.
>They shit kids out into the street and worry more about their knock off purses than their new born baby in a dirty gutter.
uh huh. I watched that webcam too. Yeah that TOTALLY happens all the time in China...
Jesus, how can one be this ignorant?
unfortunately as an HKer I agree with most of what you say about mainlanders. some people say we HKers are just jealous that they are rich now, but its not the case. Its a huge cultural difference. They really are scary. I don't know what happened with them.
I guess finally starting to take pride for who they are rather than what they want to be. Prideful chinks are scary as fuck by default.
in one or two generations, that cultural difference will lessen. It was Communism that initially changed them, but the new generation of mainland Chinese and trying to push individualism and traditional Chinese ideologies/culture.
Yes good goy, legalized slavery is exactly what the United States needs.
Repetitive manufacturing jobs are the future.
chinks are literally nigger tier...the only reason they have money is because globalist yids transfered white industry and wealth to them to make our junk now they are like an international version of the beverly hillbillies
you have to rmember is that one generatiosn ago 90% of chinks were rice farming peasants. then (((globalists))) transfered our wealth to homo erectus pekingese. You cant thrust an archaic homo species into modernity, but you can't thrust modernity into the homo erectus pekingese.
where did all the chink-suckers come from? There weren't this many just some months ago.
You talking about the Patent clerk Usurping pedo luciferian fiend ?!
How come every argument a burger ever uses is through appealing to one's emotions? I thought pol hates leftists?
Okay, but why do you believe that China will stay "nigger tier"? Besides the 19th and 20th century, China has had a huge impact in world history. They were not "nigger tier" up until the mid 1800's, and you can't even say that about them now. It has nothing to do with their genes lmao.
stop feedin the fat fuck and destroy his commie corporatist economy
You honestly sound like you're just salty they have money now and that their lives are improving.
Usurpers gonna Usurpe
Deceiver gonna deceive
Liars gonna Lie
Not arguing anything with insects, just curious where all you chinks swarmed from.
Einstein is a MAjor Kok and will be remembered like such ..
They were always here. You a newfag or something? This place is for arguing. If you aren't arguing with an insect, you are arguing with an autist.
can you imagine if someone were to do that to a dog at a bus stop in the west? he's get the shit kicked out of him by the police.
that shit is legitimately sick/metally ill. and allowing it to happen is almost as sick. those people seem to have some kind of collective psychosis going on. and I wonder why you would make excuses for them.
Destroy them with nukies
in front of a little kid no less... perhaps you're a sick fuck as well.
This is China's history
>farm rice for all of human history
>have incredible amount of resources but no intuition to do anything with them
>get addicted to a shit tier drug
>cry and kill a bunch of their own people
>communism, kill more of their own people
>"what if we copy white people?"
>steal idea's, reach 2 billion locusts, but most of them are that stupid that they can only do factory work.
>we wuz invetardz n shiet
literally stoneage homo erectus pekingese stealing white man's civilization
4+ billion leeches who think they deserve an industrial revolution because they couldn't into civilization the first 2 times. we simply need to euthanize them all
Send Winnie the Pooh memes. It triggers the fuck out of him to the point where he banned Winnie the Pooh images on social media.
Why do you think it was even able to be posted here? Do you honestly think random videos from China will just simply be able to get to western media? It obviously has to be some large or uncommon occurrence.
When you talk about doggo BBQ everyone loose their fucking mind .. but when you torture Babies and give them Herpes ITS TOTALLY normal and acceptable ...
for every one that gets posted here there are 1000 that don't. and for every 1 that doesn't make it out there are a 1000 more that arent even filmed.
You mean like you curry niggers are flooding and literally fucking up Canada, America and Britain in factual reality right now?
I wholeheartly agree with culling every last one of you overbreeding curry niggers of the world.
>they were rice farmin' commies and did nothing in the entirety of human history (that I will acknowledge)!
>them homo erectus chink chinamen be stealin' white men's ways! Those animals! Those inferior gene commies are stealing our money!
Yeah you really do just sound salty.