What do you think about this pol/? Any Washington anons here to add more to the topic? Students take over university and implement a “No whites day”.
What do you think about this pol/? Any Washington anons here to add more to the topic? Students take over university and implement a “No whites day”.
Evergreen is a school literally designed for these faggots. No self respecting white person even goes to that school.
This was last year you baboon
And yeah me and some snobs went down and fucked with some of them.doing nazi salutes and yelling to gas the kikes
I heard they're doing it again this year
I'd like to swim between their milkers desu.
Pics like these cures the gay in me. Thanks user.
what nation are they from?
Yeah... Evergreen State College. Remember the stupid bitch who laid down in front of the Israeli bulldozer where the driver couldn't see her and got crushed? She was on of their brain trust.
It's been going on for some time. Some Jewish professor got all bent out of shape because he showed up on "No white day".
They threaten people with baseball bats.
The State Government doesn't care because it's discrimination against white people. They actually teach violence against white people. You can't make this stuff up.
My little bro went to Evergreen around 2009 or so. I went a couple times to visit etc. The campus is basically in dense forest right on the Puget Sound; it's stunningly beautiful. However, the majority of the campus buildings are very reminiscent of commie architecture. Lots of concrete construction and hard angles.
There was tons of drug use - by night it seemed as if many dorm rooms just turned into party-houses and people would just mill about going from one place to the next drinking and doing various drugs. One night there I ended up banging some girl who was white but had some obsession with native american aesthetic. I'm sure that she'd be shunned nowadays though.
Hope that entire facility crashes and burns. Such a waste of a beautiful piece of our state, not to mention the marxist trash it pumps into the brains of our youth.
Sandnigger here
Can I identify as white and skip a work day?
Places like this are literally why college degrees have lost nearly all of their value.
Not even their politics, it's the complete lack of standards, rigor, expectations, ability to FAIL.
I worked my ass off for a STEM degree at the (much better) UW, and these chucklefucks can claim the same with none of the difficulty or competition.
In case you missed it they're trying to makes us the bad guys. If a group shows up and makes even one mistake they'll be allover the news. This could hurt elections and OP is clearly working for the enemy.
And I wouldn't like to swim between their sweaters desu.
Look at the date of the video you stupid fuck
M8, you can just jump on any 24/7 livestream of jap streets and see that nobody looks this ugly or dark there. These are probably Okinawan savages. They look like subhuman rice peasants from chyna.
nr.4 is a dude
SJWs go there and then after 4 years of no white days and getting to see what niggers are really like they come out full 1488 redpilled.
the one on the left looks like a dopey elf with nice tits, would still smash
back row center is best
That's my win because I want the one on the front row center to remain pure for me.
see's crotch, japs
sweet boogity woogity
I'm gona need a source of that image OP
I have delivered cars to that school from new york to rich faggots. Campus shooting anyone?
Am i the only person here who finds asians repulsive?
Where the fuck are they finding these Jap bitches with humongous perfect tits all of a sudden? Where were they hiding them?
No, I also like sucking dicks
based redpilled black man
they just dont looks like humans to me
They're repulsive to me aswell irl but through some photoshop magic combined with the hottest of their kind... well i'm sure you know what my dick thinks.
japanese are the only good looking ones, koreans do try hard though.
I'd think of it like having an advanced realdoll.
>good bodies
>artificial cuteness
>rudimentary personality
>limited color options
Actually tho?
I have a friend who goes there. He cut contact a couple years ago cuz I wasn't progressive enough but I'm gonna see him this summer. It'll be interesting to see what Evergreen State's changed him.
Out fucking kike
>file deleted
kys OP
can we all just come to the conclusion that the black and brown population is becoming a problem? serious question.
>I saved it just in time
haha, faggot.
No tits, only crappy Live Action for you
this is old news
they have already ditched it because they are losing money and students left and right