Trump thinks he's a king/fascist.. can't stand this loser.
Drain the swamp.
>Trump doing his job by firing shitty people from their jobs for doing a shitty job
>Thinks Trump is a tyrant
You leftists are un-fucking-believable. You're all fucking insane. I really hope you push this nation into a Civil War again so we can just murder all you anti-American Marxist worshiping dipshits and finally have a chance to fix this fucking country.
tl;dr Start something you faggot, so we can finally murder you.
>0.02 Kushnerbucks have been deposited into your account.
sure thing, fatty
This is fucking worrying. Yellowstone has been a fucking trainwreck for decades, and it needs set straight, but rightists never do anything right, so I can only imagine how bad things are about to get. They'll probably sell off all the Bison to slaughterhouses or just give cattle ranchers access to the entire park or something stupid now.
Oh, and let's all remember it was CATTLE RANCHERS who gave Brucellosis to Bison, not the other way around. Sheep ranchers are also the source of Chronic Wasting Disease. Ranchers are the devil's own children.
Drain the Caldera
>firing shitty people from their jobs for doing a shitty job
how the fuck would you eve have the remotest clue as to the job the he did in Yellowstone. Hes done a great job and Trump is just fucking clueless as usual.
>Hes done a great job
The problem is ranchers and hunters control all public parks and they always have. Ranchers have always been the problem with Yellowstone, not fucking native Bison.
>loses coolest coolest job in the world being a cuck for Bison.
The state of liberals
drain it
>The problem is ranchers and hunters control all public parks and they always have
no. if that were the case there would be no wolves in Yellowstone and surrounding area.
>We should kill everything in nature and turn everything into farmland, cities and concrete
Fucking rightist asshole retards. You should be forced to live in boxes.
>no. if that were the case there would be no wolves in Yellowstone and surrounding area.
That was the wolf-fuckers. Also rightwing idiots. Humans can only do everything wrong when it comes to the environment. Ever notice how nobody's favorite animal is a Deer or a Mouse or a Rabbit? It's always wolves or orcas or big cats or piranhas or something. And you don't understand it, but that wolf shit is part of the same problem: rightwing assholes being in control of all conservation efforts in America. There is this religious belief that megapredators are essential to the environment. They're not and never have been. It's literally a religious belief based on humans worshipping cruelty.
But reintroducing the wolves did massive good, how can you say thats bad?
>There is this religious belief that megapredators are essential to the environment. They're not and never have been.
Gonna need sauce on that one brain donor
Are you actually retarded?
>applying human notions of morality to nature
>Also rightwing idiots. Humans can only do everything wrong when it comes to the environment. Ever notice how nobody's favorite animal is a Deer or a Mouse or a Rabbit? It's always wolves or orcas or big cats or piranhas or something. And you don't understand it, but that wolf shit is part of the same problem: rightwing assholes being in control of all conservation efforts in America. There is this religious belief that megapredators are essential to the environment. They're not and never have been. It's literally a religious belief based on humans worshipping cruelty.
You do not get out much do you? The reintroduction program was widley supported by leftists NGOs and leftists in the FWP...and almost unanimously opposed by the right on all fron- ranchers, hunters, GOP etc...all were again wolves being brought back.
You are either a larping faggot or just really stupid- which is it?
>But reintroducing the wolves did massive good, how can you say thats bad?
No it didn't. That's literally propaganda pushed by nutjobs who worship carnivores and don't grasp actual ecology. Wolves were a disaster for the park.
Yes, that's what carnivore-worshippers literally do. They just worship cruetly rather than kindness. It's still applying your shitty morals to nature.
>The reintroduction program was widley supported by leftists NGOs
Offer some proof of this claim. There is no such thing as "leftist" environmental groups. They are ALL guilty of corporate capture at this point.
Here is where you seriously fucked up. ALL state-run "conservation" groups are hunter and rightwing special interest controlled. You literally don't know what the fuck you're talking about. This was simply a case of multiple rightists opposing other rightists and duking it out.
Literally Hitler. It’s definitely going to be over for Drumpf this time.