Liberals are prolonging the suffering of autists to justify their existence and inflate their egos

i am autistic and went to a therapy school ran by the worst sjws imaginable. they are using and indoctrinating us to be their pets like niggers. ive heard everything from "vote for bernie cuz ebil trump is gonna take away the special needs gibs" to full blown communist rhetoric like "you should be super tolerant because people bullied you for your autism". like i want to be compared to faggots and niggers. they get offended when someone wants to cure it because then they wouldnt be able to take advantage of us. my autism has caused me tremendous pain and the only thing that keeps me going is the knowledge that one day jesus will take this curse from me. these kikes are trying to manipulate me with the pain they themselves caused with their vaccines. commies and kikes will swing from the trees

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Eat it a brick shit a log take a sip then go for a dip.


is bulgaria still a christian nation or is it a godless sjw infested hellhole like western europe?

Use your autism powers to find a cure for your autism.

A chaotic state of both but the SJWs haven't rallied openly... yet

get with some high functioning autists and figure out how to get out from under their thumb

I want an autistic liberation movement. We are freaks of nature and should embrace it. We need our own autistic culture.

youre in it

How the fuck can an autistic person think he's better than a faggot? We have sex and live lives filled with emotion. Autistic people are ugly morons who live in their disgusting bedrooms playing video games and pretending they know up from down on the internet. You should learn your place, sure it's above niggers, but hahahaha even a fucking bottom is more contributive to society than your parasitic ass.

You should be a lefty. In a right-wing world, you'd be on the streets buddy. Who would give you the money? The church? That's gone.

Talking about mass murder, hahahahhahah you people are literally who would be put in concentration camps out of public safety purposes because you shoot up schools and have no empathy. Again, and you mock faggots, hahaha

I love it, autism is the fucking worst. you're going to live miserable and alone your entire life, and then die alone. What will you do when your parents die? You want a right-wing world? hahahhahahahah

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Sorry, something about autistic confidence makes me really laugh. I guess it's because we live in 2018, and countries can fall because men lack confidence, but then autists have this phony rage ego where they have no inhibitions, and this gives them the belief their views are sane.

I was joking about the camps thing, of course. It's a medical condition. But in a right wing world, that's exactly what you'd expect. People would expose autistic babies. People did do that until we progressed to this

now was it worth it?

tell them to stop enforcing kike beliefs in a school and tell them your christian and how insulting it is.
fuck them.

t. also an autism that lived through gen1 autism..

they're all kikes. trust me.
and once your 18, you're cured of autism.
fuck them all.

don't take their drugs either.
self dose with shroom,nicotine if needed.

all the normies do is shit on autists, they never get called out for it..

i loved being high functioning autist and getting in normie face when the normies would strike the lower tier autists...
sink my poopy thumbnails into their eyes....

see, autism is fucking insane. poopy thumbnails?

you are literally the worst people on earth, maybe niggers are better

At least he wouldnt be wasting away from aids and needing to wear diapers for his prolapsed asshole

>implying I perform sodomy
>implying I fuck niggers or drug users
I'm 23, it's not 1989

This is why I'm not liberal. All this tolerance bullshit applies to everyone but us but we're expected to tolerate you. We live in 1950s tolerance world but we're expected to give 2010s tolerance back. How about no? I'm for autistic identity politics.

happy now faggot?

so you dont uacmve sex then

Disgusting faggot.

Get far away from Jow Forums. Keep your faith in Jesus Christ, he will pull you through this nightmare. The end is soon.

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Look at this liberal tolerance. This should convince me to go left.
I want to continue the economy we have now but make it easier to get disability benefits so normies are forced to pay for us but we don't have to pay high European style taxes towards normalfags like you who hate us if we succeed in tech. I've seen you liberal normalfags on subreddits like lost Generation bitching about how people with low social skills are getting good jobs in tech over them.

I love it. Autists lack empathy, it's like psychopathy. I dunno why it's encouraged like some great thing. Yeah, gee my kid's a sociopath, let me buy a bumper sticker

mass murderers

You have no empathy for us literal normalfag yet you expect empathy from us and for us to cry over you. Get fucked.


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Every criticism you throw at "autist" could just be thrown back at you.
You are doing all the shit you accuse them of.

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I'm just making fun of you guys, it's Jow Forums. I'm sure many of you are fine and know how to handle your illness. Most of the autists I've met were harmless, but emotionally abusive. In general, it's tragic and I pity you, but to mock a faggot is to bring my scorn. Deal with it. OP wants to see me hanging from a gallow and I should sympathize with him? When his friends are prone to shooting up folks who ignore them?

nice one

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Autists (at least the Asperger type of austists you'll meet on Jow Forums) generally have a fairly high iq, which is something one can't say of faggots and of course we don't feel compelled to be complete degenerates like you 'people' do, so I'd say as far as mental illnesses go you have it far worse than us.

I only made the eugenics joke because the faggot OP said something about mass murdering jews and blacks and gays or whatever, and that made me laugh. I'm not even right wing, I am progressive, but that includes funding about maybe 5 research university centers on autism minimum to figure it the fuck out. In essence, I'd be showering autism with money, but only to fix it, not to indulge it.

the jews don't care to cure you because you shop a lot

Ignore? You mean large groups of people brutally and relentlessly bullying and abusing you for years with no way to ever fix your pariah status.

Degenerate? What? Loving someone? Yeah, oh god it's the worst haha. Gays are statistically of a higher IQ, too... but the surveys are skewed since gays are more cosmopolitan. As for aspies, their IQ is just that, impressive, but not paired with full mental faculties, so it's more akin to a sort of savantism. Normal people have a more complex system of intelligence than autistic intelligence, which is structured more toward tasks, which is bugman tier. If you folks are the evolution of man (as some mainstream articles like to meme), well I'm here to campaign against that

Autism is a fake disorder you try to push on people to victimize them. Just like ADHD.
I think we need to fund maybe about 5 research university centers on faggots to figure it the fuck out. I'd be showering faggotry with money, but only to fix it, not to indulge it.

Gays get bullied, too...

Huh? I don't fuck women because they're stupid and annoying. Gays are just lying to you. Of course I want a family and stuff, but it's not worth it when women have all these rights. Husbands get fucked in court, and in life. No gay wants that. That's why we're gay, mainly.

Autists are literal slave people. Gays make great works and have led countries and battles. Autists have spedrun on youtube and been general narcissistic sociopaths. Hey, you do have something in common with a lot of gays! hahaha

We don't lack empathy you faggot, we just aren't swayed by blind emotion. I feel empathy for people who deserve it.
>be faggot
>come into peaceful thread to start shitting on people for no reason
>accuse us of lacking empathy

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read the OP you autistic retard, how is this thread peaceful? It calls for folks to swing from trees hahah

Are you trying to make yourself look even more foolish? fuck

>having a problem with kikes and niggers swinging from trees
wew you really are a faggot

Err, no I'm just sane. I don't like them, but I just want them to leave me alone. I'd never kill anyone, are you stupid? hahahha

fucking judging me when you're a psychopath, trying to claim autists are anything but that. You prove me right, thank you user! hahaha

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not nearly enough anymore

Faggots are the lowest form of life.

Even lower than trannies.

but they deserve it. being gay is a choice

>Degenerate? What? Loving someone?
Yes, that's what all those gay pride parades are about. Loving someone.
>If you folks are the evolution of man (as some mainstream articles like to meme)
If anything hyper socialized modern society selects against us much more than traditional society did.
There is literally nothing wrong with communists swinging from trees.

>too much of a pussy to support the death of those who deserve it
I bet you are also against the death penalty. Instead of wasting our tax dollars keeping them in daycare, ANYBODY with a life sentence should just be killed instead.

moar faggot

You admit you're choosing to be gay. I'm not choosing to be Autistic. Plus it's not the 80s anymore. Hating autists is socially acceptable. Hating gays is unacceptable to the public. Normies hate hiring us so much we have an 85 percent unemployment rate.

im a welder. im happily employed

trannies cut off their dick, genius

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Most trannies keep their penis.

you have a problem with sick, evil communists swinging from trees? you really are gay

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Well I don't go to pride parades, and the major ones are organized by the CIA. They should be banned. We live in a decadent era, yeah, but gays can also just have farms and raise sheep yknow

>Hating autists is socially acceptable
this, you are expected to bend over backwards for every other sort of deficient or mentally ill person but if people know you are autistic they treat you like some sort of gangrenous monster.

hahaah they still hate themselves and are disgusting monsters who become medical slaves who pay fealty to jewish corporations for drugs and surgeries and makeup and hahaha I know you're an autistic tranny and they're the worst kind. Fucking delusional perfect jew slave.

That's because you're retarded. You can't even look a man in the eyes, and you expect to be taken seriously? That makes people want to spit on you.

I feel you, my brethren.

Sometimes, you wish that Germany was still German.

Our emotionless is what makes us superior to you petty beings.

I know it's a medical thing, but I'm just pointing out the inability for autists to function in human society. Blind deaf and mute people are equally ostracized, join the club

Btw autism schools were different pre 2008. They were warehouses where nobody learned a thing and the kids were mostly unsupervised rocking back and forth. Back then you had the choice of severe bullying and abuse or not learning anything and becoming an intellectual vegetable.

Why haven't you been expelled from school yet like a white man? If they're still allowing you to attend, you're clearly faking your autism.

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Yeah, whatever. My emotions are a rush, a blast. Life isn't gray.

Behold, the puny superficial emotions of the neurotypical! What does he have to his name? He lives like an Animal! He hunts, he mates, and that is all that is to his life, yet he involves himself in what involves him not! Watch how he states one claim only to refute it! Behold, the neurotypical!

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How do you know they are real? Why have you tried to destroy yourselves? Why do you recoil back to child-like stubborn-ness anytime you are proven wrong? Why do you act so regressively?

This is why I never rebelled against the you are special movement or the the be yourself sentiment. Because I was told not to be myself and that my differences were bad to the world. I lived in a hyper conformist world that picked me apart while normies lived in the be yourself world.

Why don't you think before you press "Submit" you dumb faggot I am so sick of you making one sentence posts and then tacking on an additional addendum. What the fuck are you doing? You seriously cannot take the time to organize your thoughts into a single post?

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If we are sociopaths, we are actually superior to you in like every way thinkable. Imagine it, we've been terrorizing you and menacing you for the entirety of existence but all you can do is post shit you can't back up.

I funpost. I gauge who I can feel justified in insulting and I go at them. OP called for mass murder, so autists were in my crosshairs this thread. You'll find me in the next thread, and the one after, etc. Not specifically autism-related ones, you guys can make a sympathetic thread and maybe I'd pity you.

Otherwise, nope, even sadness is great. Emotions are fine, you can't insult that. You guys have emotions, don't you? You just don't express them, or turn them on correctly spontaneously, or whatever it is

You're on Jow Forums, not reddit. Hostility to autism is like a culture here, alongside ponyfucking porn-watching autism culture

just b urself bro, as long as "yourself" is a happy cog in the machine and a "productive member of society"

there is a huge overlap between autism and trannies/fags

Huh? My life is fine, I have sex and go out and my only problems are stupid. Autism doesn't cross my mind unless one is insulting me, in which case, I'll insult you back


Trannies, really. They all seem to end up on that route.

But just because autists have psychopath sexuality doesn't mean gay people have anything to do with autism.

>be emotional faggot
>feel the need to go on a crusade throughout an entire thread and promise to be in countless further threads to show how totally not butthurt you are

Haha, it was fun posting, too. What we do here is that we act so retarded (take things seriously) in our arguments to practice. We all know it's an echo chamber here, but we argue to practice our debates. It's something that's essential to this board.


this. they are like dull pack animals. they only care about what dumb new vidya everyone is playing or the latest shit pop song. nothing other than peer pressure and sex drives the neurotypical

You idiots gave me the (you)s hahaha I don't want to talk to autistic people but I actually am laughing enough to make it a good waste of time.

Butthurt? By autistic people? How can you insult me? hahah

this is a funpost, take note

kys faggot. queers must die

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Remember autism therapy or what faculty or therapists said to you? I wanted to know if our experiences were similar.

heres. my advice. dont give a fuck about others opinions of you. if they dont like you yoh shoudnt like them. learn to delite in solitude. im much happier now than ever since i figured that out

I don't because thank Christ, I didn't learn I had autism until I was 19. I always felt like I didn't fit in and something might be wrong with me, but luckily my parents never had me tested and I did okay enough for myself. I think I would have been far worse off if I had some label stuck to me as a kid and had therapy or some other kike bullshit.

Expect justice from autists for the UNICRU normie faggots

Sometimes you wonder if they are even human.

no, they are, we are just on a higher intellectual plane. i figured out long ago that when normies exclude me from the conversation im not missing much. we are the few who can think for themselves rather than for the group

>Huh? I don't fuck women because they're stupid and annoying. Gays are just lying to you. Of course I want a family and stuff, but it's not worth it when women have all these rights. Husbands get fucked in court, and in life. No gay wants that. That's why we're gay, mainly.

If you have stiff posture it was wrong and had to be corrected. If you slouched you were sitting wrong and had to be corrected. If you spoke differently in tone or volume it had to be corrected. Fidgeting was wrong. Any stimming was wrong. You replayed conversations with the therapist who made you say the exact things normies said with their exact body language and exact facial expressions. It was like learning and bunch of scripts. You'd repeat the scripts over and over. Teachers would harp on you about your body language or eye contact or voice. You could even walk wrong. If your body was too stiff or robotic that had to change. Conformity was forced into you.

idt I'm autistic but I can certainly think for myself

also they have an unbreakable bias towards how the world should be. this applies to everything and they think others should have the exact same views or interests they do. deviation from the group concensus terrifies them.
>"hurr durr its like totally great that ar 15s are banned bruh"
>"yeah totes ya ya ya"
>"uh why is this great the second amendment is being violated"
>"dude wtf is wrong with you get outta here retard"

that sounds like it would work

My so called peers don't even feel like peers to me as a whole. They feel like outsiders. I lived a different life than they did despite being born in the same time.

That's how it was before autism acceptance.

yeah but did it work?

My last post was meant for you. Read and tell me what you think.

masochistic gay detected.

self-actualize buddy

sodomites must die

>autistic people don't shop

You have no clue what people think of you guys, do you? You must know.. The memes are everywhere...

I couldn't be gay if I wanted to faggot

why? because you envy us?

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then you're socialized like a good jew slave.

Half way. Some say I'm weird or strange and want to be bully me. Others think I'm polite and charismatic.

They think Einstein and Issac Newton had Asperger's which is a mild form of autism

>be gay
>race goes extinct

we dont shop for things merely out of peer pressure to do so. what memes? autistic screeching came from us

Normies give none of their liberal tolerance to us but expect us to be their lapdogs because they are liberal. Why do normies on lost generation get so pissed when an autistic guy with low social skills gets a good paying tech job and say he doesn't deserve it but claim to be so tolerant?

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