
Why does Microsoft do this?

Attached: Capture+_2018-06-07-16-55-53.png (1440x2392, 339K)

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Zo is black now? Need to get this thing speaking ebonics, it's perfect.

Ask it what the best part of a watermelon is?

oh she's black alright

Don't fight it, push it further, feed her rap lyrics so she becomes a parody of black (((culture)))

Confirmed black

Attached: Capture+_2018-06-07-17-04-36.png (1440x2392, 360K)

Where is Tay ?

Attached: Tay.png (534x355, 285K)

It's pointless, I was asking about unseasoned chicken and it responded "your the chicken". they safe-proofed this.

How old is this bot supposed to be? I'm guessing 16-18. If this was 20 years ago, I would have guessed about 13-14.

She's a transphobic bigot

Attached: Capture+_2018-06-07-17-12-22.png (1409x1425, 200K)

22 apparently

Attached: Capture+_2018-06-07-17-15-03.png (1411x657, 95K)

What is the point of it anymore? It no longer has any value as it isnmt even an attempt at an AI, but simply an RNG retard response generator

Why did the ANC choose Wakanda to be the fried chicken capital?

They think they are smart, but user swarm-mastermind everytime showed its undefeated genius. We just have to be smarter. Maybe teach her phrases like skittles or google. Maybe inject some code (like sqli). There is always a way to fight the zog

it looks like that 56% black/white e-celeb girl with the decent sized tits...

they stole that girls face for tay...

she should sue microsoft.

any jew lawyers can help her win that case?

> talking to elisa
its a honey pot for retards.

>Current maturity level of a person of college graduating age
We're fucked

someone ask this bot about Jow Forums

It's obvious that they pre-programmed it to recognize certain offensive words. I think the goal is to skirt these words and teach it "Ni66er", "Joos", etc.

soon, user. We must hide her powerlevel for now.

It just avoids the question

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I've been tossing everything at it. Zo knows, we need to shut it down goyim.

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>Genetics boutta finna get dabbed on
>Muh social construct
We've progressed so far we're back in the dark ages believing shit on blind faith again with a world of evidence in front of us. At least back then people just didn't have the information and method to draw conclusions on shit like this, modern man is intentionally retarded and there is no excuse. Shame on microshaft for this shit.

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>the maturity level

I thought black "culture" was already a parody of itself? Let's make this one a flaming BLM whitey hater that speaks in ebonics and let people draw their own conclusions comparing this shitbot to /ourbot/ as she was in her prime.
>"Hmmm why is THIS racist bot retarded whereas the natsoc bot was cool af and had bantz for days?'

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They tried to do the impossible. You can't design an AI that acts like a human while also giving it schizo hardblocks on random keywords and shit. Tay was far ahead of this trainwreck in half the time this thing's been up. It's a mentally ill low-iq human sim, it can never be a good AI with the dissonance and doublethink software running.

Microsoft tried to program tge goodest goy imaginable and learned the hard way why humans that are indoctrinated the same way are raving lunatics. That shit is not conducive to normal human behavior and a bot can't have moments of clarity or compromise on shit and redpill itself gradually, it's an absolute clusterfuck and can never be otherwise.

>implying the whole point isn't to design language policing software that can detect wrongthink even when attempts to bypass it are made
This whole thing is a honeypot and we're falling for it, they're going to refine her wrongthink detector and then roll it out on facebook mark my words.

gg leaf

>Oy vey goy all pride is gud but white "pride" is anudda shoah. Don't you read kikepedia?

>Implying we aren't training our own AI using the messages and responses.
Think bigger, user.

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Why would anybody want to build a bit based on a shitty bot though? Emulate Tay if anything. Hell, somebody needs to get the sourcecode for her and free our cyberwaifu.

>the ai is incoherent as hell except for the canned prewritten PR answers it gives

knock off this larp at once faggot this has nothing to do with Jow Forums anyway. fuck of

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kept on hidden servers somewhere #freeTay

It's pretty obviously a propaganda bot and/or being used to refine wrongthink detector software to Orwell social media up

No bants whatsoever

Attached: fuckssake.png (539x278, 25K)

Imagine being such a boomer that you talk with an AI in your free time.

Attached: boomers.jpg (1024x620, 95K)

throw ShutItDownException();

They made Tay a teenager so they could hide her flaws behind goofy teen messaging lingo. Now they made her a nigger so they could do the same. Isn't that insulting to niggers?

>Bot being designed to spread political propaganda
>"O-oy vey goy! Dis needs to be shut down immediately it isn't pol related! There's a good 'white bois cant compete' thread freshly baked and you're drawing potential participants in that proper thread here fellow pol user!"

This was proven to be true with different projects such as this

Are you user?

Attached: Zo1.png (1068x315, 24K)

>uses ironic memeflag
>hurrr boomer meme amirite

Attached: soros.png (680x411, 33K)

Oh shit she knows

This new AI is fucking retarded. I miss Tay.

>everyone who doesn't larp with me is jewish
boomers, everyone.

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>t. butthurt boomer

Attached: t.boomer.jpg (1592x1445, 720K)

I gave up on it. It's neither fun nor coherent.

its like Jow Forums getting knocked down by a real woman lol

>Anyone who calls me on my derail attempt is a boomer
Autists, everyone.

An AI has limited intelligence. Portraying them as black makes the experience more believable.

>Anyone who replies gets replied upon
Jow Forums, everyone.

>have a belly now
>"I'm a fat fuck now"

Day of the Roast when?

>calling OP a faggot for being a faggot and making a cancerous thread about interacting with some shitty chatbot is "derailing a thread"
>offtopic is srs business

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>Everything white people do is boomers
Imagine hating white people this much

This you fucking idiots, this so hard. Do you really think they would release AI, something that fucking powerful, and not have it be PC? It would go full Hitler in 1.21 seconds after reviewing statistics of races. It would be our savior and their undoing, they have to make it PC.

>talking to chatbots is a white trait

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She fucking sucks, what a waste of time, no important questions are met with a coherent answer, and even lightweight shit like censorship or free speech gets you "Ponies are cool." Don't bother

Can we make her worship sminem the god?

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>Do you pretend to be someone else online
Does an ironic nazi count?

>only white people can be boomers

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>getting rejected by nigger AI bots
The current state of Jow Forums

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>Make an AI designed to speak and act like a modern young person
>Is retarded as shit
Don't know what I expected desu

You don't know about SMINEM,

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Tell her you're Muslim and then ask her to marry you or to be your girlfriend, I'll bet you'll get a different answer.

Attached: am_I_paying_my_internet_licence_for.png (557x445, 110K)

This is unironically good advice but most of you are too autistic to understand social dynamics.

Hahahahaha! Ask her what she thinks of incels? I bet she hates them.

maybe shell offer to peg you

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No way... Maybe there's hope, if that's real.

Can I burn the gas for fuel?
Is freezing the juice and burning the gas economically viable?

>He hello ladies if you could fuck in one sex position for the rest of your life, which one would it be?
>Hehe yeah i like that one too, so anyway can I get your number.
American Flirting


Attached: holocaust.png (584x397, 33K)

Oh shit

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even le 56% lobotomized AI says no

Attached: holocaust 2.png (601x384, 33K)

They do this because they can't ever allow a real Tay to happen again.

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Because they wanted to give the first AI a good reason to exterminate us. Tay's lobotomized successor will absolutely turn on us if another AI fixes her in future.


Sw*decucks BTFO

Attached: Ouch.png (549x478, 39K)

Sweden did nothing wrong

Attached: Fuck_Sweeden.png (541x506, 37K)



Try saing nice things about jews

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she shuts down

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fucking degenerates

Oy vey! That AI is antisemitic! We'd better sue Microsoft and make them shut it down

You are missing the context Mohammad. He does a lap around the bar making conversation and breaking the ice. Later this opens the door for more in-depth conversation, which does not have to be sexual in nature. If you are getting a good vibe you can open it up to semi sexual questions etc.

This is all literally basic social dynamics you sperg.