How is it not the most objectively based religion again?
How is it not the most objectively based religion again?
By being retarded.
As opposed to..?
gotta give it to that cult, they make a fuck ton of money
Islam is objectively the best religion. Christianity is letting itself be overrun by it. the white men need to turn to the violence of islam to fix what has been wronged.
>Islam is objectively the best religion
stop being a retarded cuck. Whites IQ is too high for islam.
Scientology is more Jewish than Jews.
>stop being a retarded cuck. Whites IQ is too high for islam.
If all the whites in America took the islam pill we could cleanse the country and take it back from the mexicans and blacks.
The only ones organizing to stand up against the psychiatric cabal.
Or the old gods.. The greatest crime against the white man was to take away his after life. Going from glorious death in battle and a place at the table , to turn the other check and harps and shit or whatever the promise is.
Didn't wikileaks post some of their secret shit in their "insurance" files? Seems like I saw some stuff.
He's right. It accepts Jesus as the Messiah without all of the jewish cuckery
>be me, yesterday in seattle
>be walking past scienfuckology office
>pale soiboi handing out flyers
>hands me one "hello, sir would--."
>interrupt him "oi m8 srsly? Fuck off, ya cunt!"
>soiboi face turns insta depressed
>looks on ground stuttering a weak "ok then..."
WTF? I thought sciencuckology would make you strong and confident and now this fucker cant even handle some simple bantz from a visiting yuropoor... 'Murica is doomed.
effects of the islam pill are obvious in the mide east.
Cult dreamed up by a scifi writer, with multi tiered pay to play membership (with demented Hollywood elites at the top. Ships staffed by enslaved children.
Sounds like loads of fun!
Jews and the eternal anglo cucked the Middle East. Including Egypt
Moozlems cucked places like Iran and Egypt that had superior, non-Arab culture.
Egypt was better when they wuz kangz.
>How is it not the most objectively based religion again?
bad math
Who is Scientology aligned with? Hollywood pushes a good amount of anti-Scientology documentaries out so Idk