Do you guys think being incredibly autistic and being depressed and having low self-esteem could stop a woman from ever getting laid?
Pic related:
>be moderately attractive whore
>shitpost for fucking years in the /a/ one piece threads about about the romantical relationship of 2 characters in a children's comic book
>post your tits there but still be hated by everyone and told to fuck off
>become increasingly desperate for attention so you post nudes on Jow Forums and /b/ for the team mini shit
>kill yourself after realizing how much of a fuck up you are
Would you fags ever start a relationship witch a bitch like this evenknowign she is batshit crazy?
Female incels
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Sauce on the girl
You'd have to be german, or a serious cuck, to start a RELATIONSHIP with a clam who posts her naked body online.
However, you should fuck her, hard.
>Would you fags ever start a relationship witch a bitch like this evenknowign she is batshit crazy?
fucking hell god no...
getting the cum out of your balls is temporary
being stuck with a train wreck like that is a long term punishment
Loads of autistic women about op but they hide it better. Still can't relate though and many aren't interested in sex and relationships.
she kys'd?
>kill yourself after realizing how much of a fuck up you are
true? what's her name please
also another note: have any of you anons noticed that women with autism is far worse than men with autism?
that's a decent looking vagoo. I'd put my dick in it.
Also lirk more you absolute newfag
wow. the guys at the morgue will have fun tonight
the only requirement for being able to get laid as a woman is going outside
visit your nearest walmart and you'll see even the ugliest sheboons with at least 3 or 4 kids
Some attention seeking slut,she used to post in the One Piece threads on /a/ for over three fucking years obsessing over the relationship of two characters despite the fact that there is no romance in that series.She was so desperate for attention that she even posted her tits nthose threads and then sperge out when people were makign fun of her.Not learnign her lesson she then posted her tits on Jow Forums and /b/ during the april first team mini and team peanut prank.
She then killed herself after realizing how pathetic her life is and apparently she was also on anti-depressants..
sauce on her kysing?
>Do you guys think being incredibly autistic and being depressed and having low self-esteem could stop a woman from ever getting laid?
A lot of them think they know what autism is and that their shyness is autism so when someone legitimately has autism and is online they say "no way you don't have autism hurr hurr you post videos of yourself online!" Not realizing that has nothing to do with it. A lot of autists are not shy.
>She then killed herself
any sources?
Is that how your asshole looks after kilometers of dick?
If she wasn't a whore in real life I would.
Team Mini reporting in.
She stopped posting altogether soon after that,there were several threads on /b/ about her.
The only redeemign quality about her is that she apparently hated brazilians and calle dthem shitskin monkeys.
Look at your asshole and you will have the answer.
More like kilometers of dildos,i genuinely doubt she was getting too much dick judging by her autism.
she probably is still alive and invented that story for attention
>Do you guys think being incredibly autistic and being depressed and having low self-esteem could stop a woman from ever getting laid?
Even crossdressers can fornicate. There's zero chance of a woman not being able to have sex if she wanted to. Men worship women and they have an enormous amount of power over us. Any pretty face on a dating website can ensure they have dozens of men favourite their profile. Even ugly women just have to ask for sex and some men would jump through burning hoops to do it.
So, the answer to your question is no.
>Sauce on the girl
Romanian camgirl anons paid for nudes a few months ago. No I don't know anymore about her.
That pooper looks moderately used (and im not talking about things going out of it, im talking about things going in). Hmm...
>batshit crazy
no worries, ill fix that
>female incel
like, it doesnt matter how autistic they can be, they still get laid sometime (except if they are autistic AND landwhales)
female incels dont exist
this isn't really proof of suicide
Wait, was she team mini?
For a girl that beautiful I'd put up with a lot of shit and just fix her.
Its because autism is overmasculinizing the brain. Fucks women up more than men because men are already basically autistic women.
>Female incels
You mean "Insol's"
She would slice you open for eating a banana wrong a few weeks later, still willing?
female incels don't exist because of desperate guys
That's wrong,bitch posted nudes on her own even back in 2016 on /a/
O I `member
Fucking desperate guys is worse than not getting laid though.
>killing yourself before one piece ends
Her loss.
Remember that fake profile one of us made with a true 3/10 woman, and that profile was bombarded with 6 ft something muscular men begging for attention?
This world is fucked up in ways we don't even know.
proof that she posted on /a/ and that she posted her tits on /a/?
If she hadn't posted her dumb fucking face online she would've been fine but no the attention whoring can't be stopped once it starts.
I would have wifed and bred that.
Proof she killed herself?
nobody is holding you at gunpoint forcing you to get laid
No, it makes her much more attractive.
1. I’d want to make her feel loved
2. She’s more likely to be a virgin
3. She clearly has excellent taste in media
4. She’s more likely to be loving
I could go on.
I probably will kill myself too before 2030 desu but is till want to read Wano before that.
>One piece ever ending
Never underestimate a guys horniness.
Having sex isn't the same for a woman. A relationship with a male that will provide for them is. A woman can't be incel but she can be so fucked up she cannot maintain or get a relationship.
once she gets a taste of attention she will be talking to several backups and eventually leave
there is literally no proof she killed herself
(because she didn't)
>The only redeemign quality about her
I'd say that body is a redeeming quality.
>to be a german
hahaha oh you are so funny you cock sucking faggot
What about fuckign desperate women?Plus his point still stands,the bitch can still get dick.
You sir, are a moron
Sounds like BPD, not autism
>A woman can't be incel but she can be so fucked up she cannot maintain or get a relationship.
so being an incel for men is the same as being a slut for women in a society where men value relationships(dne)
Obviously, but come on I’m grasping at straws in a sea of feminism. There’s nothing so horrible about a little wishful thinking once and awhile.
She probably grew out of Jow Forums
Bitch was reading an adventure action manga for the fucking romance of all things,she had it coming desu.
she didn't actually kill herself, did she? because I remember people appreciated her for posting nudes for team mini(my team) since she was so generous.
That is an objectively 9/10 pussy.
Better chance than Berserk
don't believe the an hero part
Woah did she kill herself?
So, she is probably still alive?
What if someone created dating site for autist boys and girls? This would help with the reproduction rates of White race. Once the autism-generated ice is broken their autism would create a love and bond of great power and purity.
She was really that autistic or you meme it ?
I'm talking to her on skype right now and we're laughing at all you idiots.
If she was looking for attention on Jow Forums of all places as a FEMALE of all things her life was probably very fucked up, no support or family etc
Mental issues, possibly molested or raped in childhood. Woman *CAN* be incels but its a symptom of deeper issues. For men incel-dom is much more commonplace, biologically speaking
that asshole looks like its been ravaged in the past
that's a great idea but it would probably get hijacked by chads and stacies just like every other dating site/app
anyway, when do we start?
I think so, actually. An incel can be used by a woman as an orbiter or friend zone with no sex while the low level female is used for sex with no relationship or resources.
Either you're thirsty, or you're lying about being thirsty. I don't know which is worse.
It'd be 95% males, 3% trannies, 2% slutty fatties.
the term INCEL can only apply to males, Females can't be incel because a female brain isnt wired the same. Women can have sex whenever they want, even the ugliest butter face can get fucked. Its males that need permission, not women.
99% of women dont want casual sex but a loving relationship which you might say isnt real incel but there are no real male incels either since you can just see an escort to put benis in bagina but what they are really after is a loving relationship too but men are on a big LARP about how emotions dont matter and just le sex
Didn't know you had internet in the grave,ask her how does it feel to have her asshole and cunt swirmed by maggots.
they must be impregnated multiple times
They do, i guess is not common, i know a girl pretty close to my life and she's an incel, i have to say that she's kinda fucked up with how she views herself but she's pretty and a 7 body.
She was just slightly awkward and needy.
No proof other than she hasn't been around lately.
bring on mini's milkers, need moar pics before addressing question
That's retarded, but she is pretty hot. How does Jow Forums do it, and by that I mean how do we keep getting really attractive attention whores to show their tits on this autistic shithole?
Women with autism are sometimes misdiagnosed as bpd and it's not good because they then live up to the label.
>that asshole looks like its been ravaged in the past
Mine looks a lot worse than that.
Pic related me: Me. No rude pics though as that isn't allowed on this board.
I don’t get the triangle desu.
Explain pls.
Fake and gay, I'm afraid we're going to have to see that ruined asshole for proof
This sounds more like a character assassination then providing an example of a female incel.
But he is right, you are cucks, only you do that kind of shit.
What the fuck
To be honest idk if I'd even fuck a whore just for pleasure. I mean knowing that 100 other men did it before me.... it's kind of gross + it's not exciting at all. Sex with a girl I find attractive? Yes but only when I know she's hard to get, it'll make me more excited that I'm the only one who managed to fuck her pussy. It's like a fucking achievement.
Cuck. Only she can fix herself
Goddammit, do you retards not know what the "in" part of "incel" means?
>being a huge faggot
The memes are real.